Title: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance
Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Tracking
Cost Program Designed for the Green and
Construction Industries For Companies of Any Size
2Vehicles, equipment and their up-keep are some of
the largest investment and cost for your company.
This software program will let you know exactly
what your vehicles and equipment cost to operate.
From small to large companies, this
simple-to-operate program will help you keep
track of your maintenance costs and is a service
schedule reminder as well.
3EquipTrack Features
- Inventory of company equipment
- Equipment specifications
- Preventative maintenance schedule
- Generates shop repair orders
- Tracks fuel/oil expenses
- Tracks equipment leases and rentals
- Assigns equipment to crews
- Generates maintenance log
- Calculates maintenance analysis
- Generates paper forms for shop and crews
4EquipTrack - MAIN MENU
Set up the equipment you need to maintain.
Collect data for maintenance and fuel.
Calculate the costs of maintaining the equipment.
Decide when to replace equipment.
5Administrative Functions
Generate the basic information for all your
vehicles and equipment.
6Administrative Functions
Company information identifies the owner of the
data collected.
7Administrative Functions
Define the types of equipment that your company
owns and needs to track their maintenance.
Default types are generated for you and you can
add any other type you need.
8Administrative Functions
Detail information for each Asset (equipment) is
9Administrative Functions
Define the checkpoints you want to track for
each type of asset.
10Administrative Functions
Define the exact maintenance schedule for each
11Administrative Functions
Numbers for the service requests and shop tickets
can be set independently.
12Administrative Functions
The suppliers of parts and consumables can be
maintained for quick access and contact.
13Administrative Functions
Common parts and consumables that you keep
on-hand can be organized by equipment .
You can track where you purchase the part and
where you store it in your facility for easy
14Administrative Functions
Parts and consumables are tracked to produce
quantity and cost of inventory at any time.
15Administrative Functions
If you employ mechanics (or anyone who maintains
your equipment), you can associate an hourly
charge for their time.
16Administrative Functions
Crews can be tracked by assigning an identifier
and the personnel that make up the crew.
17Maintenance Data Collection
Display the maintenance checklist for each piece
of equipment.
Select any or all checklist items to be done.
You can also attach notes for each item in the
18Maintenance Data Collection
Collects data on scheduled maintenance,
repairs,fueling,and repair work done on your
vehicles and equipment.
Select Equipment and enter repairs required.
EquipTrack will automatically calculate scheduled
maintenance required.
19Maintenance Data Collection
Fuel and oil consumption rate is calculated on a
cost/hour basis.
Record fuel and oil refilling for each piece of
Described next.
20Maintenance Data Collection
An analysis is performed on the fuel and oil use
to produce a number of measures of performance.
21Maintenance Data Collection
Shop Ticket will be generated for each service
request .
Select equipment to display service requests.
Select parts and labor and record a shop ticket.
22Maintenance Analysis
EquipTrack will track equipment that the company
leases or rents.
23Maintenance Analysis
Equipment assignment allows you to assign a piece
of equipment to a crew that will be responsible
for its upkeep.
You can also assign major tools that are
maintained with a crew. Even company provided
personal tools can be assigned.
24Maintenance Analysis
All maintenance performed on a piece of equipment
can be called up giving the totals spent for
parts and labor.
Click on a shop ticket number and the details for
parts and labor are shown.
25Maintenance Analysis
The Asset Analysis is the final point where all
elements in the cost of a piece of equipment are
calculated to produce the total cost/Hr that
should be charge for a piece of equipment to
recover the costs.
26Fleet Management
Each type of equipment will be listed giving
details about when the asset should be replaced.
Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Tracking Cost
For more information or sales 843-886-3363
phone/fax E-mail vkasc1_at_comcast.net