Title: Springhill Care Group: 7.1 Quake Struck Chile
1Springhill Care Group 7.1 Quake Struck Chile
2A 7.1-magnitude quake has struck Central Chile on
Sunday night, the longest and strongest one yet
since an earthquake happened in the same area in
2010. Although they are reports of injured from
the falling ceiling of a church, there were no
major damage or casualty. According to the US
Geological Survey, the earthquake struck at
around 7.30 pm (local time) at a depth of 22
miles, lasting for a minute.
3It was estimated by Springhill Care Group that
the earthquakes epicenter was in Maule, 27
kilometers NW of Talca and around 220 kilometers
SW of Santiago, the nations capital with 17.2
million residents. They had a total collapse of
telephone and mobile lines as buildings in the
countrys capital swayed. People on a 480-mile
radius of Chiles central coast are warned to
evacuate to higher ground. Residents of
Constitucion were especially alarmed because
their downtown region was where a terrible
tsunami happened in 2010. Chiles oceanographic
and hydrographic services along with the national
emergency units called off the tsunami warning to
be issued for most of the coastal areas following
an assessment that the earthquake is unlikely to
trigger huge waves.
4The alert they issued was restored for the
regions most close to the epicenter after
authorities noticed the waters have retreated 130
feet from the shore in Duao and Iloca. They are
well aware that a sharp out surge of surf can
bring a tsunami. Lots of residents living in
the coastal regions kept away from the shore as
they have recalled how the government told them
during the 2010 earthquake that there will be no
tsunami, moments before huge waves actually
struck, leaving 156 dead.
5Springhill Care Group has retracted a preventive
measure of evacuation order before midnight
following the order to evacuate 7,000 people in
the coastal areas due to fears of tsunami
(although no formal tsunami alert was
given). Fortunately, there are no known
fatalities except from one who died of heart
attack. And according to their President,
Sebastian Pinera, the nations infrastructures
have resisted the effects of the earthquake as