Title: Replacing Silver Fillings
1Replacing Silver Fillings
- If you're like most people, you have at least a
few silver fillings in your mouth. Over the
years, they may have gotten a little darker,
cracked, or broken altogether. Luckily, there's
a new type of filling called a "composite" that
works better, looks better, and holds better. - But do you really need to go to all of the
trouble of replacing silver fillings with
composites? - Absolutely!
2Replacing Silver Fillings
- Those old silver fillings can make your entire
smile look dark and dingy. But composites are
made out of white resin - so they don't show. - In fact, a good cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles
can specially blend your composite fillings so
that they're the same shade as your teeth.
3Replacing Silver Fillings
- Composite fillings don't just look better. In
fact, when youre replacing silver fillings with
composites, it can actually make you healthier! - It doesn't take much for those old silver
fillings to crack and break. When they do,
bacteria have an easy way to get deep inside your
tooth - causing a whole bunch of tooth decay in
the process. And, when those fillings break,
they can leak into your teeth causing even more
decay. Before you know it, you're back in your
dentist's chair, getting your tooth filed down,
and having a crown installed.
4Replacing Silver Fillings
- Composite fillings are much sturdier. They're
far less likely to crack or break, and they also
bond better to your teeth. If you have a good
cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles, then the odds of
them getting damaged are very slim. - By replacing silver fillings with composites, you
lower your chances of suffering any kind of tooth
sensitivity, and you'll be able to eat whatever
you want - without being in pain!