Title: SAE 2004
1SAE 2004
2Övergripande intryck
- Man måste förlita sig på konventionell
dieselteknik, eventuellt in kombination med
PCCI, plus avgasrening för att klara
emissionskraven lt 2010, dvs. NOx lt 0.27 g/kWh och
PM lt 0.013 g/kWh. (HCCI-förbränning över hela
last- och varvtalsområdet inte trolig före 2007).
- Återkopplade motorer. tex. EGR!
- Det finns teoretiska möjligheter att undvika NOx
och PM under diffusiv förbränning.
32004-01-0124Emissions Solutions for 2007 and
2010 Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines
- Jeffrey A. Leet, Stefan Simescu, Kent Froelund,
- Lee G. Dodge and Charles E. Roberts
- Southwest Research Institute (SwRI.)
4Technology evolution2004-01-0124
- Rate - shaped fuel injection
- Injection pressure gt 2000 bar
- Electronic timing control
- 4-valve cylinder head design
- EGR or residual gas control
- Low oil consumption
- lt 15 ppm sulfur
- DPF needed for PM lt 0.01 g/kWh (US 2007)
6Reference engine 2004-01-0124
VGT -Increased boost pressure 180 200 bar Peak
PCCI Diesel combustion Full load range HCCI not
before 07!
9Post injection for PM control2004-01-0124
Camless engine gt 2007 Miller cycle Residual gas
control Cylinder deactivation
11Effect on exhaust temperature by cylinder
122004-01-0124Conclusions 1
- An interim NOx level of 1.18 g/hp-hr is allowable
for the 2007 through 2009 model year heavyduty
truck engines sold in the USA. The 0.2 g/hp-hr
NOx level will be required by 100 of the
on-highway heavy-duty engines starting in model
year 2010. As of 2007, 100 of the engines will
be required to achieve 0.01 g/hp-hr PM. - The effect of a variety of in-cylinder based NOx
controls has been estimated to achieve the
interim 1.18 g/hp-hr NOx level, including high
EGR levels, advanced combustion concepts, high
injection pressure flexible fuel injection
systems, advanced control approaches, and VVA.
132004-01-0124Conclusions 2
- Additional in-cylinder reductions in PM can be
accomplished through advanced combustion control
and high injection pressure fuel systems.
However, compliance with the 0.01 g/hp-hr PM
limit in 2007 will require use of a DPF. The use
of a DPF places increased emphasis on oil
consumption control and oil formulation. - The interim NOx levels (1.18 g/hp-hr) can be
achieved without a NOx exhaust treatment device.
Providing such an engine would allow an engine
manufacturer to reduce the cost of the exhaust
treatment portion, to improve the packaging and
durability of the exhaust system and to be shown
as a technology leader.
142004-01-0124Conclusions 3
- The further refinement of in-cylinder
technologies and the integration with NOx exhaust
treatment devices will be required to achieve the
2010 emission levels.
152004-01-0587Systems Approach to Meeting EPA 2010
Heavy-Duty EmissionStandards Using a NOx
Adsorber Catalyst andDiesel Particle Filter on a
15L Engine
- Shawn D. WhitacreNational Renewable Energy
LaboratoryBrad J. Adelman, Mike P. May and
Joseph G. McManusRicardo, Inc.
DOC Oxiderande kat DPF Partikelfilter NAC
NOx adsorber kat
Alternativ för extra bränsletillförsel för
regenerering single leg
- Integrating sophisticated controls with an
advanced engine can enable effective NOx adsorber
regeneration and desulfation. (Desulfation needs
650 oC and l lt 0.9) - NOx and PM emissions reductions of gt90 have been
demonstrated by a NOx adsorber catalyst and
diesel particle filter with suitable regeneration
strategies. - The fuel economy penalty associated with the FTP
and SET are 8.2 and 4.5 respectively. - Challenges to achieving full certification
include - 1. NOx adsorber catalyst regeneration during
full load operation - while keeping the catalyst within the
temperature range for - high efficiency.
- 2. Control of hydrocarbon emission during rich
232004-01-0120Transient EGR Control for
aTurbocharged Heavy Duty Diesel Engine
- Hitoshi Yokomura, Susumu Kouketsu, Seijiro
Kotooka and Yoshiyuki AkaoMitsubishi FUSO Truck
and Bus Corp.
- At high EGR rates, the magnitude of a smoke spike
occurring at acceleration significantly
increases,compared to low EGR rates. This is due
to turbocharger lag and the resulting drop in
excess air ratio. - In order to prevent the smoke spike at
acceleration with high EGR rates, it is effective
to pause EGR at acceleration. This enables the
drop in excess air ratio to be held in check, and
makes it possible to reduce PM to a level typical
of a low EGR rate. When the EGR pause period is
longer, it results in a significant reduction in
the smoke spike, but NOx greatly increases in
that case.
- In order to control smoke during acceleration, it
is necessary to properly control the transient
excess air ratio. If this is done, it also
becomes possible to reduce NOx emissions. Thus,
even at the transient engine operation conditions
tested here, a closed loop EGR control method was
developed. Feedback and control were utilized, in
which the excess air ratio was sequentially
computed and estimated to maintain the target
optimum excess air ratio. - The effectiveness of the new EGR control method
was confirmed using closed loop control of the
excess air ratio. This method was compared
experimentally to open loop EGR control combined
with EGR pause, using a transient test mode.
Results showed that the high EGR rates made
possible by closed loop control, enabled NOx to
be reduced by 40 at an equivalent or lower PM
emission level. - Finally, considering the results obtained in this
work, the following conclusion can be made Using
a high EGR rate to further reduce NOx emissions
causes a smoke spike during acceleration. Closed
loop EGR control, via the excess air ratio,
effectively minimized the smoke spike,
consequently making possible a simultaneous
reduction in both NOx and PM.
302004-01-1401On the Correlation between NOx
Emissionsand the Diesel Premixed Burn
- Mark P. B. MusculusSandia National Laboratories
- As intake-temperature was decreased, the exhaust
NOx first decreased and then increased as the
degree of premixed burning monotonically
increased. - As the start of injection (SOI) timing was
retarded, NOx emissions at first decreased, and
then increased for late injections with large
premixed burns. For very late injections near the
misfire limit, the NOx emissions again decreased
dramatically, yielding a NOx bump at
late-injection conditions. Coupled with
thermodynamic analyses, the results of the
current study support the following conclusions
regarding in-cylinder NO formation
- The peak luminosity from hot soot radiation
decreased dramatically as the premixed burn
became larger and exhaust NOx increased. Under
conditions with increasing premixed burning, the
effects of radiative cooling may cause real flame
temperature trends to oppose calculated adiabatic
flame temperature trends. Thermal NO formation
rates may therefore increase as soot luminosity
decreases, causing the actual flame temperature
to increase. Accordingly, fuel-injection
strategies that reduce soot formation may
unfortunately increase thermal NO formation rates
because of increased flame temperatures.
- Based on thermal NO formation rates, the increase
in peak adiabatic flame temperature due to
compression heating of pre-flame reactants after
the rapid pressure rise accompanying premixed
combustion is insufficient to explain the above
NOX trends.
- Compression heating of post-flame burned-gases
may be sufficient to explain a portion of the
above trends. The magnitude of this effect will
depend on the thermal residence time in the
post-flame gases, which in turn depends on
post-flame mixing rates. Strategies that increase
post-flame mixing (postinjections) could herefore
conceivably reduce incylinder NO formation.
- Under very long ignition-delay operating
conditions, portions of the mixture at ignition
are likely lean enough to form significant
thermal NO in the products of the premixed burn.
This observation, however, does not necessarily
imply that the increased premixed burning causes
increased NOX emissions.
402004-01-1399Non-Sooting, Low Flame Temperature
Mixing-Controlled DIDiesel Combustion
- Lyle M. Pickett and Dennis L. SiebersSandia
National Laboratories
- Spridarhålsdiameter
- Syrekoncentration före insprutning
- Gastemperatur och densitet före insprutning
- Lokalt lambda (funktion av lift off length)
- Syreinnehåll i bränslet
- Procedur Förvärmning och gasens sammansättning
styrs via förbränning av en bränsle/luft-blandning
före insprutningen. Insprutningen sker under
avsvalningen när önskad trycknivå uppnåtts.
Inflytande av gastemperaturen före insprutningen.
D0.100 mm. 21 syre
Slutsats En sänkt temperatur förskjuter lift off
från spridaren och ger mer tid/yta
för syreinblandning i sprayen ? sotbildning
undviks vid Flt2
Inflytande av gastemperaturen före insprutningen.
D0.050 mm. 21 syre
Slutsats Med minskad håldiameter ökar
syreinblandningen före lift off. Flt2 uppnås trots
ökad temperatur (1000 K för 0.05 mm mot 850 K för
0.100 mm). Balans mellan tid för syreinblandning
och självantändning.
21 syre
- Minskar sotbildning
- Minskad håldiameter
- Sänkt omgivnings-tryck
- Sänkt omgivnings-temperatur
- Ökad syrehalt i bränslet
- Ökat insprutningsstryck (ej visad effekt i
artikeln) - Det gäller att öka syreinblandningen
- innan lift off!
472004-01-1399Effekt av sänkt syrehalt för att
simulera EGR
- Ingen LII sot
- Lift off längden ökar med sänkt syrehalt, vilket
medför att F vid lift off är ungefär konstant ?
Ingen sot trots EGR. - Nettoeffekt Sänkt flamtemperatur ? lägre NOx
plus sotfri förbränning - Gain i figurerna indikerar sänkt temperatur med
sänkt syrekoncentration.
Sänkt förbränningstemperatur genom sänkt
omgivningstemperatur. 21 syre
Ingen sotbildning Ungefär samma lift off längd
i båda fallen F0.6 (l1.7) för D0.050
mm! Fullständig förbränning på kort sträcka med
D0.050 mm
Fet förbränning vid låg temperatur ger ingen
Sänkt förbränningsverkningsgrad?
Den minskade tryckstegringen Kan vara en effekt
av ökade värmeförluster pga. den förlängda
532004-01-1399Sotfri förbränning vs temperatur och
För låg temperatur
För mager blandning
542004-01-1399Transient combustion
Premixförbränningen efter tändfördröjningen sker
vid samma lambda som förbränningen Vid lift off!!
55Conclusions 12004-01-1399
- The investigation showed that non-sooting,
low flame temperature combustion could be
produced for three different types of conditions,
as follows - Using a 50-µm orifice, a 2 diesel fuel, and
ambient oxygen concentrations as low as 10
(simulating the use of EGR), a fuel jet was
non-sooting at typical diesel ambient
temperatures (1000 K) for mixing controlled
combustion at flame temperatures as low as 1980
K. Furthermore, despite the low flame
temperature, a first-order analysis based on the
pressure rise measurement showed that the
combustion was basically complete. The
investigation showed that the lack of soot
formation was related to the high degree of
fuel-air mixing upstream of the lift-off length
and the increase in lift-off length with
decreasing oxygen concentration.
56Conclusions 22004-01-1399
- Using a 50-µm orifice, a 2 diesel fuel, and a
reduced ambient gas temperature (850 K), but with
21 oxygen, it was shown that non-sooting,
mixingcontrolled combustion occurred at the
lift-off length in a fuel-air mixture with a
cross-sectional average equivalence ratio of
approximately 0.6suggesting that the
quasi-steady combustion was fuel-lean and thereby
avoided the formation of a diffusion flame. The
average adiabatic flame temperature of the
fuellean mixture was estimated as 2070 K. The
same fuel-lean combustion was also realized using
a 100-µm injector tip and an oxygenated (21 wt
57Conclusions 32004-01-1399
- Using a more conventional 180-µm orifice, an
oxygenated fuel and very low ambient oxygen
concentrations of 5-8, a fuel jet was
non-sooting at an ambient temperature and density
of 1000 K and 30.0 kg/m3. Soot formation was
avoided even though the cross-sectional average
equivalence ratio at the lift-off length exceeded
a value of five. The lack of soot formation
appears to be caused by jet mixture temperatures
that were too cool for soot inception, even
though the mixtures were fuel-rich, as has been
suggested in a recent engine and detailed soot
kinetics study 22. Adiabatic flame temperatures
using 8 oxygen were only 1800 K. Despite the low
combustion temperatures, the pressure rise
measurements suggest that the combustion was