Title: Trina Parker Graduated From University Of Miami
1Trina Parker Graduated From University Of Miami
2Trina Parker is a qualified physician who
enrolled in Howard University Medical School and
University of Miami from where she attained her
graduation degree in Bachelor of Science,
Majoring in Biology. The University of Miami is
also referred to as UM. Established in 1925, UM
is a non-sectarian private university which has
the main campus in Coral Gables. It is a
recognized university with 15,629 students in 12
distinct colleges. The list of colleges includes
law school, medical school, and a school for
study of atmospheric sciences and oceanography.
It has also been entitled as Americans Best
Colleges in the 2012 issue of U.S. News World
Reports. The university has attained the highest
rank in Florida and was ranked 38th among
national universities.
3Trina Parker Likes Reading Books And Traveling
- Trina Parker is a married woman who has two
children. She manages her professional and
personal life quite well. She is highly
family-oriented and ensures to spend some quality
time with her husband and children. She also has
a passion for travelling and has been to numerous
places. Whenever she is free, she involves
herself in reading some good books.
4Trina Parker Is Associated With A Number Of
- Trina Parker is linked to many associations
including Phi Beta Kappa honor society which is
an academic member society. It instates one of
the most outstanding students of sciences and
arts at leading universities and colleges of
America. This society was established at The
College of William And Mary. The mission of this
society is to advocate and celebrate excellence
in liberal sciences and arts.
5Trina Parker Is A Humanitarian
- Trina Parker participates in numerous church
activities. She specializes in Internal Medicine
which is also called Hospital Medicine. Internal
Medicine is a medical specialty which is related
to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of
numerous adult diseases. A physician who
specializes in Internal Medicine or Hospital
Medicine is highly skilled in managing patients
with multi-system or undifferentiated disease
process and is generally called internist. She is
a well known physician who has been offering good
quality and reliable health care to her patients.