Title: Compassionate Human Nature: Antidote to Infant Mortality
1Compassionate Human Nature Antidote to Infant
- Ronald David, MD, MDiv
- February 3, 2009
- Spiritual Care Collaborative
2Bad News and Good News . . .
- Infants are being born and dying at an inordinate
and intolerable rate. - Human beings are compassionate by nature and
compassion is a necessary (and potentially
sufficient) response to infant mortality.
3Understanding the Link . . .
- A thumb-nail sketch of infant mortality
- Theological and neuro-biological reflections on
compassion - Implications for pastoral care, counseling, and
4Thumbnail Sketch of Infant Mortality
- IMR number of live-born infants who die before
their first birthday 1000 - In 1900 the rate was 100/1000 in 2000 it was
6.89/1000 - Between 2000 and 2005 there has been no
significant decline in the U.S. IMR
5Interpreting IMR through the Ages
- Cities as abattoirs (1850-1880)
- Inadequate and unsafe feeding practices--infant
diarrhea (1880-1910) - Ignorant, incompetent, immoral, irresponsible
maternal behavior (1910-present)
6Misogyny Infant Mortality
- Women as Jezebels, Aunt Jemimas, Welfare Queens,
Madonna/Whores and other tropes - Mothers as incubators and baby bottles
- Pregnancy parturition as pathologic conditions
7Biography Becomes Biology
- Meaning is the bridge between psyche and soma.
Larry Dossey, Meaning Medicine - Unspoken conflicts are pantomimed in the body.
James Melissa Griffith, The Body Speaks
8Thumb-Nail Sketch contd
- Paradox of Mexican-American women who are poor
- Paradox of African-American women who are well
off - Plight of Arab-American women who are vilified
9Relationships are primary. All else is
- We are relational creatures by nature.
- Isolation alienation are anathema to being
human generally, and during periods of
vulnerability especially.
10CompassionA Theology
- Compassion in Scripture
- We are made in the image and likeness of God . .
. - Compassion vs. Empathy
- Deep Feeling
- Vivid Imagination
11Defining Compassion
- From the Latincom (with) pati (suffer) . . .
to suffer with - Compassion in Jewish and Christian Scripture
(Hebrew Greek)
12Defining Empathy
- Identification with and understanding of
anothers situation, feelings, and motives, - The attribution of ones own feelings to an
object. The American Heritage Dictionary of the
English Language, 4th Edition 2000.
13Compassion vs. Empathy
- Compassion is visceralintuitive, emotive,
bottom up, immediate - Empathy is ideationalcognitive, imaginative,
top down, mediating
14Compassion as Resonance
15The Limbic Brain
- ACorpus callosum
- BOlfactory tract
- CMammillary bodies
- DFornix
- E--Anterior thalamic nuclei
- FAmygdala
- GHippocampus
- HParahippocampal gyrus
- ICingulate gyrus
- JHypothalamic nuclei
16Compassion as Emotional Resonance
- Limbic/Affect Resonance
- Affect Synchrony in Mother-Infant Dyad
- The en face gaze . . .
- Left-handed cradling
- Making facesimitate or resonate?
- Temperature Cardio-Respiratory Rhythm
17Whats in a Smile?Lane Strathearn, Jian Li,
Peter Fonagy and P. Read MontaguePediatrics
18Witnessing Pain (The Compassionate Brain Humans
Detect Intensity of Pain from Anothers Face/
Miiamaaria V. Saarela et al, Cerebral Cortex
January 200717230237.)
19Pain on the Brain (The Compassionate Brain
Humans Detect Intensity of Pain from Anothers
Face/ Miiamaaria V. Saarela et al, Cerebral
Cortex January 200717230237.)
20Synesthesias . . .
- Mirror neurons for touch, pain, motor-behavior,
and emotions - Mirror-Touch Synesthesia associated with
21Compassion Fatigue by any Name . . .
- Compassion Fatigue,
- Vicarious Traumatization,
- Secondary Traumatic Stress Reactions,
- empathic strain,
- Burn Out
- Countertransference
- Borrowed Stress
22Compassion Fatigue . . .
- Affect Dissonance
- Emotional Discordance
23Rejuvenating Compassion
- Attention
- mindfulness
- Attunement
- limbic resonance
- Atonement
- at-one with God
24Rejuvenating Compassion
- Narrative Medicine
- Centering Relationships
- Meditation
- Music
- Hobbies
- Body Work
- Psychotherapy
25Compassion as Antidote to Infant Mortality
- Philogyny
- Infant Vitality
- love of the feminine
- Misogyny
- Infant Mortality