Ideology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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2. Western Marxism (e.g. Frankfurt School) ... e.g. Lukacs, The Frankfurt school Raymond Williams, etc. (Alvin Gouldner The Two Marxisms) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ideology

Ideology Society
  • Marxist Tradition and Jameson

  • Starting Questions
  • Central Debates in Marxism after Marx
  • Althusser on Ideology
  • Jameson on Interpretation

Starting Questions
  • I. Basics
  • What are the central issues of debate engaged by
    both Althusser and Jameson?
  • What is ideology as it is defined by Althusser?
  • What are Jamesons views of Marxist
  • How does Althusser revise Marxist tradition by
    connecting it with structuralism and
  • How does Jameson engage Bakhtin and structuralism
    in his theory of interpretation?
  • II. ???
  • What makes Bakhtin and Foucault related to
    Marxism, and what separates the two from the
  • How do Bakhtin, Foucault and Althusser describe
    society or social formation differently?
  • How is discourse or power defined by Foucault
    similar to or different from ideology as
    Althusser defines it?

After Marx History
  • Vulgar Marxism
  • Leninism and the Second International
  • simplification and indoctrination of Marx (e.g.
    ideology false consciousness)
  • Zhdanovism (Reflectionism) revolution
  • Stalinism
  • Russian Formalism (Mikhail Bakhtin )
  • 2. Western Marxism (e.g. Frankfurt School)
  • 3. Poststructuralist (scientific) turnAlthusser,
    (? T. Eagleton)
  • 4. American (F. Jameson) and British Marxism (R.
    Williams and T. Eagleton)
  • 5. Post-Marxist (E. Laclau and C Mouffe)against
    its totalizing schema

After Marx Historical Turning Points
  • October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution German
    Ideology published in 1920s.? Stalinism party
    proletariat dogmatization of Marx
  • ? Western Marxism
  • May 1968(// civil rights movements in the States)
    ?Traditional Marxism cannot account for this new
    social formation, or cultural revolution.
  • ? Western Marxism gets to dominate as well as be
  • ? Foucaults turn (from structuralist or
    discourse approach) to power and domination.

After Marx Central Issues for Debate
  • Determinism, economic determinism
  • Reflectionism (1) social homology (2) literature
    reflecting society and serving Communist causes.
    (tendentious or not)
  • Base and Super Structure Literature/Culture and
    society (and the role of Marxist criticism)
  • Definitions of class, exploitation and
    capitalism, possibilities of revolution (?
    cultural revolution)
  • Definitions of ideology negative or positive,
    its influence on human subjects and
    interrelations with discourse.

After Marx Central Debates (2)
  • Voluntarism or humanism
  • critical theory rejects the base-superstructure
    metaphor in favor of a less well-defined
  • e.g. Lukacs, The Frankfurt school ? Raymond
    Williams, etc.
  • Determinism
  • Scientific Marxism more economistic
  • e.g. Althusser, New Left Review
  • (Alvin Gouldner The Two Marxisms)

The persistent the dialectics (in both action
and thinking). Engels Natural Dialectics ????
????,????, ???????,?????.
Western Marxism
  • reacted against Leninism
  • Georg Lukács, Antonio Gramsci(1891-1937, the
    Frankfurt School in Germany and the existential
    Marxists in France after World War II.
  • Supplement classical Marxism with existentialism
    or psychoanalysis.
  • Shifts the attention of critical theory away from
    the means and relations of production toward
    issues of everyday life and culture.
  • (source Mark Poster http//

Ideology different views
  • Engels ideology false consciousness and
  • Lenin bourgeois vs. socialist ideology
  • Bakhtin denies the distinction between the
    intrinsic and the extrinsic Both consciousness
    and ideology are semiotic, whether in the form of
    "inner speech" or in the process of verbal
    interaction with others, or in mediated forms
    like writing and art. 
  • Gramsci "historically organic ideologies
    repressive, arbitrary ideology
  • Althusser has material base constitute
    subjectivities and their imaginary relations with
    society to ensure the power of the dominant group

Ideology different views (2)
  • Foucault --
  • Power does not just reproduce relations of
    production more pluralistic, localized. (e.g.
    the carceral)
  • Discourse// ideology constitute subject
  • Against ideology, because
  • Ideology implies an opponent -- truth.
  • ideology stands in a secondary position relative
    to something which functions as its base, as its
    material economic determinant.

  • Anti-Humanism (like Levi-Strauss, Lacan,
    Foucault, Derrida)
  • Structuralist Marxism, renovation of historical
    materialism. (social formation a more
    de-centered view of social causality)
  • Separates Ideology from sciencedivide Marxs
    work into three periods ideological,
    transitional and scientific
  • Borrow from Freud and Lacan the Imaginary
    (ideology) mirror stage

Jameson "On Interpretation"
  • dialectical criticism metacommentary
  • mediation,
  • three levels of interpretation
  • History
  • Issues for Debate

  • -- "Interpretation is here construed as an
    essentially allegorical act, which consists in
    rewriting a given text in terms of a particular
    interpretive master code." (10) -- will always
    recognise the historical origins of its own
    concepts, the "master codes" it uses, and will
    never allow the concepts to ossify and become
    insensitive to  the presuure of reality.  --will
    seek to unmask the inner form of a genre or body
    of texts and will work from the surface of a work
    inward  to the level where literary form is
    deeply related to the concrete.

Three levels' of Causality --
  • Jameson's criticism of Althusser
  • 1.mechanical causality  (billiard ball
    causality)  applicable to analysis of local
    events 2. Hegel's and Stalin's "expressive
    causality" --homogeniety of the levels and
    totalization 3. Structural causality

Mediation revised view of social totality
  • Mediation is the classical dialectical term for
    the establishment of relationship between, say,
    the formal analysis of a work of art and its
    social ground, or between the internal dynamics
    of the political state and its economic base.
  • -- a process of transcoding as the invention of
    a set of terms, the strategic choice of a
    particular code or language, such that the same
    terminology can be used to analyze and articulate
    two quite distinct types of objects or "text," .
    . . (40)

Mediation (2) revised view of social totality
  • Different kinds of mediation
  • Through separation and differentiation --
    structural causality
  • through identification -- expressive causality
    "Althusserian structural causality is therefore
    just as fundamentally a practice of mediation as
    is the expressive causality to which it is
    opposed." (41)

Homology vs. ultimate determinism
  • Use contemporary materialist studies of Language
    as an example to argue against simple homology
  • Use Greimas semiotic to analyze the deep
    structure of language (semiotic rectanglebased
    on the principles of contradiction and opposition
    p. 46)

Ideology and Lukacs concept of totality as
  • Ideology strategies of containment
  • Totality a methodological standard.
  • Totalization a way to unmask ideology as
    strategies of containment.
  • Poststructualism (e.g. Derrida, Deleuze, etc.)
    reconfirm the status of the concept of totality
    by their very reaction against it. (53)
  • The multiplicity and discontinuity found by
    poststructuralist readers should be reunified if
    not at the level of work itself, then at the
    level of its process of production. . . (The
    former an initial moment of an Althusserian

three horizons of criticism
  • immanent analysis
  • Text as a symbolic act
  • how history enters a text as an absent cause or
    subtext (1945- 56)
  • Semiotic rectangle // ideological closure
  • socio-discourse analysis
  • class as relational,
  • Text as parole in class discourse as langue
    dialogical ideologemes
  • Historical reading
  • Cultural revolution both synchronic and
  • Ideology of formcontradictions produced by
    varied sign systems

Text as a Symbolic Act
  • Caduveo girl
  • by Guido Boggiani (source)
  • Construing formal patterns as a symbolic
    enactment of the social within the formal and

  1. as an absent cause "it History is inaccessible
    except through textual forms. amd . . . our
    approach to it and to the Real itself necessarily
    passes through its prior textualization, its
    narrativization in the political unconscious."
    (33/1946) -- History as Necessity "History is
    what hurts, it is what refuses desire and set
    inexorable limits to individual as well as
    collective praxis. . . History as ground and
    untranscendable horizon. . . " (102/1959)

Issues for Debate
  • Do you agree with Jamesons analysis of the three
    levels of social causality?
  • Do you agree with Jameson that behind the
    pluralist social institutions, society itself is
    a totality, a seamless web, a single
    inconceivable and transindividual process (p.
    41) that behind historical events, there is
  • Do you agree that mediation, or
    trans-codingassimilationdifferentiation, is all
    thats needed in crossing disciplines and social

  • Mark Poster. Foucault, Marxism and History First
    published 1984 by Polity Press, Cambridge, in
    association with Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
  • David McLellan. Ideology. Buckingham Open UP,
    1st Ed. 1989, 2nd Ed. 1995.
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