Title: Nessun titolo diapositiva
1Department of Public Health Human Nutrition Unit
- Cinzia Grisendi
- Stefano Bacchi
- Sara Salvatore
- Chiara Morselli
- Laura Del Carlo
- Romina Moruzzi
- Nadia Torelli
- Massimo Franceschini
- Corrado Leali
- Roberta Gualtieri
- Prof. Furio Brighenti
- Dr. Nicoletta Pellegrini
- Dott. Daniele Del Rio
- Dott. Marta Bianchi
- Dott. Barbara Colombi
- Food analysis laboratory
- spectrofluorimeter
- UV-Vis spectrophotometers
- general equipments
- Biological laboratory
- CaCo2 cell colture laboratory
- microbiology laboratory
- YSI glucose analyser
- breath H2 analyser
- Food analysis laboratory
- Total Antioxidant Activity (ABTS, TRAP, FRAP,
FI-ABTS) - Carbohydrates (TDF, SDF, IDF, Sugars, Total and
Resistant Starch) - Polyphenols
- Vitamins
- Fatty Acids (SCFA)
- In vitro digestibility
- Food composition and nutritional labelling
- Biological laboratory
- Plasma TAC (TRAP, FI-ABTS)
- Oxidative stress (MDA, isoprostanes)
- Nutritional status (vitamins)
- Glycemic Index, Load
- Intestinal fermentation (breath H2)
- Microbial adhesivity to CaCo2
- Food databanks
- Total Antioxidant Activity of foods and
beverages - Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
- Cereals and cereal products
- Carbohydrate composition and Glycemic Index
- Total Antioxidant Activity
- Oxidative stress
- Markers of OS in health and disease (diabetes,
CHD) - TAC in biological fluids after dietary
intervention - Probiotics
- Intestinal fermentation (breath H2)
- Microbial adhesivity to CaCo2 cells
ORGANISATION The FST doctorate programme is
intended to form at PhD level 3-4 students per
academic year in different areas of Food Science,
including Human Nutrition. The programme lasts 3
years, including 6-8 months to be spent abroad,
and consists in lessons, seminars and full time
involvement in original research themes financed
by private or public founds. The final step
consists in the defence of a Thesis work
reporting the results of all the research period.
Currently two PhD students are attending the
Human Nutrition Laboratory.
awarded under a contract between the University
and a private body is equivalent to a regular
FST doctorate. It is granted to a student
selected after a public exam. However, one
delegate by the company enters the College of
Professors tutoring the programme. The research
project may be agreed upon between the tutors
from the University and the founding Body and it
is founded by ad-hoc founds and/or departmental
founds deriving from research contracts. Aspects
of specific interest for the founding Body may be
part of the research program and should be
encouraged, but under pre-competitive rules which
endorse the right for the student to publish the
results of his research.
DOCTORATE IN FST HUMAN NUTRITION - The expertise of the Human Nutrition Unit will be
made available to any new student entering the
PhD FST programme. Among them, two areas are of
particular interest and can grant research
activities at an international level. - Antioxidant Activity
- Nutritional quality of food Carbohydrates
- Food antioxidants are related to the protective
effect of fruit and vegetables against
degenerative diseases. Moreover, foods rich in
dietary fibre and antioxidants are beneficial on
intestinal function. -
- Unresolved issues
- Effect of food processing on TAA of single and
mixtures of different antioxidants - Bio availability of non-vitamin antioxidants in
raw and processed foods - Effect of undigestible antioxidants on intestinal
microflora and intestinal function - Relationship between TAA intake and risk of
disease (diabetes, CHD, cancer) in population
- High carbohydrate diets are generally recommended
in order to reduce the risk of degenerative
diseases. However, conflicting results exist on
the equivalence of different carbohydrate
sources. Beside content in dietary fibre, the
Glycemic Index has been advocated as a useful
index to help individuals to select healthier
foods. -
- Unresolved issues
- Effect of mixed meals on Glycemic Index
- Influence of Glycemic Index/Load on postprandial
metabolism in health and metabolic syndrome - Influence of food processing on the Glycemic
Index of starchy foods - Relationship between Glycemic Index/Load of the
diet and risk of disease (diabetes, CHD) in
population studies.
1) Pellegrini N, Re R, Yang M, Rice-Evans CA.
Screening of dietary carotenoid and
carotenoid-rich fruit extracts for antioxidant
activities applying the 2,2-azinobis(3-
ethylenebenzothiazoline-6- sulfonic acid) radical
cation decolorization assay. Methods Enzymol
1999 299 379-389. 2) Re R, Pellegrini N,
Proteggente A, Pannala A, Yang M, Rice-Evans CA.
Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS
radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radic
Biol Med 1999 26 1231-1237. 3) Mannino S,
Buratti S, Cosio MS, Pellegrini N. Evaluation of
the antioxidant power of olive oils based on a
FIA system with amperometric detection. Analyst
1999 124 1115-1118. 4) Benini L, Sembenini C,
Heading RC, Giorgetti PG, Montemezzi S, Zamboni
M, Di Benedetto P, Brighenti F, Vantini I.
Simultaneous measurement of gastric emptying of a
solid meal by ultrasound and by scintigraphy. Am
J Gastroenterol 1999 94 2861-2865. 5)
Brighenti F, Casiraghi MC, Canzi E, Ferrari
A.Effect of consumption of a Ready-to-eat
breakfast cereal containing inulin on the
intestinal milieu and blood lipids in healthy
male volunteers. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999 53
726-733. 6) Giacco R, Clemente G, Brighenti F,
Mancini M, D'Avanzo A, Coppola S, Ruffa G,
Lasorella G, Rivieccio A, Rivellese AA, Riccardi
G. Metabolic effects of resistant starch in
patients with type-2 diabetes. Diab Nutr Metab
Clin Exper 1999 11 330-335. 7) Vuksan, V.,
Jenkins, D.J.A., Spadafora, P., Sievenpiper,
J.L., Owen, R., Vidgen, E., Brighenti, F., Josse,
R., Leiter, L.A., Bruce-Thompson, C. (1999).
Konjac-mannan (glucomannan) improves glycemia and
other associated risk factors for coronary heart
disease in type 2 diabetes A randomized
controlled metabolic trial. Diabetes Care, 22,
8) Barbera, R., Peracchi, M., Brighenti, F.,
Cesana, B., Bianchi, P., Basilisco, G. (2000).
Sensations induced by medium and long chain
tryglicerides role of gastric tone and hormones.
Gut, 46 (1). 32-36. 9) Vuksan, V., Sievenpiper,
J.L., Owen, R., Swilley, J., Spadafora, P.,
Jenkins, D.J.A., Vidgen, E., Brighenti, F.,
Josse, R., Leiter, L.A., Xu, Z., Novokmet, R.
(2000). Beneficial effects of viscous dietary
fiber from konjac-mannan in subjects with the
insulin resistance syndrome. Diabetes Care, 23,
1-6. 10) Pellegrini N, Riso P, Porrini M. Tomato
consumption does not affect the total antioxidant
capacity of plasma. Nutrition 2000 16 268-271.
11) Pellegrini N, Simonetti P, Gardana C,
Brenna O, Brighenti F, Pietta PG. Polyphenol
content and total antioxidant activity of vini
novelli (young red wines). J Agric Food Chem
2000 48 732-735. 12) Garsetti M, Pellegrini N,
Baggio C, Brighenti F. Antioxidant activity in
human faeces. Brit J Nutr 2000 84 705-710. 13)
Pellegrini N, Visioli F, Buratti S, Brighenti F.
Direct analysis of total antioxidant activity of
olive oil and studies on the influence of
heating. J Agric Food Chem 2001 49 2532-2538.
14) Buratti S, Pellegrini N, Brenna OV, Mannino
S. Rapid electrochemical method for the
evaluation of the antioxidant power of some
lipophilic food extracts. J Agric Food Chem
2001 49 5136-5141. 15) Bianchi-Salvadori, B.,
Vesely, R., Ferrari, A., Canzi, E., Casiraghi,
M.C., Brighenti, F. (2001). Behaviour of the
pharmaceutical probiotic preparation VSL3 in
human ileostomy effluent containing its own
natural elements. New Microbiol, 24, 23-33. 16)
Giacco, R., Brighenti, F., Parillo, M., Capuano,
M., Ciardullo, A.V., Rivieccio, A., Rivellese,
A.A., Riccardi, G. (2001). Characteristics of
some wheat-based foods of the Italian diet in
relation to their influence on postprandial
glucose metabolism in patients with type 2
diabetes. Br J Nutr, 85, 33-40.
17) Pellegrini N. Analytical approaches to
measure the oxidative stability of olive oils.
Food Ind J 2002 5(1) 59-70. (invited
review) 18) Wolever TMS, Vorster H, Björck I,
Brand Miller J, Brighenti F, et al. Determination
of the glycaemic index of foods Interlaboratory
study. Eur J Clin Nutr (2002, in press)