Title: Health Canada
1Health Canada
2For the Next 10 minutes
- Health Canada role in Aboriginal Health
- ICTs in Aboriginal Health- National Context
- Aboriginal Health Info-structure Priorities
- Challenges
- What is presently underway
- What the future could be
3Health Canadas Mission Statement
To help the people of Canada maintain and
improve their health
4Health Canada-First Nations Inuit Health
Branch (FNIHB)
- FNHIB Goals
- To assist First Nations and Inuit communities to
improve their health - To ensure access and availability of quality
health services. - To support greater control over health programs
and services.
- 1.33 billion 2001- 2002
- 1,414 FTEs
- 529 health facilities (hospitals, nursing
stations, health centres, drug rehab facilities) - serving over 600 communities (approx. 700,000
on-off reserve-Inuit) - sixth largest health system in Canada
6Health Canada-Office of Health and the
Information Highway (OHIH)
- OHIH coordinates, facilitates and manages health
infostructure-related activities, with in Health
Canada and external stakeholders including
provinces/territories. - OHIH promotes the development of policy in the
areas of electronic health record, protection of
personal health information, telehealth and
facilitates the sharing of information about
ICTs in relation to health.
7Health Canada - Office of Rural Health
- Health Canada focal point on Rural Health by
providing Rural Lens to programs policies - Health Canada lead on Canadian Rural Partnership
(CRP) bringing together all federal
depts/agencies working on Rural issues - Provide support to Ministerial Advisory Council
on Rural Health. Four Working Groups include A.
Aboriginal Health, B. Healthy Communities, C.
Health Human Resources, and D. Health Information
8The Future of Information Communications
Technology (ICT)
- Health Canada should consider an Aboriginal
Health Infostructure, strategically
interconnected to the Canada Health Infoway, as
an autonomous and distinct institutional
development consistent with Aboriginal
- Chapter 7 of the Advisory Council on Health
Infostructure Final Report (1999)
9Draft Common Vision Statement for the Aboriginal
Health Infostructure
The Aboriginal Health Infostructure exists to
support Aboriginal peoples and organizations to
strategically, collaboratively and wholistically
improve overall health status by building
capacity, linkages and access to information,
technology and communications in a manner that is
evolving, responsible and flexible. Aboriginal
Health Infostructure Planning Committee
10Aboriginal Infostructure Priority Areas for
- A comprehensive health infostructure using modern
technology to deliver health services to First
Nations and Inuit peoples
Electronic Health Record
Health Information System
Service Delivery
Information Management
Surveillance, RHS, Research, Program Evaluation
Informed Decision-Making
11E-health A Component of Community Health Care
12Telehealth Is
The tools that can improve your access to
Health Expertise
13Medical Tele-Consultations
- In many specialties
- telecardiology
- teleophthalmology
- teledermatology
- telepsychiatry
- teleradiology
- experts can see and hear things from far away.
14Talking to Specialists At A Distance
15Telehealth An Opportunity for First Nations
- Over 1/3 of FNI communities (252) are located
over 90 km from physician services. - Potential to reduce the high costs and hardships
of medical transportation. - Professional isolation hinders recruitment and
retention of health care providers.
16First Nations Inuit Health Information System
- A community based health information system to
support delivery of health services. - FNIHIS is developed for and by First Nations
communities - It will provide timely access to health
information for improved case management, program
planning and health assessment.
17Towards a Community EHR
- 1. Capture health information associated with
care provided in the community - 2. Access key health information from other
points of care outside the community
18Challenge 1Integrating with Provincial/Territori
al and First Nations Health Systems
- F/P/T points of negotiation
- Sharing of infrastructure and equipment
- Evaluation/information-sharing procedures
- Privacy and confidentiality
- Liability and licensing
- Impact on existing referral patterns
- Impact on existing public health surveillance
Building on current infrastructure and linkages
19Challenge 2Securing Infrastructure
- Lack of high-speed telecommunications
- Prohibitive costs
- Partnerships needed to create economies of scale
Finding opportunities to create linkages
20Challenge 3Building Human Capacity
- Some outstanding issues
- Crisis in nursing recruitment and retention.
- ICT impacts on scope of practice, liability and
time management. - Some skills and capacity required
- maintenance and operation
- data interpretation for program planning,
management and evaluation - change management, how to use the new tools
21Health Canada Present Activities Impacting
Aboriginal Communities
- Share results of the First Nations Telehealth
Research Project 1998-2001, build awareness
potential of Telehealth - Develop Blueprint and Strategic Plan for
Aboriginal Health Info-structure, including
Telehealth - Implement the Alberta First Nations Telehealth
Project in 20 Communities funded by Federal
Govt-On-Line - Continue to deploy the FNIHIS and develop an EHR
for home care and diabetes programs - Ministerial Advisory Council on Rural Health-
Information Technology recommendations
Aboriginal Health - Ministerial Advisory Council on Health
Info-structure- Working with provinces and
territories on EHR and Telehealth - Work with partners to implement CHIPP
Telehealth/EHR projects within Aboriginal
22Canada Health Infostructure Program (CHIPP)
- The Canada Health Infostructure Partnership
Program is a 80 million 50 shared-cost
contribution program, aimed at supporting the
implementation of innovative Telehealth/EHR
applications in health services delivery across
23CHIPP Projects Impacting Aboriginal Communities
- Central BC-Yukon Telemedicine
- MB Telehealth Network
- IIU Network
- Saskatchewan Telehealth
- Yukon Telehealth Network
- NORTH Network Ontario
- Project Outreach-Ontario
- The Alberta First Nations Project to Screen for
Limbs, I-Sight, Cardiovascular and Kidney (SLICK)
24Canadian Health Network
- A web-based site providing reliable health
information to all Canadians - Links to a broad network of Government and NGO
sites - Trusted information on a variety of health
promotion and disease prevention topics from
healthy eating to heart health - Expanding to include more information of
relevance to different populationsincluding
Aboriginal People
25The Future Connected Community Aboriginal
Nursing/Health Facility
Local Area Networks and the FNIHIS EHR