Title: Hudson Valley Hospital Center Heart Failure Project
1Hudson Valley Hospital Center Heart Failure
- A collaborative approach to improving heart
failure care
2Hospital to Home (H2H)
- A national quality improvement initiative
- Sponsored by the American College of Cardiology
(ACC) and the Institute of Healthcare Improvement
(IHI) - Purpose to reduce cardiovascular-related
hospital readmissions improve transitional care
from hospital to home - Strategic partnerships are encouraged as a
vehicle for improving care and outcomes
3HVHC Heart Failure Task Force
- Purpose To improve the care delivered to heart
failure patients across the continuum
4Members of the HVHC HF Task Force
- Myrna Cuevas RN, Esq
- William Higgins MD
- Maggie Adler RN-C
- Jennifer Fell RD
- Ann Marie Beall DPh
- Visiting Nurse Association of Hudson Valley
5ACE Star Model
6ACE Star Model EBP Process
- PICO Question
- What interventions for heart failure patients
help decrease their rehospitalization and
mortality rates?
7Knowledge Discovery Evidence Summary
Literature Search Research Studies, Guidelines,
8Facts on Heart Failure
- 50 readmission rate within 6 months
- 25 to 35 incidence rate of death at 12 months
9Facts on Heart failure
- The mortality rate for women with breast cancer
is 1 in every 29 deaths, the mortality rate for
women with cardiovascular disease is 1 in every
2.4 deaths
10Trends in Hospitalization for Heart Failure by
Age Group 1979-2004(CDC, 2006)
11CMS Quality Measures Heart Failure (HF)
- 100 compliance with the following
evidenced-based guidelines - Discharge instructions
- diet
- MD f/u
- weight monitoring
- worsening s/s
- Medications with reconciliation
- Left ventricle systolic function evaluation
- Smoking cessation counseling
12Heart Failure at HVHC
- Heart failure is the second highest DRG
- Average costs per patient per day 2,000
- Average LOS is 6 days
- 30 day readmission rate is 24.2, national rate
is 24.5 (HHS, 2008) - Mortality rate is 9.7, nationally it is 11.1
(HHS, 2008)
13Translation into practice
Clinical Expertise to translate your findings
into practice
14How can we improve practice?
- Standardize treatment plans for heart failure
- Standardize patient education for heart failure
- Case Management referral for heart failure
patients to Telehealth program at VNA - Collaborate with the Visiting Nurse Association
of Hudson Valley (VNA) - Collaborate with community based physicians
Integrating your findings into practice
16Standardize Treatment
- Physician Order Set
- LVSF assessment
- ACEI or ARBs
- Beta Blockers
- Anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation
- Diuretics
- Lab assessment
- Influenza Pneumoccocal vaccination
- Diet and fluid restriction
- Daily weights
- Exercise/activity tolerance
- Smoking cessation counseling
- Patient education
- Case management Nutrition referral
- (ACCF/AHA, 2009 AHRQ, 2009)
- Evidenced-based
- Recommendations
- promote
- a reduction in
- rehospitalization and
- mortality for patients
- with heart failure
17Considerations in Treatment of Special
- Elderly patient's have an altered ability to
metabolize or tolerate medication therapy - Isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine is
recommended for African-Americans in addition to
standard heart failure treatment - 50 of Asian patients develop a ACEI induced
cough - Majority of patients with heart failure are
women -
18Standardize Patient Education
- Provide education literature from the AHA
- Document education completed in EHR
- Revise Discharge Instruction sheet to include HF
care instructions - HF education reinforced by VNA nurses
- Future
- In CPOE create notification link from
physician order for HF education to nurses task
19Heart Failure (HF) Screening Flow Chart
Present to ED
No Health Care Services Provided
HF symptoms w/i 1 year and/or present HF
symptoms and/or R/A 31 days with previous HF
Case Manager assesses patient for homecare or
skilled nursing need.
Admit as Inpatient
Case management evaluates patient/
Family/caregivers goals Collaborates
discharge plan with patient and health care team
Homecare or skilled nursing referral made
20Telehealth Program
- Screening for eligibility will be performed by
the VNA while the patient is hospitalized - Remote home monitoring will include vital signs,
oxygen level assessment, and weight - Patient education provided by VNA nurses will
reinforce education provided by HVHC nurses - Telehealth visits are in addition to regular home
nursing visits
21Accomplishments Outcomes of the Heart Failure
- Interdisciplinary approach
- Physician Order Set
- Patient Education
- Comprehensive discharge instructions
- Telehealth program
- Collaboration across the continuum of care
- Increase in patient self-management skills
- Increase in patient satisfaction
- Decrease variation in care delivered
- Decrease LOS from 6 to 4 days
- Decrease 30 day readmissions to 16
- Decrease mortality by 10
22 Evaluation
HF Readmission Mortality rates
23Heart Failure Readmissions
- Heart Failure Task Force Update
- Total 27 HVHC patients referred to Visiting Nurse
Association Hudson Valley in 10 months (9/09
06/10) - Readmission rate 11
- HVHC Goal 16
24Future Opportunities for Collaboration
25Improving Care at HVHC
- At HVHC we are dedicated to caring for our
patients across the continuum.
- Academic Center for Evidenced-based Practice.
(2004). ACE Learn about EBP ACE Star Model of
EPB Knowledge Transformation. The University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
Retrieved July 8, 2009, from http//www.acestar.ut
hscsa.edu - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(2006). Heart Failure Fact Sheet. Retrieved
August 16, 2009, from the CDC on the World Wide
Web http//www.cdc.gov/DHDSP/library/pdfs/fs_hear
t_failure.pdf - Hunt, S.A., Abraham, W. T., Chin, M. H., Feldman,
A. M., Francis, G. S., Ganiats, T. G. et al.
(2005). ACC/AHA 2005 guideline update for the
diagnosis and management of chronic heart failure
in the adult A report of the American College of
Cardiology/American heart Association Task Force
on Practice Guidelines. Retrieved August 10,
2009, from Circulation on the Wide World Web
INDEX0resourcetypeHWCIT - Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2008). 5
Million Lives. Getting started kit Improved care
for the patients with congestive heart failure.
Retrieved July 19, 2009, from IHI on the World
Wide Web http//www.ihi.org
- Jessup, M., Abraham, W. T., Casey, D. E.,
Feldman, A. M., Francis, G. S., Ganiats, T. G. et
al. (2009). 2009 Focused Update ACCF/AHA
guidelines for the diagnosis and management of
heart failure in adults a report of the American
College of Cardiology foundation/American Heart
Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines.
Retrieved August 10, 2009, from Circulation on
the Wide World Web http//circ.ahajournals.org/cg
1FIRSTINDEX0resourcetypeHWCIT - National Guideline Clearinghouse. (2007). Heart
Failure in Adults. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from
NGC on the World Wide Web http//www.guideline.go
ingheartANDFailure - Schroetter, S. A., Peck, S. D. (2008, April).
Womens risk of heart disease Promoting
awareness and prevention-a primary care approach.
MEDSURG Nursing, 17(2), 107-113. - U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.
(2009). Hospital Compare-A quality tool provided
by Medicare. Retrieved July 19, 2009, from HHS on
the World Wide Web http//www.hospitalcompare.hhs