Title: Chapter 13 Origin of the Ocean Floor
1Chapter 13 Origin of the Ocean Floor
- Oceans cover 71 of Earth. Continental rocks
include old sedimentary and meta-sedimentary
rocks. - Sonar other seafloor mapping methods discussed
on pp. 382 384. - Ocean Floor Provinces
- Continental Margins
- Passive Cont. shelf, slope, rise
- Active Accretionary wedge
- Deep Ocean Basins
- Mid-Ocean Ridges
Passive continental margins Modern day
Atlantic Coast, Paleozoic Iapetus Ocean.
Continental shelf is part of the conti-nent, as
it is underlain by normal-faulted continental
- Continental Shelves range from almost
non-existent to 1500 km (930 mi) wide. - The average continental shelf is 80 km (50 mi.)
wide and 130 m (425 ft) deep at its outer edge.
The average inclination is about 10 feet per
mile. - Continental shelves comprise less than 10 of
ocean area, but hold 90 of ocean species.
Shallow depth is largely within the photic zone
light needed by aquatic plants. - Remember the facies progression from shore
sand, silt, clay.
- The outer edges of some parts of the
conti-nental shelf have been dissected by river
erosion during the Pleistocene Ice Age (when sea
level was lower), producing submarine canyons.
Landslides produce submarine fan/turbidite
sequences. - Beyond the edge of the shelf is the conti-nental
slope, which averages 5 degrees (but may reach 25
degrees). The slope is generally about 12 miles
wide. - The continental rise is a gradual transition to
the flat Abyssal Plain. The continental rise
gradient may only be 1/3 degree and it may be
hundreds of miles wide.
5 The most notable sedimentary settings
associated with Active Margins (Island Arc or
Continental Arc Systems) are the Subduction
Complexes or Accretionary Wedge or Melange,
which is scraped off the descending plate.
- Deep Ocean Basin features
- Subduction zone-related Deep Ocean Trenches. The
Marianas Trench has been measured at 36,163 ft
below sea level. Only two occur in the Atlantic
Ocean (Fig. 13.9). - Abyssal Plains the flattest portion of the deep
ocean bottom. - Seamounts, Guyots, and Oceanic Plateaus
- Seamounts conical. Guyots flat-topped.
- Oceanic Plateaus oceanic floor flood basalts.
7- Oceanic Ridges Mid-Ocean Ridges/Rift zones
inter-connected system 43,000 miles long. The
crest of the ridge stands 2 to 3 km (1.2 to 1.8
mi) above the adjacent abyssal plains. The width
ranges from 1000 to 4000 km (600 to 2400 mi). - The crest of some ridges exhibit a central rift
valley graben or series of grabens. The rift
valley may be as wide as 50 km (30 mi). Rift
valleys may include submarine volcanoes.
- Darwins Hypothesis on Coral Atolls pp. 392
393. - Underwater portions of active volcanic island
become sites for colonization by floating coral
larvae. The attached corals grow, attract other
organisms and form fringing coral reefs. As
volcano becomes inactive and sinks, the corals
grow upward to stay within the photic zone,
initially becoming a barrier reef and later an
atoll, with an exposed, circular reef and a
central lagoon.
- Oceanic Ridges are elevated above the
abyssal plain because - The rising mantle plumes bulge the overlying
area. - The newly-formed crust is hotter and more bouyant
(less dense). - Away from the active part of the rift, the
oceanic crust cools, contracts, and sinks. - Ridge topography as related to spreading rates.
Slow-moving rifts exhibit more vertical faulting
and a well-defined central rift valley (p. 397,
Fig. 13.13)
The sequence of rocks that compost the
oceanic crust are called Ophiolite Suites or
Complexes. Old ophiolites in Finland, Cyprus,
Cali-fornia, Newfoundland
- The seafloor basalt flows erupted in the rift
zone form pillow lavas (see Fig. 13.17, p. 399).
Each pillow has a rind (rim) of chilled
obsidian and a core of basalt. - In some areas of submarine volcanic activity, hot
seawater circulates through fractures in the
basalt, dissolving some of the minerals and
metals. When the seawater becomes sufficiently
hot, it spews upward through the fractures and
onto the ocean bottom through chimney-like
structures. The dark, mineral-rich emissions
from black smokers are erupted at 350 degrees
- The minerals precipitate upon reaction with
the cold seawater, enriching the rocks with Cu,
Au, Zn, and other metals. Copper deposits of
Copperhill, GA/Ducktown, TN are thought to have
formed in this manner. - There are also oddball ecosystems associated
with these black smokers. The base of the
foodweb is composed of chemosynthetic bacteria,
as there are no plants. Other organisms, such as
tube-worms (Fig. 13.E, p. 400) subsist by
consuming these bacteria.
The formation of new Ocean Basins begin with
continental rift zones, e.g., Rio Grande Rift,
East Africa Rift
Initiation begins with stretching and
splitting of continental crust. Extension
results in formation of graben basins.
14 Tensional strain Brittle deformation
continental rift crustal stretching
Graben basin
High angle Normal fault (gravity fault)
Rio Grande Valley from El Paso northward into S.
Colorado consists of a series of graben basins,
resulting from stretching of crust. Basins
in-fill with sediments basalts.
The basaltic flows and cinder cones of the Rio
Grande Rift are typical. Mafic composition is
due to thinned crust.
How oceans close the end of subduction.
Older, colder oceanic crust subducts at a
steeper angle.
Younger, hotter oceanic crust subducts at a lower