Title: LUSI DCO XRay Focusing Lens System Final Design Review
1LUSI DCOX-Ray Focusing Lens System Final
Design Review
- Marc Campell
- Don Arnett
- June 25, 2009
- 1000 - 1030 Science Objectives and Requirements
- 1030 - 1130 X-ray Focusing Lens System Design
- 1130 - 1200 Questions Report Writing
3Goal of FDR
- Approval of the XFLS final design
- Approval to start fabrication
- Approval to place procurements
- Procurement of Be Lens has been initiated
- Long lead, foreign Vendor
- Status
- Key Features
- Positioning Requirements
- Final design and analyses
- Prototype test plans
- Comparison of XFLS IPM
- Analysis results
- Safety
- Cost schedule
- Identified problem areas/open issues
- Summary
5Status Overview
- XFLS PDR was passed based on similarity to
Intensity Position Monitors - IPM PDR passed on 1/09/09
- This review will also rely on work performed from
the IPM FDR held on 4/17/09 - Relevant comments from the IPM PDR FDR will be
6XFLS Key Features
- Focusing Lens concept based on proven design from
Aachen University (Dr. B. Lengeler) - Adapted to SLAC chamber design
- Commonality with IPM to reduce cost
- Extensive use of commercial hardware
- Aachen Design modified
- 3 sets of lenses and
- allow for Lens Pack removal with minor
7XFLS Key Features
- 2 axis actuator assembly
- Stem Assembly
- Be Lens Pack Holder
- IPM chamber
- (front face not shown)
- 6 degree of freedom support stand
X Stage
8XFLS Key Features
- 650 mm Z stage added for XPP and XCS
9Key Features (cont)
- Lens Pack Holder Assembly
- Has integral alignment features for the lenses
- Holds 3 Lens Pack Assemblies
- Each Lens Pack Assembly holds 12 Lenses
10Positioning Requirements
- Centers of all Lenses in a Lens Pack Assembly
shall be co-axial within 10 µm. - Four operating positions corresponding to the 3
Lens Pack centers and the beam stay clear
position. - Lens Pack Assembly in the IN position shall be
centered (X and Y) on the X-ray beam axis within
the limits of Table I. - The pitch and yaw of the lens must be less than
0.1 relative to the LCLS coordinate system. - There is not a roll requirement.
- Stay clear is .50 from beam centerline.
11Table I Positioning Requirements
Spec change in process for XPP and XCS only
12Cycle Life Requirements
- Actuators will be cycled once daily, 365 days a
year for 10 years. - X, Y Z cycles 3,650 at 72 /-5 F and 10-7
Torr pressure. - A cycle in X is 2.5 mm at positions IN 1, IN 2
or IN 3. - A cycle in Y is the following OUT position gt IN
1 pausegt IN 2 pausegt IN 3 pause gt OUT position.
(0 65 mm travel) - A cycle in Z is 200 mm .
13Final Design
- XFLS design is identical to IPM except for the
end effector on the shaft and it does not have
the single axis actuator.
14XFLS Drawing Tree
Position Monitor Released Part
15Position Monitor Released Part
16Position Monitor Released Part
17(No Transcript)
18Lens Pack Assy Design
- Lens is a brass coin with either a Beryllium
parabolic lens feature (active) or a hole in
center (dummy). - Purchased part
- Lens Pack Assy (LPA) holds 12 Lenses
- Retaining rods hold lenses for handling, but do
not clamp parts together.
Shoulder feature Tab for handling
19Lens Pack Holder Design
- Lens Pack Holder holds 3 Lens Pack Assemblies
- Each Lens Pack Assembly holds 12 Lenses with
different quantity of active or dummy lenses - Allows change in X-ray spot size without breaking
vacuum - Lens Pack Holders V grooves
- Align the centers of the 12 coins relative to
each other - Establish pitch yaw of LPA via true position
tolerance of V groove features relative to each
other - Tolerances can be met with CNC machining
20Lens Pack Holder Design (cont)
- Lens Pack Holder spring features (Inconel)
- Maintains LPA position in X and Z
- Allows for removal of LPA through X-face flange
- Provides repeatable positioning by preloading
against V and front face.
Beam direction
21Stem Assembly Design
- Lens Pack Holder is bolted and pinned to base of
stem - Bellows allows X Y motion of stem
22Lens Pack Assembly Alignment
- Foci of the parabolas in the Be Lenses must be
coaxial within 0.010 mm - Not practical to measure this in a stack of
lenses, however - Parabolas are stamped into Be disc using tooling
that references the OD of the coin - Tolerance on OD of coin is approximately 0.002
mm - So referencing the OD of the coin to control the
foci of the parabolas is valid - The location of the focal point of each Lens Pack
Assembly will be determined by in-beam scan and
recorded. - Pitch and yaw are corrected by adjusting the
entire device with the support stand. - Pitch, yaw and in beam scans repeated for each Z
position required.
23Actuator Design
- Parker Daedal stage with IMS motor/controller
used for Y stage - stage repeatability spec is 1.3 µm
- Acceptance data from first IPM unit received had
bidirectional repeatability of 0.2 µm on empty
stage! - IMS linear actuator and precision stages used for
X axis
24XFLS Test Plan
- Fabricate all Lens Pack Holder Assembly
components including dummy Lenses - Demonstrate the following
- Manufacturing tolerances can be held
- Verify V groove positional tolerances
- Repeatability of LPA positioning after insertion
retractions - Spring forces required to position lenses
- Design of extraction tool if required
25XFLS Test Plan (cont)
- Mount Lens Pack Holder onto IPM first article
- Verify operation clearances in chamber
- Verify X Y stage repeatability
26Comparison with IPM
- Mass 172 lbs
- 1 single 1 dual axis actuator assy
- Diode Electronics Module
- Mass 123 lbs
- 1 dual axis actuator assy
27Actuator Assy Comparison
- End mass 0.7 lb
- Dual axis actuator assy
- Diode Electronics Module
- End mass 0.55 lb
- Dual axis actuator assy
28Requirements Comparison
Measured with respect to the top of the device
support structure
29Requirements Comparison (cont)
Spec revision in process Z axis requirements
for XPP and XCS only.
- Finite element analysis was performed for the IPM
- Analysis is being updated for the revised
geometry - 50 lb mass reduction from top of the device will
improve modal response and should reduce
displacements - Vibration data taken in Hutch 3 4 can be
inputted and displacements calculated
31Finite Element Analysis
Meshed FEA Model
32FEA Modal Analysis Summary
33FEA Modal Analysis
Figure 1 50.5 Hz Z bending
Figure 2 82.7 Hz X Carriage
Figure 4 124 Hz Z Chamber Top Plate in Torsion
Figure 3 101 Hz X Bending
- Beryllium Lenses are a purchased part.
- No Be fabrication at SLAC
- Handling of finished beryllium parts per SLAC
safety policies. - Remote control of actuators
- May require shielding of the stage assembly for
personnel safety to block pinch points. - Radiation concerns addressed at Instrument level
- FDR held early to accommodate July 09 CD-3
milestone - Design Status Review 9/22/09
- XPP Ready for Installation April 2011
36XFLS Cost Breakdown
- Projected hardware costs are below 94,500
37XFLS Summary
- Open issues
- Rerun FEA analysis
- Perform Engineering testing
38XFLS Summary
- Design meets the Physics Requirements
- Significant cost savings realized leveraging off
IPM design - Design complete
- Detailing 90 complete
- Drawing package started
- Engineering testing waiting for parts
- Requision in Procurement
- XFLS design is ready to proceed with procurement
fabrication. - Review Committee should approve proceeding.