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Hanoi Towers Continued


Hanoi Towers -- Continued. Higher-order procedures ... Last Lecture: Towers of Hanoi. Three posts, and a set of disks ... Orders of growth for towers of Hanoi ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hanoi Towers Continued

Lecture 5
Hanoi Towers -- Continued Higher-order
procedures High order procedures for fixed
points (if we have time)
Last Lecture Towers of Hanoi
  • Three posts, and a set of disks of different
  • A disk can be placed only on a larger disk (or
    on bottom).
  • At the beginning all the disks are on the left
  • The goal is to move the disks one at a time,
    while preserving these conditions, until the
    entire stack has moved from the left post to

You are allowed to move only the topmost disk at
a step
Use our paradigm
  • Wishful thinking
  • Smaller problem A problem with one disk less
  • How do we use it ?

To move n disks from post A to post C (using B as
aux) Move top n-1 disks from post A to post
B (using C as aux) Move the largest disk
from post A to post C Move n-1 disks from
post B to post C (using A as aux)
We solve 2 smaller problems !
Towers of Hanoi
(define (move-tower size from to aux) (cond
(( size 1) (one-move from to)) (else
(move-tower (- size 1) from aux to)
(one-move from to) (move-tower (- size
1) aux to from))))
(define (one-move from to) (display "Move top
disk from ") (display from) (display " To
") (display to) (newline))
Tree Recursion
(mt 3 1 2 3)
Towers of Hanoi -- trace
  • (move-tower 3 1 2 3)
  • Move top disk from 1 to 2
  • Move top disk from 1 to 3
  • Move top disk from 2 to 3
  • Move top disk from 1 to 2
  • Move top disk from 3 to 1
  • Move top disk from 3 to 2
  • Move top disk from 1 to 2

Orders of growth for towers of Hanoi
  • Denote by T(n) the number of steps that we need
    to take to solve the case for n disks.

T(n) 2T(n-1) 1 T(1) 1
This solves to T(n) 2n-1 Q (2n)
What does that mean ?
Hanoi Towers
Say we want to solve the problem for 400 disks.
Say it takes a second to move a disk . We need
about 2400 seconds. Thats about 2373
years. Thats about 2363 millenniums. Might
take longer then the age of the universe .
Infeasible !!!!
Lets buy a fast computerand make it feasible.
Our new computer can move giga billion (260 )
disks a second. Absolutely the last word in the
field of computing. We need about 2340
seconds. Thats about 2313 years. Thats about
2303 millenniums.
Does not help much. Infeasible !!!!
An algorithm with exponential time complexityis
not scalable
What about Space complexity?
Towers of Hanoi
(define (move-tower size from to aux) (cond
(( size 1) (one-move from to)) (else
(move-tower (- size 1) from aux to)
(one-move from to) (move-tower (- size
1) aux to from))))
Pending operations
(define (one-move from to) (display "Move top
disk from ") (display from) (display " To
") (display to) (newline))
Towers of Hanoi Space complexity
The number of pending operations is the height of
the recursion tree.
So the space complexity is
S(n) Q(n)
Note that the second recursive call is treated as
tail recursion, and forms an iteration (no
pending operation for these calls).
Tree Recursion
(mt 3 2 1 3)
Types so far
  • Numbers 1, 7, 1.2
  • Boolean t , f
  • Strings this is a string
  • Procedures
  • (lambda (x) (if (lt x 0)
  • x is negative
  • x is not negative))

Procedures have types
  • A procedure
  • may have requirements regarding the
  • number of its arguments,
  • may expect each argument to be of a certain

The procedure expects numbers as its
arguments. Cannot be applied to strings.
( abc xyz)
Procedures have types
  • The type of a procedure is (part of) a contract
  • If the operands have the specified types,the
    procedure will result in a value of the specified
  • otherwise, its behavior is undefined
  • maybe an error, maybe random behavior
  • A contract between the caller and the procedure.
  • caller responsible for argument number and types
  • procedure responsible to deliver correct result

The type of the procedure add (define (add x y)
( x y)) is
( 7 xx) - causes an error.
Your turn
The following expressions evaluate to values of
what type?
(lambda (a b c) (if (gt a 0) ( b c) (- b c)))
(lambda (p) (if p "hi" "bye"))
( 3.14 ( 2 5))
(lambda (p) (if p "hi" 0))
Types (summary)
  • type a set of possible values and operations
  • every value has a type
  • procedure types (types which include ?) indicate
  • number of arguments required
  • type of each argument
  • type of result of the procedure
  • Scheme has a lax type policy

Can procedures get and return procedures?
  • In scheme a procedure can
  • Return a procedure as its return value,
  • Receive procedures as arguments.

Why is this useful?
Consider the following three sums
  • 1 2 100 (100 101)/2
  • 1 4 9 1002 (100 101 102)/6
  • 1 1/32 1/52 1/1012 p2/8

In mathematics they are all captured by the
notion of a sum
Lets have a look at the three programs
(define (sum term a next b) (if (gt a b)
0 ( (term a) (sum term (next a)
next b))))
Lets check this new procedure out!
  • (define (sum term a next b)
  • (if (gt a b)
  • 0
  • ( (term a)
  • (sum term (next a) next b))))
  • What is the type of this procedure?

((number ? number) number (number? number)
number) ? number
Higher-order procedures
(define (sum term a next b) (if (gt a b)
0 ( (term a) (sum term (next a)
next b))))
  • Examples of use
  • 1. (define (sum-integers1 a b)
  • (sum (lambda (x) x) a (lambda (x) ( x
    1)) b))
  • 2. (define (sum-squares1 a b)
  • (sum square a (lambda (x) ( x 1)) b))
  • 3. (define (pi-sum1 a b)
  • (sum (lambda (x) (/ 1 (square x))) a
    (lambda (x) ( x 2)) b))

A higher-order procedure takes one or more
procedures as arguments and/or returns one
as a value
How does it work?
  • (define (sum term a next b)
  • (if (gt a b) 0
  • ( (term a) (sum term (next a) next b))))

(sum square 1 (lambda (x) ( x 1)) 100)
( (square 1) (sum square ((lambda (x) ( x
1)) 1) (lambda (x) ( x 1)) 100))
( 1 (sum square 2 (lambda (x) ( x 1)) 100))
( 1 ( (square 2) (sum square 3 (lambda (x) ( x
1)) 100)))
( 1 ( 4 (sum square 3 (lambda (x) ( x 1))
( 1 ( 4 ( 9 (sum square 4 (lambda (x) ( x 1))

Integration as a procedure
  • Integration under a curve f is approximated by
  • dx (f(a) f(a dx) f(a 2dx) f(b))

(define (integral f a b) (define dx 1.0e-3)
( (sum f a (lambda (x) ( x dx)) b) dx))
(define atan (lambda (a)
(integral (lambda (y) (/ 1 ( 1 (square y)))) 0
The derivative.
  • We want to write a procedure with
  • Argument a function f number ? number
  • Result the function f number ? number

deriv (number ? number) ? (number ? number)
(define (deriv f) (lambda (x)
(define dx 0.001) (/ (- (f ( x dx))
(f x)) dx)))
gt ((deriv square) 3) 6.000999999999479
We will soon see more examples of higher-order
Before that, LET us have an intermezzo
The syntactic sugar Let
Suppose we wish to implement the function
f(x,y) x(1xy)2 y(1-y) (1xy)(1-y)
The syntactic sugar Let
(define (f x y) ((lambda (a b) ( ( x
(square a)) ( y b) ( a b)))
( 1 ( x y)) (- 1 y)))
(define (f x y) (define (f-helper a b) (
( x (square a)) ( y b) ( a b)))
(f-helper ( 1 ( x y)) (- 1 y)))
(define (f x y) (let ((a ( 1 ( x y)))
(b (- 1 y))) ( ( x (square a)) ( y
b) ( a b))))
The syntactic sugar Let
(Let ((ltvar1gt ltexp1gt) (ltvar2gt ltexp2gt)
.. (ltvarngt ltexpngt)) ltbodygt)
Is defined to be equivalent to
((lambda (ltvar1gt .. ltvarngt) ltbodygt)
ltexp1gt ltexp2gt ltexpngt)
More Procedural Abstraction Fixed Points
x0 is a fixed point of F(x) if F(x0) x0
is a fixed point of F(x) a/x
Finding fixed points for f(x)
  • Start with an arbitrary first guess x1
  • Each time
  • try the guess, f(x) x ??
  • If its not a good guess try the next guess xi1

(define (fixed-point f first-guess) (define
tolerance 0.00001) (define (close-enough? v1
v2) (lt (abs (- v1 v2)) tolerance)) (define
(try guess) (let ((next (f guess))) (if
(close-enough? guess next) guess
(try next)))) (try first-guess))
An example f(x) 11/x
(define (f x) ( 1 (/ 1 x))) (fixed-point f 1.0)
X1 1.0 X2 f(x1) 2 X3 f(x2) 1.5 X4
f(x3) 1.666666666.. X5 f(x4) 1.6 X6 f(x5)
1.625 X7 f(x6) 1.6153846 Exact
fixed-point 1.6180339
Note how odd guesses underestimate And even
guesses Overestimate.
Another example f(x) 2/x
(define (f x) (/ 2 x)) (fixed-point f 1.0)
x1 1.0 x2 f(x1) 2 x3 f(x2) 1 x4 f(x3)
2 x5 f(x4) 1 x6 f(x5) 2 x7 f(x6)
1 Exact fixed-point 1.414213562
How do we deal with oscillation?
Consider f(x)2/x. If guess is a number such
that guess lt sqrt(2) then 2/guess gt sqrt(2) So
the average of guess and 2/guess is always an
even Better guess.
So, we will try to find a fixed point of g(x)
(x f(x))/2
Notice that g(x) (x f(x)) /2 has the same
fixed points as f.
For f(x)2/x this gives g(x) (x 2/x)/2
(No Transcript)
Extracting the common pattern average-damp
  • (define (average-damp f) outputs g(x)(xf(x))/2
  • (lambda (x) (average x (f x))))

average-damp (number ? number) ? (number ?
((average-damp square) 10) ((lambda (x)
(average x (square x))) 10) (average 10
(square 10)) 55
which gives us a clean version of sqrt
  • (define (sqrt x)
  • (fixed-point
  • (average-damp
  • (lambda (y) (/ x y)))
  • 1))
  • Compare this to our previous implementation of
    sqrt same process.
  • For the cubic root of x, fixed point of f(y)
  • (define (cubert x)
  • (fixed-point
  • (average-damp (lambda (y) (/ x (square y))))
  • 1))

Further abstraction
  • (define (osc-fixed-point f first-guess)
  • (fixed-point (average-damp f)
  • first-guess))

(define (sqrt x) (osc-fixed-point (lambda (y)
(/ x y)) 1.0) (define (cubert x)
(osc-fixed-point (lambda (y) (/ x (square y)))
Newtons method
A solution to the equation F(x) 0 is a fixed
point of G(x) x - F(x)/F(x)
(define (newton-transform f) (lambda (x) (- x
(/ (f x) ((deriv f) x))))) (define
(newton-method f guess) (fixed-point
(newton-transform f) guess))
(define (sqrt x) (newton-method (lambda (y) (-
(square y) x)) 1.0))
Further abstraction
(define (fixed-point-of-transform f transform
guess) (fixed-point (transform f)
guess)) (define (osc-fixed-point f guess)
(fixed-point-of-transform f average-damp
guess)) (define (newton-method f
guess) (fixed-point-of-transform f
newton-transform guess))
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