Title: Extending our
1(No Transcript)
2Extending our influence beyond our school is
a daunting prospect to many school library staff.
3Dont let your talents be minimized! You can
make a difference to to school libraries throughou
t Ontario.
4Get involved to perk up your résumé and
help promote school libraries on a grander scale.
5Share ideas and publicize what you and your
colleagues are doing! Start or contribute to a
library subject council newsletter.
6Involve the library in the community and
invite the community to the library!
Welcome community members to the library and
support social action while using
community resources to deliver curriculum.
7Share ideas and publicize what you and your
colleagues are doing! Start or contribute to a
library subject council wiki or blog.
8Partner with organizations that have
generated useful resources and then let others
know about those resources. Submit a proposal
for a poster presentation a future
Super Conference.
9Explore a topic that interests you find out what
colleagues have done. Submit an article to The
Teaching Librarian.
10Promote school libraries at faculties of
education. Become an associate teacher.
11 Submit a library profile or an article to School
Libraries in Canada.
12Terrifying lions (like the one from the first
slide) . . .
13That terrifying lion into whose mouth you placed
your head with the greatest of trepidation . . .
. . . can become better performers, partners, and
14Image Credits Slides 1, 12 and 13 - Barnum,
Richard (author) and Walter S. Rogers
Illustrator. Nero, the Circus Lion His Many
Adventures. New York Barse and Hopkins,
1919. Slide 3 - Alger, Horatio. Brave and
Bold in The Boys Home Weekly. 5 Jul.
1911cover. Slide 4 - Childs, William R.
Reading Guide for the Horatio Alger novels.
Introduction to Business History The American
Experience. Winter 2007. Ohio State College of
Humanities. 13 Jan. 2009 lthttp//people.cohums.ohi
htmgt. Slide 5 - Risen From the Ranks or, the
Story of Harry Walton's Success. New York A.L.
Burt Company, 1909. Slide 8 Drugs and Travel
Why They Dont Mix.Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade. http//www.voyage.gc.ca/p
ublications/drug-travel_drogue-voyages-eng.asp Sl
ide 11 School Libraries in Canada. Canadian
Association for School Libraries. http//www.cla.c
a/casl/slic/slicindex.html. Other slide graphics
come from the Ontario School Library Association
journal, The Teaching Librarian. (http//www.acces