Natural Health Options in Disability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Natural Health Options in Disability


Natural Health Options in Disability Dr WAYNE GARD CHIROPRACTOR ACUPUNCTURIST NATUROPATH 1 Secant St Liverpool (Near Westfields) 96009593 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Natural Health Options in Disability

Natural Health Options in Disability
  • 1 Secant St Liverpool (Near Westfields)
  • 96009593

Who Am I and Why Should You Listen To Me?
  • Wayne Gard is a qualified Chiropractor,
    Naturopath, and Acupuncturist
  • He has been serving Liverpool residents for 23
  • Served as a Sports Chiropractor at the 2009 World
    Masters Games.
  • Examiner and Tutor at Macquarie University
  • He is a keen amateur athlete, enjoys swimming,
    running and bike riding.

1. Health is a Sliding Scale
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Fitness
  • Positive Mental Attitude
  • Posture
  • Immunity
  • Digestion
  • Sleep
  • Pain Free
  • Good Skin and Hair
  • Fertility
  • Energetic
  • Ease of breathing
  • All tests normal
  • Loss of Strength
  • Loss of Flexibility
  • Loss of Fitness
  • Negative Mental Attitude
  • Poor Posture
  • Lowered Immunity
  • Decreased Digestion
  • Sleep Problems
  • Frequent pain
  • Skin hair problems
  • Fertility problems
  • Fatigue
  • Poor breathing
  • Chiropractic/Naturopathic tests positive
  • Medical tests normal
  • Arthritis
  • Bulging Spinal Discs
  • Pinched Nerves
  • Depression Anxiety
  • Cancer, Colds Flus
  • Reflux. Ulcers, constipation
  • Insomnia
  • Pain
  • Heart Disease
  • Eczema, Psoriasis
  • Infertility
  • Asthma
  • Chiropractic/Naturopathic/ Medical tests all

What is required to live a healthy life?
  • 3 THINGS
  • 1. A healthy nervous system your nervous system
    controls every part of how your body works.
  • If you are out of alignment your nervous
    system does not work properly and so your health
    gradually worsens
  • 2. Oxygen it is crucial to breath correctly.
  • This ensures enough oxygen is absorbed.
  • To breath properly we need 2 things
  • Correct body alignment so that your rib cage is
    able to expand far enough
  • Regular exercise to train our lungs to
    breath deeply
  • 3. Correct Nutrition Food and Supplements
  • Food Diet Carbohydrates 60 (fruit and
    veges), Protein 30 (meat, beans, nuts and
    seeds), Fat 10 (healthy fats), and Water (2
    litres a day)
  • Supplements Nutrients that are too low in our

  • What is Natural Healing?
  • Concepts!
  • Your body is self-healing and self-regulating.
  • Self-Healing Your body will try to heal itself
    from trauma and injury.
  • Self-Regulating Things like temperature, blood
    pressure, sweating and breathing are all
    regulated automatically.
  • Given the right natural treatments and lifestyle
    modifications your body will be able to enjoy
    optimal health.

Chiropractic CareManagement of Spine Related
Your Spine Controls Your Body
  • Did you know that your Brain and Spine control
    every other part of the body?
  • Nerve signals Brain gt Spine gt Organs gt Spine gt
  • Its a never ending, constant process
  • SO if your spine is misaligned then your body
    cant work properly!
  • This includes controlling your Pain, Strength,
  • Co-ordination, Flexibility, and Energy
  • Your Spine is easily misaligned from birth
    trauma, falls, injuries, bumps, poor posture,
    incorrect sporting technique, car accidents etc.
  • 60 of spinal disorders are genetic inherited
    from your family!
  • Most spinal problems do not cause pain - waiting
    for pain is waiting too long!!!
  • We only feel 10 of our misalignments.

The Brain
Brain Based Chiropractic
  • Chiropractic neurology combines the best of
    neurological science and traditional
    chiropractic. It is well accepted that
    chiropractic adjustments of the spine affect the
    function of the nervous system.
  • Since the 1990s, research continues to explain
    the complexity of the nervous system and the
    effects of manipulation and other non-drug
    related therapies.
  • Throughout life the brain is constantly changing
    (Plasticity) as a consequence of our experiences,
    physical activity, and environment.
  • Most people develop one part of the brain more so
    than another.
  • This is why some people are more artistic (right
    brain) than analytical (left brain) and visa
  • When the processing of neurological signals
    decreases to a critical level, brain asymmetry
    develops decreasing human potential leading to
    dysfunction and disease.
  • Sometimes this faulty processing can cause
    internal dysfunction that you were not aware was
    a neurological problem associated with the brain
    and nervous system.
  • Chiropractic neurology is brain-based

  • Brain AnatomyThe brain can be simply
    divided up into the brain stem, the cerebellum,
    the limbic system, and the cerebrum.Brain
    StemThe brain stem is continuous with the top of
    the spinal cord. It contains the vital centres
    controlling reflexes for breathing, along those
    for cardiovascular, visceral and organ
    tone.These centres are described as vital
    because they control functions essential for
    life. Each and every chiropractic treatment of
    the spine fires off centres within the brain
    stem. This affects both visceral and organ
    function and background muscle tone, -improving
    response.CerebellumThe cerebellum is that part
    of the brain at the back of the brain stem and
    tucked under the cerebrum at the back. It was
    originally thought to simply control only
    co-ordination of movement. Recently however, it
    has been found to be responsible for one's
    ability to reflexly think and problem solve as
    well as one's ability to be emotionally
    stable.The cerebellum processes the information
    from the spine regarding its mechanics, function,
    alignment and ability to move. This is hugely
    important for chiropractic because input from
    chiropractic adjustments go through the
    cerebellum and so everything affected by the
    cerebellum is affected, in turn, by the spinal

  • Limbic SystemThe limbic system is the
    portion of the nervous system responsible for a
    state of well being and emotion. In mediating
    well being and emotion, the limbic system effects
    autonomic, hormonal and behavioural
    functions.The limbic system includes the
    amygdala, the hypothalamus, and the dorsal roots
    of the spinal cord at each vertebral level (our
    spine is involved in our emotions!). In this
    regard a direct connection at every level of the
    spine to the limbic system has been established.
    Consequently, the ability of the limbic system to
    function and express itself without interference
    requires a correctly aligned spine.CerebrumThe
    cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. It is
    covered by a six-layer cortex, which is unique to
    humans and is what essentially makes us human.
    The cerebrum controls consciousness,
    intelligence, reasoning, memory, personality and
    awareness. Cerebral function depends upon the
    quality of the function and information from all
    other areas of the brain and spinal
    cord.Improved input leads to improved output.
    Chiropractic adjustments improve the function of
    the spinal neural system. The result is improved
    function of the brain stem, the cerebellum, the
    limbic system, the cerebrum and the cortex.

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Brain Treatment Key Concepts
  • The Brain is Plastic able to change, modify and
    indeed grow/shrink
  • The Brain is essentially a sensory organ that
    relies upon sensory input to grow, or indeed to
    survive eg sight, touch, smell, hearing, taste,
    movement, and spinal alignment
  • The sensory organs are controlled by Cranial
    Nerves, which come from the upper neck.
  • Blood supply to the brain is controlled by spinal
  • If Spinal Alignment is poor then the brain will
    not function as it should
  • Eg recent studies have shown that a degenerated
    spine results in a 10 reduction in brain size!

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  • Is the use of Natural Nutritional and Herbal
  • As part of the overall Nutrition of the Body
  • Nutrition is 3 primary things
  • Choosing the right food or supplement
  • Eat fresh, eat quality, variety, cook minimally
  • Digesting the food or supplement
  • Small mouthfuls, chew slowly, eat smaller meals
    more regularly, food combining
  • Eliminating waste products of foods or
  • Through Bowel, Bladder, and Skin
  • Bowel and bladder function must be regular 1-2
    bowel movements per day
  • Poor elimination gt toxin accumulation gt
    multi-system health problems

Natural Medicine Care Health Problem Solving
For The Disabled
  • Obesity
  • increase nerve flow to digestive organs
    increases digestion of food
  • Altered neural pathways in brain associated with
    hunger reduce appetite, reduce desire for sugar
    and fat
  • Improved muscle tone and joint function
    increased ability and desire to exercise
  • Nutritional products to increase metabolism of
    sugar and fats
  • Over Reliance on Medications
  • Eg Anti-Seizure, Anti-Psychotic, Pain and
    Inflammation, Hormonal
  • medications can be essential to control various
    biochemical pathways in the body
  • But they have some problems
  • dose too strong eg drowsiness, fatigue,
    confusion, constipation gt lower quality of life -
    interaction with others
  • - unwanted side effects cause other health
    problems, dependence/addiction
  • - are not disease Modifying if drug is stopped
    the patients underlying condition is unaltered
    or even worsened (drug was masking disease
  • Natural therapies can be used to reduce pain and
    inflammation, improve mood and behaviour, relax
    CNS excitability, help regulate hormonal function
    neurologically and biochemically
  • Reduced Mobility
  • can be due to restricted joint/muscle movements,
    poor co-ordination and balance
  • Gait disorders weak muscles, contracted muscles
    more than physiotherapy
  • Natural therapies can improve range of motion,
    strength, and balance

  • Poor Diet
  • poor neurological development associated with
    increased desire for salt, fat, sugar
  • Linked to fatigue/lethargy/low energy gt craving
    stimulants caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drinks)
    gt short term hit long term addiction and health
  • Treatment aimed at increasing brain function gt
    choosing higher nutritional value foods
  • ie complex carbohydrates, high quality protein,
  • fish oil DHA? strong link to brain function
  • Behavioural Issues
  • Eg Aggression, Violence, Self Harm, Oppositional
    Defiance Disorder
  • treatment aimed at behavioural control areas of
    the brain
  • Next slide
  • Lack Of Exercise
  • Motivation just dont want to exercise. Can be
    brain based.
  • Consequences neurological deficits, circulation
    deficits (skin ulcers, pressure sores), reduced
    strength and balance, constipation, increased
    urinary tract infection, haemorrhoids etc
  • Learning Disorders
  • treatment aimed at improving learning areas of
    the brain
  • Next slide

  • Ageing Population
  • Chronic Diseases and Consequent Disabilities
  • - Arthritis goals - improve mobility, increase
    strength, better balance (reduced falls are a
    major source of injury)
  • - Cancer improve immunity NKC enhancement
  • - Heart Disease Hypertension neurological
    upper cervical vagus Nerve, Baroreceptors
    neck alignment, Elevated Cholesterol there are
    nutritional and dietary management strategies
  • - Diabetes mostly type 2 25 of ageing
  • Nutritional options, insulin resistance
  • - Dementia type 3 diabetes?
  • Obvious link to spine/brain connection
  • There are natural health care options for all of
    these chronic disease processes.
  • Mostly as Complimentary treatments as opposed
    to Alternative treatments
  • These treatments aim to Modify the disease
    process and the effects of the disease process
  • Concept Epigenetics science emerging that
    genes can be changed thru treatment.
  • E.g. Telomeres DNA short reduced health,
    longer improved disease resistance
  • Nutrional remedies shown to be able to increase
    Telomere length !!!

Patient Examples
  • Our clinic has helped many people with
    disabilities sometimes being able to reduce or
    stop medications, and prevent surgery. Mostly
    aimed at improving the quality of life.
  • Chiropractic Treatment is suitable for all ages
    and disabilities modern care is gentle and safe
  • Treatment is aimed at each individuals
    neurological need, not their condition (Sliding
    Health Concept)
  • However specific conditions often have similar
    neurological needs
  • Autism
  • Often have an oversensitivity to sensory input
    light, touch, smell etc
  • Treatment aimed at dampening down the brains
    reactions to stimuli
  • Patient stopped Ritalin
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Often have hypertonic muscle contraction and
    therefore stiff joints
  • Treatment aimed at relaxing agonists and toning
    antagonist muscles
  • Patient avoided surgery to lengthen leg length
  • Downs Syndrome
  • Often have hypermobile peripheral joints
  • Treatment aimed at spinal joint mobility
    especially upper cervicals, cranials
  • Weak neck muscles directly linked to
    flexor/extensor muscle motor output brain
  • Higher incidence of Alzheimer's heavy metal
    toxins from food, medications, environment?
  • Patient chronic bowel obstructions often
    related to pelvic alignment previous multiple
  • Profound Disability

Specific Conditions We Treat
  • Learning Disorders
  • Auditory Processing Delay - a disorder in the way
    auditory information is processed in the brain.
    It is not a sensory (inner ear) hearing
    impairment individuals with APD usually have
    normal peripheral hearing ability.  
  • Dyscalculia - a specific learning disability due
    to a defect in the brain's processing of graphic
    symbols. Dyscalculia is a learning disability
    that alters the way the brain processes numbers
    and mathematic skills. 
  • Dyslexia - a specific reading disability due to a
    defect in the brain's processing of graphic
    symbols. Dyslexia is a learning disability that
    alters the way the brain processes written
  • Behavioural Disorders
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) /
    Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) - refers to a
    pattern of ongoing, chronic behaviour disorders
    that have three core symptoms hyperactivity,
    impulsivity, and inattention 
  • Autism - characterized by deficits in social
    interaction and communication, and unusual and
    repetitive behaviour 

  • Aspergers Syndrome - similar to autism, however
    patients with Aspergers have average or above
    average intelligence, and develop normally in the
    areas of language and cognition 
  • Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) - a group of
    conditions that involve delays in the development
    of many basic skills, most notably the ability to
    socialize with others, to communicate and to use
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) -
    characterized by obsessive thoughts and
    compulsive actions, such as cleaning, checking,
    counting, touching or hoarding. OCD is a
    potentially disabling condition that can persist
    throughout a person's life 
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) - as many as
    one-third to one-half of all disabled people have
    oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). These people
    are often disobedient and have outbursts of
  • Tourette's Syndrome - a tic disorder
    characterized by the presence of chronic vocal
    and motor tics, and is somewhat more common in
    people with ADHD, OCD, or an autistic spectrum
    disorder than in the general population

Symptoms, Behaviours and Historical Markers of
Developmental Disorders
  • These are some of signs to look for if there is a
    concern about a behavioural or learning disorder
  • Poor attention or difficulty focusing
  • Difficulty understanding auditory instructions
  • Sitting still
  • Upright posture
  • Motor coordination (gross or fine) 
  • Processing information (decision making ability)
  • Left/right handedness
  • Things to look for when concerned about delays in
    any of the classic development milestones -
    Delayed crawling or walking, or skipping
  • Extremely fussy infants
  • Isolated play dont tend to show a lot of
    emotion or make eye contact
  • Dont seem to be bonding as well as other
    siblings may
  • Lack of non-verbal communication (social

  • Five common historical markers to look for
  • Difficult labour
  • Early ear infections
  • Colic
  • Delayed milestones in motor development of some
    sort (non-specific)
  • Delayed language

Non-Drug Treatments for Neurologic-Based
Behavioural Disorders
  • Studies have shown that these disorders are less
    behavioural and more neurologic in nature and are
    related to the structural development of the
    pre-frontal cortex of the brain main stimulus
    for increased growth are through the the motor
  • Our treatments target on increasing stimulation
    through the motor system to increase the
    development and function of the brain.

Chiropractic Neurology Treatments
  • Chiropractic Adjustments Activator, Table
    Assisted, Manual
  • Mobilisation
  • Upper Cervical Adjustments
  • Organ Adjusting
  • Cranial Adjustments Craniosacral Rhythm (Heart
    Beat, Respiration)
  • - the bones of the skull can become
    fixated/jammed and can be gently released
  • Exercise Prescription
  • Nutritional and Herbal Prescribing
  • Acupuncture

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  • Chiropractic Assessment
  • It is a great idea to have your spine checked by
    a chiropractor.
  • Chiropractors use
  • Posture
  • X-rays
  • Computer scanning,
  • Physical examination to find nerve pressure

Posture Check
Spinal X-Ray Analysis
Computerised Spinal Scans
  • At Gard Chiropractic we use the latest technology
    for the objective assessment of nerve function in
    the paraspinal tissues.
  • Computerized Paraspinal Surface EMG and
    Thermography Scanning enables a better analysis
    of spinal function and more accurate monitoring
    of the changes and progress occurring as a result
    of your chiropractic care.
  • These are completely non invasive examinations
    performed within our office.

The EMG scan measures the amount of electrical
activity generated from nerve stimulation of your
paraspinal muscles. It also assesses the symmetry
or balance of paraspinal postural muscle tone.
  • Thermography is used as an indicator of the
    balance of your Autonomic Nervous System, which
    controls and co-ordinates the glands, organs and
    blood vessels of the body. An essential component
    of good health.

  • Summary
  • Natural Therapy treatments are safe, gentle and
  • They can be used with significant benefit in the
    disabled patient
  • Current usage is very low which is a shame
  • Chiropractic care is part of the Allied Health
    Care Professions
  • Covered by (and regulated by)the same government
    assistance as say physiotherapy Medicare EPC,
    WorkCover, Motor Accident Authority, Veteran
    Affairs, and private health funds.
  • Dr Wayne Gard is currently caring for many
    patients with a wide range of disabilities

Whats the Next Step
  • Goal is to create awareness of Chiropractic and
    Natural Therapies in the management of disabled
  • Goal is to encourage disabled persons (their
    decision makers) to attend our centre for an
  • Dr Wayne Gard can be contacted by phone or email
    to discuss any specific cases.
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