Title: GPortal Digital Library Project: An Overview
1G-Portal Digital Library Project An Overview
- A/Prof Lim Ee Peng
- Centre for Advanced Information SystemsSchool of
Computer EngineeringNanyang Technological
Collaborators John Hedberg, Chew-Hung Chang,
Tiong-Sa Teh National Institute of
Education Dion Hoe-Lian Goh, Yin-Leng Theng
School of Communication and Information
- Funding support from
- 300K from Ministry of Education (2003-2006)
- S315K from Agency for Science, Technology and
Research (2001-2003) - Ex-technical members
- Sun Aixin, Liu Zehua
- Current technical members
- Zong Wenbo, Wu Dan
- G-Portal Basic Features
- G-Portal for Field Study
- G-Portal Other Research Topics
4G-Portal Basic Features
- IdeaA digital library for managing metadata
about geography related web objects and
organizing them so as to provide support to
collaborative learning activities. - Raw Knowledge
- Web pages, images, photos, excel files with URLs
- Created/maintained by geography education
community, local teachers and students - Metadata Knowledge
- For analysis, query processing, knowledge
organization - Collaborative learning activities
- Accessible anywhere
- Flexible creation sharing of knowledge about
web objects
6G-Portal Architecture
7G-Portal Components/Services
- Metadata Representation
- Metadata Organization
- Classification
- Query Processing
- Annotation
- Project Viewer
8Metadata Representation
- Raw learning objects web sites, web pages, image
objects (map, photos, etc..), excel files, word
files and others - Metadata description of raw learning objects
- Metadata is also known as catalog records in the
traditional library model
9Metadata Format
- Web objects are heterogeneous in nature
- Metadata schema to define the format of metadata
- Each metadata schema is for a different type of
metadata - The base schema define the basic attributes
- id, name, location, owner, link to raw resource,
etc. - All schemas are derived from the base schema to
introduce new attributes
10Metadata Format
A USA County Resource
A Country Resource
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
ltResource ShapeID"1"gt ltIDgtCountyQuickFacts_1
lt/IDgt ltResourceNamegt ltNamegtHarris
Countylt/Namegt lt/ResourceNamegt ltLocation
Type"Geometry"gt ... ... lt/Locationgt
ltCreatorgt ... ... lt/Creatorgt ltSourcegt ltLinkgt
http//... ... lt/Linkgt lt/Sourcegt ltContentgt
ltGeneralQuickFactsgt ltStategt
Georgia lt/Stategt lt/GeneralQuickFacts
gt ... ... ltPeopleQuickFactsgt
... ... lt/PeopleQuickFactsgt ... ...
ltGeographyQuickFactsgt... ..
lt/GeographyQuickFactsgt lt/Contentgt
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
ltResource ShapeID20"gt ltIDgtCountry_20lt/IDgt
ltResourceNamegt ltNamegtChinalt/Namegt
lt/ResourceNamegt ltLocation
Type"Geometry"gt ... ... lt/Locationgt
ltCreatorgt ... ... lt/Creatorgt ltSourcegt ltLinkgt
http//... ... lt/Linkgt lt/Sourcegt ltContentgt
ltAreagt948.656lt/Areagt ltPerimetergt238.193lt/P
erimetergt ltPopulationgt1304536725lt/Populati
ongt lt/Contentgt lt/Resourcegt
12A Country Metadata Resource A City Metadata
13(No Transcript)
14A DLESE Metadata Resource
15Metadata Schema Editor
Node Information
16Metadata Editor
17Metadata Organization
- Metadata resources are organized into projects
- Project
- A logical grouping of a set of resources for a
specific task - For example, we may create a field study project
on beach erosion for learning objects related
to the topic. - Layer
- Finer grained organization of resources within a
project - For example
- A map layer containing beach lines, water lines,
headlands, etc... - A profile layer containing profile data taken at
different dates
18Metadata Organized in Categories
19Metadata Classification
Categories names are dynamic now we have
categories 1993-2002. Soon will have 2003
20Querying Metadata
Query Result Window
Query Window
22Personalized Projects
- Created for each student team or student
- Features
- General features of G-Portal projects
- Creation of new resources, layers, categories,
etc.. - Cut and paste resources from the public project
- Annotations shared by team members
23Local Project Viewer
- Java application
- Downloading of projects and metadata onto local
harddisk - Local viewing of projects and metadata
- Creation/reference of contexts
24G-Portal for Field Study
25Field Study Activity
- Research conducted in the real environment where
data are collected from live situations. - We consider a field study for secondary school
geography students - In the field study
- Teacher needs to
- define objectives and tasks
- provide reading materials
- equip students with devices to take measurements
- provide assessment requirement
- Student needs to
- read up
- make trips to designated area
- collect data
- analyse data
- prepare report
26Field Study Activity (contd)
- A field study usually involves teams of students
- Each team of students should create/maintain a
different set of resources along with those given
by the teacher - Resources should be organised
- Final report will make references to the
resources - G-Portals personalized project management
attempts to answer the above requirements
27East Coast Park (ECP) Field Study
- Beach erosion study at East Coast Park (ECP)
beach - Objectives
- Understand what beach erosion is and what causes
beach erosion - Assess the current state of the beach
- Compute rough rate of erosion based on historical
records - Document findings
28Public ECP Project
- Teacher creates the public project containing
- Map of the designated beach area
- Previously collected resources about ECP beach
- Raw resources created as web pages, images, etc..
- Instructions for measuring beach profiles
- Required report format
- Public project made available to all student
29Public ECP Project
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33New Personalized Project
34Copy the selected metadata resources
35Paste the saved resources
36Project Exportation
- All public and personalized projects reside on
the G-Portal server - User name and password required
- For local access, personalized projects can be
exported to the local harddisk - A Java application Local Project Viewer can be
used to access the local projects - Support references to personalized project from
other local documents
37Context Management in Exported Personalized
- Context refers to a specific snapshot or bookmap
of a project that is registered for future
reference. - For example
- The zoom-in map of ECP beach at location A
together with a metadata record of a photograph
taken there
38Editing of Context (e.g., Context A)
39Editing of Context (e.g., Context A)
40Referencing Context
- Context referenced within G-Portal
- Context can be referenced by external documents
- F\GPortal\Local Projects\My_ecp.gpd
- F\GPortal\Local Projects\My_ecpECP Project
Context A.gpd
41(No Transcript)
42G-Portal Other Research Topics
43Text/Web Classification
- Aixin Sun and Ee-Peng Lim, Web Unit Based Mining
of Homepage Relationships, Journal of the
American Society for Information Science and
Technology (JASIST), accepted, 2005. - Aixin Sun and Ee-Peng Lim, Finding and
Classifying Web Units in Web Sites,
International Journal of Business Intelligence
and Data Mining (IJBIDM), accepted, 2005. - Aixin Sun, Ee-Peng Lim, Wee-Keong Ng, Jaideep
Srivastava Blocking Reduction Strategies in
Hierarchical Text Classification, to appear at
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering (TKDE), 2004. - Aixin Sun, Ee-Peng Lim, Wee-Keong Ng,
Performance Measurement Framework for
Hierarchical Text, Journal of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology
(JASIST), Vol. 54, No. 11, page 1014-1028, Wiley,
2003. - Aixin Sun, Ee-Peng Lim, Web Unit Mining
Finding and Classifying Subgraphs of Web Pages,
International Conference on Information and
Knowledge Management (CIKM2003), New Orleans,
Louisiana, November 2003. - Aixin Sun, Ee-Peng Lim, Wee-Keong Ng, HCL A
Specification Language for Hierarchical Text
Classification, 2nd International Workshop on
Cooperative Internet Computing (CIC2002) in
conjunction with the International Conference on
Very Large Data Bases, Hong Kong, August 2002.
44Usability Techniques
- Theng, Y.L., Goh, D.H., Lim, E.P., Liu, Z., Ming,
Y., Pang, N.L.S., and Wong, P.B. (In press).
Applying scenario-based design and claims
analysis to the design of a digital library of
geography examination resources. Information
Processing and Management. - Theng Y.L., Goh, D.H., Ming, Y., Suen, E.K., and
Lim, E.P. (2004). Design lessons on access
features in PAPER. Paper accepted to the 7th
International Conference on Asian Digital
Libraries ICADL 2004, (December 13-17, Shanghai,
China). - Theng, Y.L., Goh, D.H., Lim E.P., Liu, Z.H.,
Pang, N., Wong, P., and Chua, L.H. (2002).
Intergenerational partnerships in the design of a
digital library of geography examination
resources. Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, (December
11-14, Singapore), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 2555, 427-439. - Goh, D.H., Theng, Y.L., and Lim, E.P. (2004).
From GeogDL to PAPER The evolution of an
educational digital library. In Theng, Y.L. and
Foo, S. (Eds.), Design and Usability of Digital
Libraries Case Studies in the Asia Pacific.
Hershey, PA Idea Group Publishing.
45Educational Applications
- Goh, D.H., Ang, R.P., Theng, Y.L., and Lim E.P.
(In press). GeogDL A web-based approach to
geography examination revision. Computers
Education. - Goh, D.H., Theng, Y.L., Ming, Y., Suen, E.K., and
Lim, E.P. (2004). An interactive learning
environment for a dynamic educational digital
library. WSEAS Trans. on Computers, 3(3). - Liu, Z., Yu, H., Lim, E.P., Ming, Y., Goh, D.H.,
Theng, Y.L., and Ng, W.K. (2004). A Java-based
digital library portal for geography education.
Science of Computer Programming, 53(1), 87-105. - Lim, E.P., Sun, A. Liu, Z. Hedberg, J., Chang,
C.H., Teh, T.S., Goh, D.H., and Theng, Y.L.
(2004). Supporting field study with personalized
project spaces in a geographical digital library.
Paper accepted to the 7th International
Conference on Asian Digital Libraries ICADL 2004,
(December 13-17, Shanghai, China). - Goh, D.H., Theng, Y.L., Yin, M., and Lim, E.P.
(2003). PAPER for an educational digital library.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference
on Asian Digital Libraries, (December 8-11, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia). - Melati, D., Ming, Y., Theng, Y.L., Goh, D.H., and
Lim, E.P. (2003). Towards a role-based metadata
scheme for educational digital libraries A case
study in Singapore. Proceedings of the Seventh
European Conference on Research and Advanced
Technology for Digital Libraries ECDL 2003,
(August 17-22, Trondheim, Norway). - Chua, L.H., Goh, D.H., Lim, E.P., Liu, Z., and
Ang, R. (2002). A digital library for geography
examination resources. Proceedings of the Second
ACMIEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries,
(July 14-18, Portland, Oregon, USA). - Theng, Y.L., Goh, D.H., Lee, C.K., Lim, E.P. and
Liu, Z.H. (2002). Digital libraries to knowledge
portals Towards a global knowledge portal for
secondary schools in Singapore. Proceedings of
the International Conference on Digital Library
of IT Opportunities and Challenges in the New
Millennium, (July 8-12, Beijing, China), 291-303.
46Place Name Assignment/Ontology-based Web
Annotation/Query Processing
- Wenbo Zong, Dan Wu, Aixin Sun, Ee-Peng Lim, Dion
H. Goh, On Assigning Place Names to Geography
Related Web Pages, Joint Conference on Digital
Libraries (JCDL2005), Denver, Colorado, June
2005. - Myo Myo Naing, Ee-Peng Lim, Roger Chiang. CORE
A Search and Browsing Tool for Semantic Instances
of Web Sites, 7th Asia Pacific Web Conference
(APWeb2005), Shanghai China, March 2005. - Myo-Myo Naing, Ee-Peng Lim, Dion Goh Hoe-Lian, A
Survey of Ontology-Based Web Annotation, The
First International Conference on Computer
Applications, Yangon, Myanmar, January 15, 2003. - Myo Myo Naing, Ee-Peng Lim, Dion Goh Hoe Lian
Ontology-based Web Annotation Framework for
Hyperlink Structures, International Workshop on
Data Semantics in Web Information Systems
(DASWIS'02), Singapore, December 2002. - Zehua Liu, Ee-Peng Lim, Wee-Keong Ng, Dion
Hoe-Lian Goh, On Querying Geospatial and
Georeferenced Metadata Resources in GPortal,
ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
(JCDL2003), Houston, May 27-31 2003.
47Ongoing Research
- Community-based metadata review and creation
system to create and manage the metadata of
learning objects - Object sharing mechanism with existing Geography
learning object repositories, e.g. DLESE and
ADEPT - Concept based indexing for learning objects in
the Geography domain - Distributed search and visualization capabilities
for learning objects relevant to the user needs
in Geography - Transduction of distributed learning objects into
personalized project space of student users - Geography teachers and students to use G-Portal
48End of Talk (QA) A/Prof Lim Ee
Peng aseplim_at_ntu.edu.sg