Title: ESP monitoring
1ESP Common Problems Reading from Gauge
TAI Chyun Associates Industries, Inc.
2ESP Common Problems Reading from Gauge
There are seven most frequent happening problems
to ESP operation
- Symptom 1
- The secondary voltage (kV) and secondary current
(mA) needles swaying due to sparks, after this
situation keeps for a long period the flash over
kV goes lower and lower. - Possible Cause
- Heavy dust build up on collecting plates.
- Usually it is caused by rapping failure.
- Â Â
TAI Chyun Associates Industries, Inc.
3ESP Common Problems Reading from Gauge
Symptom 2 Primary voltage (V) and secondary
voltage (kV) stay at normal level while the
primary current (A) and secondary current (mA)
slowly decreasing. Possible Cause Gradually
dust build up on DE. Usually it is caused by
rapping failure.
TAI Chyun Associates Industries, Inc.
4ESP Common Problems Reading from Gauge
Symptom 3 kV V suddenly drop to zero after
a long period stable ESP operation,and mA A
needles reach the current limits. Possible
Cause A metal contact in between DE and CP,
usually broken DEs, dislodged hammers could cause
the internal short circuit. If it happens right
after the ESP start up, then the metal debris
/tools left inside is highly suspected.
TAI Chyun Associates Industries, Inc.
5ESP Common Problems Reading from Gauge
Symptom 4 The kV meter needle large swaying
(20-50 kV, for about 1 sec.) due to sparks, or
the 480V primary voltage (V) drops deeply
(150-250 volt) Possible Cause Slack
discharge electrodes (DE) when DE is swaying
close to collecting plate (CP), the kV
drops. Usually seen in old ESP Or the DE
anti-sway insulator/CP spacer failure that cause
the entire DE frame/CP swaying
TAI Chyun Associates Industries, Inc.
6ESP Common Problems Reading from Gauge
Symptom 5 Heavy sparks lasting for 5-15
seconds in every 3-30 minutes. Possible Cause
Sever dust build up in hopper, and it is high
reaching the bottom of DEs once shorted the
sparks/arcs break the dust tip and restore the
field operation temporarily. This situation may
go on and on until the hopper is totally full and
short out the circuit.
TAI Chyun Associates Industries, Inc.
7ESP Common Problems Reading from Gauge
- Symptom 6
- The secondary voltage (kV) decreasing against the
secondary current (mA) slowly increasing, very
few sparks, and this situation keeps for a long
period hours or even days. - Posible Cause
- If this problem exist only in single field, it
could be electrical leak at insulators. - Â Â
TAI Chyun Associates Industries, Inc.
8ESP Common Problems Reading from Gauge
Symptom 7 High primary current but low
primary voltage, against low secondary current
(mA) Possible Cause Abnormal power
supply. Usually it is T/R set internal or coil
problem and it could be judged from the
insulation oil analysis.
TAI Chyun Associates Industries, Inc.
9TAI Chyun Associates Industries, Inc.
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