Title: Statistical Analyses of High Density Oligonucleotide Arrays
1Statistical Analyses of High Density
Oligonucleotide Arrays
- Rafael A. Irizarry
- Department of Biostatistics, JHU
- (joint work with Bridget Hobbs and Terry Speed,
Walter Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
and Francois Collin,Gene Logic) - http//biosun01.biostat.jhsph.edu/ririzarr
- Review of technology
- Data exploration
- Probe level summaries (expression measures)
- Normalization
- Evaluate and compare through bias, variance and
model fit to 4 expression measures - Use Gene Logic spike-in and dilution study
- Conclusion/future work
3Probe Arrays
Hybridized Probe Cell
GeneChip Probe Array
Single stranded, labeled RNA target
Oligonucleotide probe
Millions of copies of a specific oligonucleotide
gt200,000 different complementary probes
Image of Hybridized Probe Array
Compliments of D. Gerhold
5Data and Notation
- PMijn , MMijn Intensity for perfect/mis-match
- probe cell j, in chip i, in gene n
- i 1,, I (ranging from 1 to hundreds)
- j1,, J (usually 16 or 20)
- n 1,, N (between 8,000 and 12,000)
6The Big Picture
- Summarize 20 PM,MM pairs (probe level data) into
one number for each gene - We call this number an expression measure
- Affymetrix GeneChips Software uses AvDiff as
expression measure - Does it work? Can it be improved?
7What is the evidence?
- Lockhart et. al. Nature
Biotechnology 14 (1996)
8Competing Measures of Expression
- GeneChip software uses Avg.diff
- with A a set of suitable pairs chosen by
software. - Log ratio version is also used.
- For differential expression Avg.diffs are
compared between chips.
9Competing Measures of Expression
- GeneChip new version uses something else
- with MM a version of MM that is never bigger
than PM.
10Competing Measures of Expression
- Li and Wong fit a model
- Consider expression in chip i
- Efron et. al. consider log PM 0.5 log MM
- Another is second largest PM
11Competing Measures of Expression
- Why not stick to what has worked for cDNA?
- with A a set of suitable pairs.
12Features of Probe Level Data
13SD vs. Avg of Defective Probes
14ANOVA Strong probe effect5 times bigger than
gene effect
15Histograms of log2(PM/MM) stratifies by
log2(PMxMM)/2 for mouse chip for defective and
normal probe
16Normalization at Probe Level
17Spike-In Experiments
- Set A 11 control cRNAs were spiked in, all at
the same concentration, which varied across
chips. - Set B 11 control cRNAs were spiked in, all at
different concentrations, which varied across
chips. The concentrations were arranged in 12x12
cyclic Latin square (with 3 replicates)
18Set A Probe Level Data (12 chips)
19What Did We Learn?
- Dont subtract or divide by MM
- Probe effect is additive on log scale
- Take logs
20Why Remove Background?
21Background Distribution
22Average Log2(PM-BG)
- Normalize probe level data
- Compute BG background mean by estimating the
mode of the MM distribution - Subtract BG from each PM
- If PM-BG lt 0 use minimum of positives divided by
2 - Take average
23Expression after Normalization
24Expression Level Comparison
25Spike-In B
Later we consider 23 different combinations of
26Differential Expression
27Differential Expression
28Differential Expression
29Differential Expression
30Observed Ranks
31Observed vs True Ratio
32Dilution Experiment
- cRNA hybridized to human chip (HGU95) in range of
proportions and dilutions - Dilution series begins at 1.25 ?g cRNA per
GeneChip array, and rises through 2.5, 5.0, 7.5,
10.0, to 20.0 ?g per array. 5 replicate chips
were used at each dilution - Normalize just within each set of 5 replicates
- For each probe set compute expression, average
and SD over replicates, and fit a line to - log expression vs. log concentration
- Regression line should have slope 1 and high R2
33Dilution Experiment Data
34Expression and SD
35Slope Estimates and R2
36Model check
- Compute observed SD of 5 replicate expression
estimates - Compute RMS of 5 nominal SDs
- Compare by taking the log ratio
- Closeness of observed and nominal SD taken as a
measure of goodness of fit of the model
37Observed vs. Model SE
38Observed vs. Model SE
- Take logs
- PMs need to be normalized
- Using global background improves on use of
probe-specific MM - Gene Logic spike-in and dilution study show all
four expression measures performed very well - AvLog(PM-BG) is arguably the best in terms of
bias, variance and model fit - Future better BG robust/resistant summaries
- Gene Browns group at Wyeth/Genetics Institute,
and Uwe Scherfs Genomics Research Development
Group at Gene Logic, for generating the spike-in
and dilution data - Gene Logic for permission to use these data
- Ben Bolstad (UC Berkeley)
- Magnus Åstrand (Astra Zeneca Mölndal)
- Skip Garcia, Tom Cappola, and Joshua Hare (JHU)