Title: From NCA Outcomes to Baldrige to NCA District Accreditation
1From NCA Outcomes to Baldrige to NCA District
- One School Districts Journey
NQEC November 15, 2005 Miami, Florida
2- Cherie Cornick
- Curriculum Director
- cornick_at_southredford.net
- 313-535-4000 ex 1010
- 26141 Schoolcraft,
- Redford MI 48239
- http//southredford.net/district/accreditation
NCA - http//homepage.mac.com/cornick1
- Understand of the relationship between the
Baldrige Criteria and NCA CASI District
Accreditation Standards and Criteria - Know one districts rationale for moving to
District Accreditation - Build a network of districts pursuing District
4NCA CASI Vision
- The North Central Association Commission on
Accreditation and School Improvement assures the
public of quality learning opportunities by
holding the education profession to ever-higher
standards. - NCA CASI is the professional leader in delivering
quality accreditation and related services to
education entities worldwide.
5NCA CASI Mission
- Through accreditation and related services, NCA
CASI continuously improves the quality of
education and challenges education entities to
prepare each and every learner for success. - Core activities that support the mission
- Set quality standards for the education
profession - Provide external review and validation of
education entities - Accredit education entities that achieve the
standards and engage in continuous improvement - Challenge and support education entities to
continually improve student performance
6NCA Services
- 9000 schools
- Elementary
- Middle School
- Secondary
- College Prep
- Vocational
- Special Purpose
- Unit
- Post secondary
7Member States of NCA
8What is NCA District Accreditation?
- Accreditation of the district as a system that
monitors the improvement processes in the schools
rather than schools as individual building with
their own goals - National pilot last year with four school
districts - Michigan pilot with two school districts
- South Redford was the first in Michigan to have a
base line visit.
9NCA District Accreditation
- Standards and Criteria can be found
- http//www.ncacasi.org/district/
- Jim Shipley and Associates
10NCA Performance Accreditation
- Capacities
- School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Information System (IS)
- Process of Schooling (PS)
- Vision, Leadership-Governance, and School
Community (VL) - Resources and Allocation (RA)
- Membership
- Improvement
- Emergent
- Developing
- Increasing
- Exemplary
11South Redford School District
- Redford, MI
- Western edge of Detroit
- 3450 students
- 28 free and reduced lunch and growing
- 30 African American
- 200 teachers
12South Redfords History with NCA
- All K-12 school continuously accredited since
1975 - Early accreditation checked compliance with
- Certification of teachers
- Square footage and books per student
- Pupil teacher ratio
- Outcomes
- 2 academic goals, 1 affective goal
- 5 year cycle goals, plan, data, effectiveness
13Need to Challenge Beliefs
- That state assessments did not reflect student
achievement - That student achievement needed to increase
- That not all students can be successful
- That low test scores were the result of all the
new kids
14History of District
- Began in 1920s
- Highest number of students in 40s and 50s
- Achievement above national averages
- Viewed as very good
- 1990s reports cite national data but not results
of state assessments - 1998 below state average in most areas
15Culture of South Redford
- Very good teachers and principals
- Confident in curriculum and instruction
- Not concerned about alignment to state standards
- Kept data private within the school
- Didnt talk about MEAP results or share them
between schools
- A process for improvement other than NCA Outcomes
17Baldrige Education Criteria
- All students are expected to succeed.
- The system is designed to accomplish the goal.
18South Redford Implementation
- Spring 2000 - Orientation for
- Administrators
- Union representatives
- Key teacher leaders
- Board of Education
- Jim Shipley and Associates Model for support and
19South Redford Implementation 2001-2002
- Two day orientation for teaching staff and
administration in groups of 30 - Third day of classroom application for teaching
staff - One day orientation for support staff
- Evening orientation for parents
20South Redford Implementation 2002-2003
- Training of Trainers
- Initial and third day training for new teachers
- Follow up in buildings
- School and Classroom Systems Checks
- Frustration trying to maintain two systems of
improvement - NCA Outcomes and Baldrige
21South Redford Implementation 2003-2004
- Initial training for new teachers and follow-up
- School and Classroom systems checks
- Investigation of NCA District Accreditation
- Initial training for superintendent and
curriculum director
22South Redford Implementation 2004-2005
- PDSA modeling in classrooms
- Required PDSA in Classrooms
- Required PDSA in Schools
- Link PDSA and Systems Checks to Teacher and
Administrator Evaluation Systems - Board of Education Systems Check
- NCA District Accreditation
- Training for administrators and building
improvement team leaders - Goal Teams work sessions
- Baseline district visit and report
23Baldrige NCA District
24Baldrige NCA District
- NCA Criteria and Exemplary Criteria similar to
Proficient and Advanced levels of Systems Checks
Level III - NCA
- Leadership and Governance
- 16 standard criteria
- 14 exemplary
- Strategic Planning
- 9 standard criteria
- 7 exemplary criteria
- Shipley Systems Check Level III
- Leadership - 3 proficient, 3 advanced
- Strategic Planning - 2 proficient, 2 advanced
25Baldrige NCA District
- NCA Standards and Criteria similar but not
identical for the district and school - District identified instead of school
- More exemplary criteria specific to schools and
classrooms or to the district system
26Baldrige NCA District
- A great fit for districts using Baldrige Criteria
- Developed by NCA and Jim Shipley
27NCA District Accreditation
- Begins with and application similar to a System
Check Level 3 - Baseline visit
- Focus groups for each standard
- Participants were administrators, teachers,
parents, students, and Board of Education - Visiting team made up of Michigan NCA, county
staff, other school districts - Report of strengths and opportunities for
improvement - Annual reports
- Visit within 5 years to evaluate improvement
28Baseline Visit Focus Groups
- Leadership and Governance
- What is the process of developing the vision,
mission, core values and beliefs about students
for the district? - Who was involved in the process?
- How are the mission, vision, and beliefs used to
align the school and classroom activities? - How does the governing board develop, document,
and communicate policies?
29Monitor School Level Improvement Process
- Responsibility of the District to monitor school
improvement process - Form is flexible
- Designing the process now
- Adaptation of District baseline process
- Will parallel District focus groups
- Teams to be mostly district administrators and
teachers - An external person
- Continue to monitor improvement cycles
30 - Questions regarding NCA District Accreditation
31Changes In Culture
- School and District data is public
- Decisions based on data
- Data used to challenge beliefs about teaching and
learning - More realistic about where we are and where we
need to improve
32Changes in Data
- All achievement as measured by state assessment
on upward trend - Almost all above the state average
- Many in the top 5 or 10 out of 35 in the county
33Changes in Classroom Learning Systems
- Using PDSA to improve the Classroom Learning
Systems - Students
- More aware of the learning outcomes
- Have input into planning learning
- Taking responsibility for charting and changing
what they do to learn - Teachers
- Listening to student needs
- Using data with students
- Realizing that more students can achieve standards
34Changes in Administration
- Requires constant attention on the part of
leadership to maintaining the system and move it
forward - Modeling PDSA to solve district problems
- Meeting agendas are built around Baldrige
categories - Using data
- Getting feedback through surveys
- More thoughtful about processes
35Next Steps
- School baseline visits
- Design a system to monitor building improvement
- Implement a data management and analysis system
- Continue focus on district, building and
classroom use of PDSA - Really understand the realm and responsibilities
of each system. - Document processes
- Continued support for all staff and levels of the
36Seymour Sarason
- Changing a system
- is not for
- the conceptually
- and interpersonally
- faint hearted.
Source The Predictable Failure of Educational
Reform Can We Change Course Before It Is Too
37Productive Educational Change
- is not the capacity to
- implement the latest policy,
- but rather
- the ability to survive
- the vicissitudes of
- planned and unplanned change while
- growing and developing.
Michael Fullan
38The process of educational change todayis like
trying to redesign an aircraftin flight,with
passengers aboard.
39Change requires a prepared mind.
Lola May
40ChangeREQUIRESa willingness to
41We have not answered all our questions, nor
solved all our problems, but we are confident
that we are now confused at a higher level
about more important things.
42South Redford School District