- December 2001
- US Department of Transportation
- Research Special Programs Admin.
- Office of Pipeline Safety
2Immediate Actions after 9/11
- Issued advisories to industry
- Disabled mapping system internet access
- Worked with FAA to ease restrictions on pipeline
aircraft patrols - Confirmed RSPA statutory and regulatory
authorities for potential improvements
3Assessment Response
- RSPA is working with state pipeline safety
organizations and industry to assess the
industrys readiness to prepare for, withstand
and respond to a terrorist attack on the nations
pipeline infrastructure
4Assessment Response
- Preparing for, withstanding and responding to an
attack - As individual companies, and
- the pipeline infrastructure as a whole
5Assessment Response
- OPS contacted 25 major hazardous liquid and
natural gas pipeline operators and 14 local
distribution companies about their security - API and INGAA Survey
6Assessment Response What are operators doing?
- Many are
- Controlling access
- Using intrusion detection
- Reviewing electronic systems against
cyber-terrorism - Some are
- Preplanning with FBI/military
- Hiring armed guards
7Industry Security Task Forces
- OPS ask industry to assist in detailed assessment
of security readiness - Five Industry Task Forces formed
- Oil Pipelines (AOPL/API)
- Natural Gas Transmission (INGAA)
- Natural Gas Distribution (AGA/APGA)
- LNG for Transmission (INGAA)
- LNG for Distribution (AGA/APGA)
8Industry Security Task Forces
- Identify process for assessing pipeline system
and facility vulnerabilities - Develop uniform definitions of security
conditions - Develop graduated set of countermeasures for each
security condition level
9Direct Action Groups State Agency Interaction
- DAG chartered by Secretary of Transportation to
gather operator, state pipeline safety agencies,
labor and environmental group views and concerns - Similar calls made to state pipeline safety
10Key Findings of Pipeline DAG and State Calls
- Pipeline operators want a more coordinated
federal approach to pipeline security and more
specific threat information to make protective
action decisions - Pipeline operators need closer ties to law
enforcement and emergency management agencies at
state/local level - Strong support for government/industry
partnership to address security needs.
11Key Pipeline Security Issues
- Pipeline operators need help to provide armed
protection from terrorist attack at key critical
12Key Pipeline Security Issues
- Preplanning is needed to support rapid
restoration of pipeline service following an
attack/sabotage. - Operators need to rapidly build around damaged
facilities on a temporary basis. - Land ownership and state/local land use and
permitting requirements make rapid action
difficult. - Are additional federal emergency powers needed to
facilitate restoration of services?
13Assessment Response
- Planned Actions
- Improve process for delivering threat warnings
- Improve coordination with other federal agencies
(OPS as federal point of contact for pipelines) - Implement security exercise program
- Adopt standardized security conditions
14Assessment Response
- Planned Actions
- Seek law enforcement assistance for surveillance
and protection of key critical assets during
higher threat levels - Evaluate pipeline RD for security applications
- Work to enhance emergency powers to facilitate
restoration of service
15Information Protection and Distribution
- Key issue is how best to balance right-to-know
versus need-to-know - New Aviation and Transportation Security Act may
provide some protection from FOIA based on
security needs - Information voluntarily submitted by industry is
16Information Protection and Distribution
- Planned Actions
- Developing a system for rapid and secure
communication with industry security contacts - Potential for government assistance on protection
from cyber-threats - Working with DOE on background checks for
selected state and pipeline personnel
17Securing our People and Facilities
- Updating OPS Continuity of Operations Plan
- Upgrading OPS manager clearances and providing
for secure communications - Expand security and response training for federal
and state inspectors
18For More Information
- Office of Pipeline Safety, security issues Jim
OSteen (202)366-4595 - RSPA Public Affairs Jim Mitchell (202)366-4831