Charmonium Physics at BaBar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Charmonium Physics at BaBar


Charmonium Physics at BaBar. Erich W. Varnes. Princeton ... INFN, Napoli. INFN, Padova. INFN, Pavia. INF, Pisa. INFNN, Roma and U 'La Sapienza' INFN, Torino ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Charmonium Physics at BaBar

Charmonium Physics at BaBar
  • Erich W. Varnes
  • Princeton University
  • High-Energy Physics Seminar
  • Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • August 23, 2001

The BaBar Collaboration
  • Italy 12/89
  • INFN, Bari
  • INFN, Ferrara
  • Lab. Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN
  • INFN, Genova
  • INFN, Milano
  • INFN, Napoli
  • INFN, Padova
  • INFN, Pavia
  • INF, Pisa
  • INFNN, Roma and U "La Sapienza"
  • INFN, Torino
  • INFN, Trieste
  • Norway 1/3
  • U of Bergen
  • Russia 1/13
  • Budker Institute, Novosibirsk

Topics Covered
  • Inclusive charmonium production
  • In BB events
  • PRD in preparation
  • In the continuum
  • SLAC-PUB-8854, hep-ex/0106044, to appear in PRL
  • Exclusive B to charmonium production
  • SLAC-PUB-8909, hep-ex/0107025, submitted to PRD
  • Measurement of B ? J/yK decay amplitudes
  • SLAC-PUB-8898, hep-ex/0107049, submitted to PRL
  • Measurement of sin2b
  • SLAC-PUB-8904, hep-ex/0107013, to appear in PRL

MotivationQCD Studies
  • Inclusive charmonium (J/y, y(2S), and cC)
    production rate and kinematics
  • Inclusive production rate (both from B meson
    decay and continuum), polarization, and momentum
    distributions provide tests of non-relativistic
  • Branching fractions of B decays to exclusive
    charmonium states
  • Decay has both penguin and tree contributions
  • Calculation of amplitudes requires solving
    non-purturbative QCD
  • Existing models depend on simplifying
    assumptions, such as the factorization

MotivationCP Violation
  • Some of the neutral exclusive charmonium modes we
    reconstruct are CP eigenstates (e.g.
  • Both the tree and penguin diagrams involve same
    combination of CKM matrix elements and are
    sensitive to parameter sin2b
  • If CKM matrix is sole source of CP-violation,
    there must be large asymmetries in the B meson
  • Magnitude of asymmetry is sin2b, with very small
    theoretical uncertainty (from subleading penguin

Measuring CP Violation at an ee- Accelerator
  • Primary reaction is ee- ? U(4S)?
  • If the B's are neutral, they will mix between B
    and as they propagate
  • State is coherent until one B decays
  • After the first B decays, survivor will continue
    to mix
  • If one B decays to a CP eigenstate F, CP
    violation appears in the ratio
  • where
  • Dt is the proper time difference between the
    decay of the CP B and the other B in the event
  • f(-) (Dt) is the decay rate for a state which
    was B to go to F at time Dt
  • If decay to F is dominated by a single diagram,
  • AF ? -hsin2fW sin DmdDt
  • where fW is the weak phase of the decay
    amplitude, and h is the CP eigenvalue of F

CP Violation at an ee- Accelerator cont.
  • AF vanishes when integrated over all times need
    to measure Dt for each event
  • However, B's are nearly at rest in U(4S) frame
  • Solution is to boost lab frame with respect to
  • Then in lab one sees
  • Requires an accelerator with asymmetric beam
  • Measurement of AF also requires
  • Precision z vertexing
  • Good particle ID for leptons and charged hadrons
    (to isolate CP eigenstate decaysy and tag the
    flavor of the other B )
  • These considerations were of primary importance
    to the design of the SLAC B Factory

The SLAC B Factory
The PEP-II Accelerator
  • PEP-II consists of two accelerator rings built in
    the existing PEP tunnel
  • The High-Energy Ring (HER) stores electrons at
    9.1 GeV
  • The Low-Energy Ring (LER) stores positrons at 3.0
  • bg 0.56
  • Bs travel about 250 mm in lab
  • Some parameters

The BaBar Detector
Instrumented flux return
DIRC standoff box
Silicon Tracker
Drift Chamber
1.5 T Solenoid
EM Calorimeter
BaBar Run History
  • Most analyses use data taken between October 1999
    and October 2000
  • Run 1 of BaBar
  • 20.7 fb-1
  • For sin2b, an additional 9 fb-1 recorded in 2001
    is used
  • Total data sample is already about 3x that
    recorded by CLEO
  • Allows improvements to entire suite of charmonium

Start of Run 2
End of Run 1
Counting the number of U(4S) Decays
  • All B branching fraction measurements require an
    accurate count of the number of events in
    our data sample
  • This is done by comparing the ratio of mm to
    multihadron events in on- and off-resonance data

Ratio of cross sections, efficiencies on/off
resonance (close to 1)
  • Multihadron events selected on basis of track
    multiplicity, total energy, and event shape
  • Selection also suppresses continuum
  • NU(4S) in our data sample
  • Run 1 22.72 0.36 million
  • sin2b sample 32 million
  • Largest uncertainty arises from the knowledge of
    the relative mm to multihadron selection

Inclusive Charmonium Production
  • Charmonium states are identified by the decays
  • J/y ? ??- where ? is e or m
  • y(2S) ? ??- or J/y pp-
  • cc1 ? J/y g
  • Cuts used to suppress background
  • Same event selection as used in U(4S) counting
  • J/y mass cuts (when reconstructing y(2S) ? J/y
  • Particle identification (leptons and photons)

Particle Identification
  • Lepton and photon identification is crucial for
    all charmonium analyses
  • We use the following criteria
  • For each type we have a set of standard
    selections with different tradeoffs between
    efficiency and purity (VeryLoose, Loose, Tight,
  • Each analysis uses the selection which minimizes
    the expected error
  • Muons
  • EMC energy
  • Number of IFR layers hit
  • Expected/measured range in IFR
  • Average IFR multiplicity
  • Photons
  • EMC cluster shape
  • Electrons
  • E/p ratio
  • Number of EMC crystals in cluster
  • dE/dx from DCH
  • EMC cluster shape
  • Cerenkov angle in DIRC
  • Kaons
  • Cerenkov angle in DIRC
  • dE/dx from DCH

Particle ID Performance
  • Electron ID Muon ID
    Kaon ID
  • VeryTight Loose

Tracking Efficiency
  • Tracks used for lepton candidates are required to
    have at least 12 hits in the DCH
  • Ensures that momentum and dE/dx are well-measured
  • The fact that the SVT can reconstruct tracks
    independent of the DCH allows a precise
    measurement of the efficiency for reconstructing
    such tracks
  • Look at sample of tracks that could have been
    found in the SVT alone (i.e., have at least 8 SVT
  • Find fraction with 12 or more DCH hits
  • Provides infinite statistics in the same type
    of events used for analysis
  • Limiting systematic is fraction of tracks formed
    from random combinations of noise hits in SVT
  • We assign a systematic of 1.2 per track

Tracking EfficiencyResults
  • For first part of Run 1, drift chamber HV was at
    1900V rather than design value of 1960V
  • Reduced after sparks observed in early part of
  • Led to lower efficiency in central region
  • Adding water to gas mix allowed HV to be restored
    to 1960V
  • New reconstruction software gives higher
    efficiency and significantly reduces dependence
    on HV

Photon Selection
  • Photons appear as isolated calorimeter clusters
    that are not matched to a charged track
  • To discriminate against neutral hadrons, the
    shape of the cluster is quantified using two

Lateral energy distribution (LAT)
Zernike moment A42
Fiducial Cuts
  • PEPII design requires final-focus quadrupoles
    well within detector volume
  • For rate measurements, we avoid this region by
    requiring 23.5o lt q lt 138o for electrons
  • inclusive rate measurements use the same range
    for muons
  • For exclusive rate measurements the range is
    expanded to 17o lt q lt 155o
  • Limited by reach of control samples used to
    cross-check muon ID
  • Means that part of DCH coverage is obscured by
    silicon electronics and magnet material
  • Simulation overestimates electron detection
    efficiency in these regions

Fitting for Signal Yield
  • Background mass distribution is fit with a
    3rd-order Chebyshev polynomial
  • One needs accurate model for distribution of
    signal events
  • This is done using MC simulation, corrected for
  • Bias in momentum measurement
  • Taken from comparison of J/y ? mm peak position
    in data and MC
  • Differences in mass resolution
  • Taken from comparison of J/y ? mm widths in data
    and MC
  • Differences in rate of bremsstrahlung (material
  • Derived by producing separate pdfs for MC events
    that produced a brem photon and those that
    didnt, and allowing the fraction of each to
    float in fit to data

Inclusive Charmonium BFs
  • ee- mm-
  • J/y
  • BF (1.04 0.01 (stat) 0.03 (syst))
  • PDG (1.15 0.06)
  • y(2S)
  • BF (0.28 0.02 (stat) 0.03 (syst))
  • PDG (0.35 0.05)
  • cc1
  • BF (0.38 0.03 (stat) 0.03 (syst))
  • PDG (0.42 0.07)

J/y Production in Continuum
  • Clear J/y signal seen in data taken below U(4S)
  • And in on-resonance data in kinematic region
    inaccessible to B ? J/yX

J/y in Continuum Angular Distributions
  • Helicity
  • Production angle

Distribution at high p favors models with
intermediate color octet state
Exclusive Charmonium Modes
  • We are interested primarily in fully
    reconstructing decays of the type
  • Leads to the following menu of reconstructed
    modes (C.C. implied)

Used to measure sin2b
Light Meson Selection
  • po reconstructed as pairs of isolated or merged
    photons (only for KS ? popo)
  • K any good track is taken as candidate for most
  • PID not used to allow smaller systematics
  • Exception is cc1K0, which needs PID to see
  • KS reconstructed from pp- or popo pairs (only
    for B ? J/yKS)
  • pp- vertex required to be separated from
    charmonium vertex
  • p0p0 vertex defined as position along flight
    direction that gives best po masses
  • K0 and K are formed from K, KS, p, and po

Light Meson Mass Resolutions
po ? gg
KS ? pp-
s 3.5 MeV
Our selection
s 6.9 MeV
KS ? popo
  • 55 MeV
  • Dominated
  • by intrinsic
  • K width

s 15 MeV
Reconstruction of Exclusive Charmonium Decays
  • Mass-constrained charmonium candidates combined
    with Ks, KL, K, or K candidates to form B
  • Signal candidates should have mass consistent
    with B and energy in the CM frame consistent with
    beam energy
  • We form two variables to measure these quantities
  • Difference between beam and B candidate energies
  • Resolution typically 10 MeV for charged modes, 30
    MeV for modes with neutrals
  • Beam energy substituted mass
  • mES has much better resolution (3 MeV/c2) than
    invariant mass of B candidate
  • If more than one candidate is found in an events,
    best DE is chosen

Reconstruction of B ? J/yKL
  • Neutral hadrons are detected either from a non-EM
    deposit in the calorimeter or from a cluster of
    hits in the IFR
  • Neither signature gives a meaningful constraint
    on the energy of the hadron
  • Line from J/y vertex to cluster centroid gives KL
  • Can still reconstruct the decay by assuming
    neutral hadron was a KL, and using either the B
    mass or energy to assign the KL energy
  • Only one independent variable remains
  • We choose to fix the B mass and use DE to
    discriminate signal from background

Bremsstrahlung Recovery
  • Selection of charmonium mesons is nearly
    identical to that in inclusive analyses
  • To increase efficiency for ee- modes, we combine
    electrons with nearby photons to recover some of
    the loss due to bremsstralung

Background Suppression
  • Many of the variables used to suppress backgound
    have already been mentioned
  • Meson masses, lepton ID, mES and DE
  • For two-body charmonium decay, the helicity angle
    q? is a powerful discriminant against continnum
  • For y(2S)? J/y pp and cc ? J/y g, the angle
    between the thrust axes of the B candidate and
    the rest of the event is used

Events in DE sideband
Events in signal region
Signals for J/yK Modes
CP modes
Other J/y Modes
Non-J/y Modes
Estimation of Efficiency
  • To first order, efficiency is given by Monte
    Carlo with GEANT detector simulation
  • However, we know the MC is too optimistic in some
    cases, so we make the following corrections
  • Lepton ID efficiencies are taken from inclusive
    J/y data
  • Tracking efficiency is corrected by relative
    data/MC efficiency
  • MC momentum and energy measurements are smeared
    to match data resolution
  • Photon reconstruction efficiency is taken from tt
    data sample
  • KL detection efficiency taken from ee- ? Fg
    control sample
  • Though this is a long list of corrections, the
    largest total correction to the efficiency of
    any mode is 16

Extraction of Signal
  • Signal is estimated by
  • Counting events in the signal region
  • Subtracting integral of combinatoric background
  • Subtracting estimated background from other
    charmonium modes (which may peak in the signal
    region of mES

Systematic Uncertainties
Exclusive Charmonium Branching Fractions
  • Comparison of our measurements to PDG
  • In calculating the branching fractions, we assume
  • U(4S) always decays to BB
  • U(4S) produces equal numbers of charged and
    neutral B pairs

Ratios of Branching Fractions
  • Some interesting information is obtained by
    taking ratios or our branching fractions
  • Cancellation of some systematics is an added
  • For example, we find
  • But isospin requires decay amplitudes to be
  • Implies ratio of charged to neutral B pairs in
    sample is
  • 1.10 0.06 0.05
  • In addition, some B decay models predict ratios
    of vector to scalar branching fractions. We

Measurement of sin2bEvent selection
  • There are three types of final states used to
    measure sin2b
  • CP 1 eigenstates J/yKS, y(2S)KS and cCKS
  • CP 1 eigenstates J/yKL
  • Provides consistency check on analysis,
  • since CP asymmetry should be opposite
  • Mixed eigenstates J/yK0
  • Requires amplitude analysis to determine fraction
    of L1 (CP 1) component
  • The selection of CP 1 and mixed-CP candidates
    for the CP analysis is nearly identical to that
    for the branching fraction analysis, expect that
    the fiducial cuts are removed
  • Having a high efficiency is more important than
    having a well-understood efficiency for these
  • We also add 9 fb-1 of data from 2001 to the

Newly added to our measurement
CP 1 Event Selection
  • This channel is unique in having a large
    background dominated by other B? J/yX decays
  • Background may well be CP-asymmetric
  • Means that the optimal selection for CP analysis
    is different than that for branching fraction
  • Rather than S/(SB)1/2 one needs to optimize
  • Result

Inclusive J/y background
Other backgrounds
Angular Analysis of J/yK Events
  • J/yK0 decays have the proper CKM structure for
    measuring sin2b
  • However, since there are two vector particles,
    both CP eigenstates are present in this decay
  • One needs to do an angular analysis to separate
    the CP 1 and CP 1 amplitudes
  • Result
  • CP 1 component is 16 4

Efficiency in Run2 vs. Run1
  • Although added Run2 sample increases the
    luminosity of the data sample by lt 50, our
    efficiency for reconstructing CP events was
    significantly increased
  • One indication is
  • D 0? 3KS signal in three samples of equal
  • Primarily due to better reconstruction code
  • Reprocessing of Run1 data is underway

Run2 1930V
Run1 1960V
Run1 1900V
A Tagged J/yKS Event
Closeup View of the Event Vertex
Vertex Reconstruction
  • Vertex of CP B is easy to reconstruct
    (intersection of lepton tracks with beam axis)
  • Resolution dominated by tag B
  • Tag vertex found by
  • Starting with all tracks not from CP B
  • Beam spot postion provides additional constraint
    (not used in our previous analyses)
  • Combining pairs which form a displaced V0 vertex
  • Eliminating tracks with a large contribution to
  • Iterating until vertex is stable
  • Algorithm is 97 efficient

B Flavor Tagging
  • Measuring the flavor of the non-CP B is also
  • Power of any tagging algorithm is determined by
    its efficiency for giving an answer (e), and
    probability of giving the wrong answer (w)
  • Often quoted in terms of dilution D (1-2w)
  • Uncertainty on sin2b goes as
  • BaBar uses charge of identified lepton and kaon
    tracks as primary tag mechanism
  • In addition, a neural net tag algorithm is used
  • Resolve cases where kaon and lepton tag conflict
  • Pick up additional information from tracks that
    fail standard PID selection
  • Use additional information from slow pion charge
    and total "jet charge
  • Tagging methods
  • Generic B decay

Measurement of Tagging Performance
  • Measured by analyzing B mixing in
    fully-reconstructed hadronic B decays
  • Tagging efficiency given by the fraction of
    events with a tag opposite the reconstructed B
  • Wrong-tag probability given by fraction of events
    in which both Bs appear to have same flavor at
    same decay time
  • Total eD2 26.1 ? 1.2

Extraction of sin2b
  • sin2b is extracted using a maximum likelihood fit
  • PDG values of Dmd and tB are used in the fit
  • CP sample and sample of non-CP hadronic B decays
    are fit simultaneously to extract
  • Dilutions for each tagging category (4
  • Difference in dilution between
    tags (4)
  • Vertex resolution parameters for signal (16, 8
    each for 2000 and 2001 data)
  • Background vertex resolution (3)
  • Background time dependence (9)
  • Background mistag fractions (8)
  • sin2b (1)
  • Total of 45 parameters fit

Our Result
  • sin2b 0.59 ? 0.14 (stat.) ? 0.05 (syst.)

Opposite amplitudes!
Systematic Uncertainties
  • Dominant systematics are dsin2b
  • Parameterization of Dz resolution function 0.03
  • Largely due to residual uncertainties in SVT
  • Possible differences in mistag rates for CP
    events and control samples 0.03
  • Level and CP composition of background 0.02
  • Total systematic 0.05
  • Systematics are small, but we are nearing the
    point where well need to pay attention to them
    in order to reduce the total error

  • Check for consistency among decay modes
  • and tagging categories (KL sample not included)

Consistent at 8 level
  • Also fit for apparent sin2b on non-CP
    eigenstate samples (expect to get 0)
  • No evidence of spurious asymmetries

Run1 vs. Run2 Data
  • Current value is somewhat higher than our
    previous result
  • 0.34 0.20
  • Difference is consistent with statistics (Run2
    data is 1.3s higher than Run1)
  • Applying current analysis to previous sample
    gives 0.32 0.18

Comparison to Standard Model
  • Heres how our results compares to the standard
    model expectation
  • No hint of new physics here.

(Unofficial) Combined Measurement
  • Globally, CP violation in the B system is
    established at over 7s
  • World average value is consistent with Standard
    Model constraints
  • BaBar and Belle results differ by 1.8s
  • No cause for concern, but bears watching as
    errors improve

  • PEPII has an aggressive plan for improving the
    luminosity, leading to the following projection
  • This sample is over twice as large as was
    originally anticipated
  • Statistical error on sin2b will be 0.03

  • The SLAC B Factory had a very successful first
    run, collecting the worlds largest sample of
    U(4S) decays
  • Belle also has had an excellent year of running,
    and have a comparable sample
  • We have measured inclusive and exclusive
    charmonium branching fractions with precision
    superior to previous experiments
  • We have also published the first observation of
    CP violation outside of the K meson system by
  • sin2b 0.59 0.14 (stat) 0.05 (syst)
  • But were just at the beginning of our program
  • The greatest challenges lie ahead
  • Measuring sin2b in penguin-dominated modes
  • Measuring (or at least constraining) the other CP
  • and many more
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