Title: Ecommerce Development
1The Power Information Technology For Your
Industry To Equal New Opportunities
2Ecommerce development includes various facets
like- product catalogue, shopping cart, online
payment options, delivery modes etc
3Web design New York companies utilize the latest
tools and advanced technologies.
4Ecommerce website works basically involves
Development of shopping cart platforms like
Xcart, Magento Integration of various safe and
secure online payment modes like PayPal, credit
5Ecommerce online shopping sites are flourishing
nowadays. An ecommerce web designer has to handle
the shopping cart development and payment mode
integration .
6Verecom Technologies 391 Sutter Street 2nd
Floor San Francisco, CA 94108, USA Phone (415)
691-9550 Small and Medium Business Contact the
SMB Tech Consultant 212-440-8290 smb_at_verecom.com
Customer Support Contracts, Orders, invoices and
payments. (within North America) 212-440-8291