Title: Sedimentary Basins (Part One)
1Sedimentary Basins(Part One)
2What are Sedimentary Basins?
Holes in the ground where sediment
accumulates Global distribution Sub-aerial and
3Why are Basins Interesting?
Hydrocarbons Oil, Gas, Coal Ores Minerals
4Some estimates
Liquid hydrocarbon production will peak in 10
years at 30 Billion Barrels per annum, declining
to 5 Billion Barrels per annum by the end of
the 21st Century
5Keeping up Supply Polar Exploration?
6Keeping up Supply Deep Water Exploration?
7Keeping up Supply Importance of Technology
1988 and 1995 3D seismic surveys
BP Forties Field Monthly Average Oil Production
1973 Year 2003
Technologies Seismic Reflection Imaging Deep
Water drilling/production Finding Direct
hydrocarbon Indicators Extracting Mopping up the
8Peak Oil Supply Peaks Declines Smoothly?
Technology buffers decline?
9Why does Sediment Accumulate Here?
10Basins form through Tectonic Subsidence
Accommodation Space Sea-Level Change Tectonic
Uplift / Subsidence
11Worlds Thickest Sediment Accumulations
Thickest sediment accumulations are 15 to 20
km Tend to form in enclosed basins supplied by
major rivers
12Sedimentary basins around Ireland
13Probing Sedimentary Basins
- Surface sampling and mapping
- Topography and bathymetry
- Boreholes (lt5 km)
- Seismic experiments (2D, 3D, 4D)
- Earthquake analysis
Undeformed basins are subsurface
14Very little of a typical underformed basin is
accessible by surface sampling / mapping
15Seismic Reflection Imaging
Ninian Fault Block, North Sea vertical
exageration x3 to x4
16 Seismic Reflection Imaging Technology
17Borehole Records 1. Thicknesses 2. Ages 3.
Sediment Composition Reconstruct sediment
acccumulation history Hence reconstruct tectonic
subsidence history
18Stratigraphic Growth
19(No Transcript)
20Sediment Loading Correction
21Tectonic Subsidence Curves
22Basin Classification Process
Basin Analysis, Allen Allen, Chapter 1
23Basin Classification This Course
- Extensional basins (60-70)
- Flexural or foreland basins (10-20)
- Basins associated with subduction zones
- Other basin types