Title: WHONIDACPDD International Committee
1WHO/NIDA/CPDD International Committee
- 2006 NIDA International Forum
- Scottsdale june 16 - 19, 2006
- Gabriele Fischer
- Medical University Vienna
2WHO/NIDA/CPDD International travel Fellowship
- Every year two awardees
- eligible countries are those in
- Africa
- Asia (except Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and
Taiwan) - Central and Eastern Europe (EXCEPTÂ EU MEMBERS)
- Russia and the Newly Independent States of the
Former Soviet Union - Latin America and the Caribbean
- Pacific Ocean Islands (except Australia and New
- Background in research /or treatment in drug
addiction - Being interested to visit CPDD next year
- Being interested to visit for one week a research
facility in the US from a NIDA grantee to
initiate /or improve knowledge on a particular
project - To submitt an abstract on your working background
in addiction - To have two recommendation letters
- To submitt everything on time (january xy, 2007)
to gabriele.fischer_at_meduniwien.ac.at - After complete submission - review by the
4COMMITEE - 12 persons
Plus Valdimir Poznyak (WHO)
5Notification of award
- President of CPDD will let the awardees know by
beginning/mid april 2007.
6WHO/NIDA/CPDD International travel Fellowship
Award 2005
- Summary report
- Raka Jain (India)
- Paul J. Cunha (Brasil)
7 WHO/NIDA/CPDD International travel Fellowship
Award 2005
- The two awardees Raka Jain and Paul J. Cunha,
participated in - Satellite meeting of NIDA International Research
Linking Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS Research - 67th Annual Scientific meeting of College on
Problem of Drug Dependence - Meeting with CPDD International Committee
8Summary of R. Jains report
- Dr. Jain presented her research work at both
meetings entitled Comparison of the effects of
nitric oxid synthase inhibitors in nicotine
dependent rats (poster presentation).
9Achievement by Participation
- Participation in these meetings was a very good
opportunitiy for Dr. Jain to gain and exchange,
both new advanced knowledge and experience in the
area of drug abuse at international level - Interaction with scientists during networking
session in the NIDA International Forum
10Summary of R. Jains report
- Dr. Jain visited Dr. Michael H. Baumann and got
opportunitiy of training at the NIH, National
Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research
program, laboratory at Baltimore from 26th
June-1st July to gain experience with various
research methods including - stereotactic surgery in rats,
- microdialysis perfusion sampling,
- high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
separation techniques, - electrochemical detection of biogenic amines,
- automated analysis of locomotor activity and
- on-line acquisition of data
11 Summary of P.J. Cunhas report
- Paul Cunhas abstract Decision-making
impairments associated to ADHD symptoms in
cocaine abusers was selected to be presented at
the CPDD for an Oral Communication Cognition
Its the thought that counts were he was also
one of the chairs.
12Summary of P.J. Cunhas report
- At the NIDA International Forum
- he presented at the Poster session
- In addition he participated in a workshop
entitled Preparing Journal Articles and getting
them published
13 Summary of P.J. Cunhas report
- Visit
- Consultation with Dr. Cadet and Dr. Bolla Tour
at the Intramural Research Program (IRP) fMRI
and PET facilities, Sleep Center facilities of
the General Research Center(GCRC) at Johns
Hopkins Bayview Medical Center - To analyze a proposal of collaborative study
between NIDA-supported researchers and Dr. Cunha
and his group in Brazil
14Summary of P.J. Cunhas report
- Mr. Cunha reported about an evolving and exciting
experience, due to great lessons and new
techniques learned, essential for the development
of his research activities in Brazil - Professional goals for the next years include an
evolving effort to work with a great challenge in
Brazil that represents drugs of abuse as well as
to apply for a postdoctoral study and thus submit
an application to the NIDA Invest Drug Abuse
Research Fellowship
15WHO/NIDA/CPDD International travel Fellowship
Award 2006
- Konstyantyn Dumchev (Ukraine) -
- Will visit Dr. Joseph Schumacher
- Min Zhao (China)
- Will visit Dr. Walter Ling
16Being part of the family -of the scientific
community of
- CPDD International Committee
- Is very rewarding in many ways -
- also in regard to funding
- NIH Grant Nr. 1R01 DA018417-01
17This years workshop of the WHO/NIDA/CPDD
International Committee
- Monday 8-10 pm Salon FG
- Titel Global Addiction Research Issues on
Addiction and HIV/AIDS - Chairs Joseph Schumacher Gabriele Fischer
- Presenters
- George Woody - Russia
- Richard Rawson - South Africa
- Konstyantyn Dumchev - Ukraine
- Azarakhsh Mokri - Iran
- Michael Farrell - UK Global overview
18If we could shrink the earths population to a
village of precisely 100 people, with all the
existing human ratios remaining the same, it
would look something like the following
19There would be
6 people would possess 59 of the entire
worlds wealth and all 6 would be from the United
States 80 would live in substandard
housing 70 would be unable to read 50 would
suffer from malnutrition 1 would be near death,
1 would be near birth 1 (yes, only 1) would
have a college education 1 would own a computer
57 Asians 21 Europeans 14 from the Western
Hemisphere, both north and south 52 would be
female 48 would be male 70 would be
non-white 30 would be white 70 would be
non-Christian 30 would be Christian 89 would be
heterosexual 11 would be homosexual
20When one considers our world from such a
compressed perspective, the need for acceptance,
understanding and education becomes glaringly