Title: WordCount.com is great for SEO!
- WordCount.com is great for SEO!
2WordCount.com is great for SEO!
- What exactly is SEO?
- Search Engine Optimization
3WordCount.com is great for SEO!
- What exactly is SEO?
- Search Engine Optimization
- Drive traffic to your company's website
4WordCount.com is great for SEO!
- What exactly is SEO?
- Search Engine Optimization
- Drive traffic to your company's website
- More traffic More Business
5WordCount.com is great for SEO!
- What exactly is SEO?
- Search Engine Optimization
- Drive traffic to your company's website
- More traffic More Business
- SEO starts with CONTENT
6WordCount.com is great for SEO!
- What exactly is SEO?
- Search Engine Optimization
- Drive traffic to your company's website
- More traffic More Business
- SEO starts with CONTENT
- Content is KING
7What exactly is the WordCount.com tool?
- Free to use webmaster tool
8What exactly is the WordCount.com tool?
- Free to use webmaster tool
- Able to access from anywhere with internet
9What exactly is the WordCount.com tool?
- Free to use webmaster tool
- Able to access from anywhere with internet
- Web-based tool does not need to be installed or
10What exactly is the WordCount.com tool?
- Free to use webmaster tool
- Able to access from anywhere with internet
- Web-based tool does not need to be installed or
downloaded - Counts the number of words in your text
11How to use the WordCount.com tool?
- Copy and Paste the text in the box provided at
12How to use the WordCount.com tool?
- Copy and Paste the text in the box provided at
Wordcount.com - Enter the text (as you are writing) in the box at
13Who else can benefit from the use of
- Students who write papers or dissertations
14Who else can benefit from the use of
- Students who write papers or dissertations
- Teacher and professors who need to check
student's work
15Who else can benefit from the use of
- Students who write papers or dissertations
- Teacher and professors who need to check
student's work - Parents of students
16Who else can benefit from the use of
- Students who write papers or dissertations
- Teacher and professors who need to check
student's work - Parents of students
- Any sort of professional writer
17Who else can benefit from the use of
- Students who write papers or dissertations
- Teacher and professors who need to check
student's work - Parents of students
- Any sort of professional writer
- An editor
18Who else can benefit from the use of
- Students who write papers or dissertations
- Teacher and professors who need to check
student's work - Parents of students
- Any sort of professional writer
- An editor
19- Interested in trying out the WordCount.com tool?
- Visit WordCount.com
20Plus, you can visit our sister sites
- BackLinkCheck.com - Increase the traffic to your
website with BackLinks
21Plus, you can visit our sister sites
- BackLinkCheck.com - Increase the traffic to your
website with BackLinks - KeyWordTool.com - Drive traffic to your site with
appropriate keywords
22Plus, you can visit our sister sites
- BackLinkCheck.com - Increase the traffic to your
website with BackLinks - KeyWordTool.com - Drive traffic to your site with
appropriate keywords - CharacterCounter.com - Counts the number of
letters, numbers, symbols and spaces of your text
23- All webmaster tools are completely FREE to use
and are web-based. NO installation of software of
downloads are needed!