Title: Library 155 Government Document Resources
1Library 155 Government Document Resources The
Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) Kimberly Brown, Fall Quarter 2004 Highline
Community College
- The Department of Housing and Urban Development
web site www.hud.gov/
3The HUD Secretary, Alphonso Jackson pictured here
with Sharrell Fisher, HUD helped her purchase a
92,500 home in 2002.
- The Honorable Alphonso P. Jackson
- Link above to this HUD Secretary picture
4Roy A. Bernardi HUDs Deputy Secretary, formerly
the 51st Mayor of Syracuse, N.Y.
5The HUD Secretarys Powers
- Some agencies reporting to HUD Secretary link to
web site above for complete listing - Federal Housing Administration FHA,
- Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae
- Federal Home Mortgage Association Freddie Mac
- Government National Mortgage Association Ginnie
Mae - Office of Federal Enterprise Oversight
6The HUD Secretarys Key Staff
- Roy A. Bernardi, Deputy Secretary
- General Counsel, see above link
- 8 Assistant Secretaries, see link above for
complete listing - 10 Regional Directors, see above link
7The Secretarys Organization Chart
- Link above to HUD pdf org. chart
8HUD Mission
- HUDs mission is to increase homeownership
- Support community development
- Increase access to affordable housing free from
discrimination - To embrace high standards of ethics, management,
and accountability - To forge new partnershipsparticularly with
faith-based and community organizations to
leverage resources - And to improve HUDs community effectiveness
9HUD Mission Priorities
- A decent, safe, sanitary home and suitable living
environment for every American - Fighting for fair housing
- Increasing affordable housing home ownership
- Reducing homelessness
- Promoting jobs and economic opportunity
- Empower people, restore public trust
10What Does HUD DO?
- Works closely with Congress other Federal
Agencies, local governments, faith-based
community orgs., the private sector to provide
a comprehensive, coordinated response to
Americas housing and community development needs.
11HUD Key Activities
- Increases homeownership opportunities by fighting
predatory lending, simplifying the home buying
process, helping HUD assisted renters, insuring
loans for first time and low income homebuyers. - Promotes decent affordable housing by expanding
access to affordable rental housing, improving
the physical quality and management of public
12HUD Key Activities
- Strengthens communities by eliminating chronic
homelessness, mitigating housing conditions that
threaten health, provides grants to communities
to meet locally defined housing needs, economic
development, and infrastructure
13HUD Key Activities
- Ensures equal housing opportunities by resolving
discrimination complaints swiftly, promotes
public awareness of fair-housing law, improves
housing accessibility for persons with
disabilities - Promotes participation of faith-based and
community organizations by removing regulatory
barriers that discourage them from partnering
with HUD.
14 Whom Does HUD Serve?
- To provide premier service HUD employs more than
9,000 employees in 81 field offices, existing in
all 50 states Puerto Rico. - In FY 2002 31 billion for HUD programs
- Via HUD agencies the Federal Housing
Administration (FHA) and Government National
Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) families who
otherwise could not afford to purchase a home are
helped to achieve this part of the American
15Whom Does HUD Serve?
- Millions of Americans- disabled people, the
elderly, people with HIV/AID and the homeless
receive HUD rental assistance, enabling them to
afford a decent place to live. - Every State and more than 1,000 cities receive
Community Development Block Grants, Home
Investment Partnerships, other grants to help
them meet local housing needs, community
development, and basic services
16The Honorable Alphonso P. Jackson is the nations
13th Secretary of the Department of Housing and
Urban Development. He was unanimously confirmed
by the U.S. Senate on March 31, 2004. About HUD
and the Secretarys Web Site
17HUD Secretarys Pledge To deny anyone a
place to call home is to deny that person their
lawful share of the American Dream. I am
committed to enforcing our nations fair housing
laws, which protect the rights of any American to
live in any home in any neighborhood, and will
aggressively pursue those who ignore the law and
abrogates that right.
18HUD Organization Chart Link to pdf org. chart at
HUD web site
19HUD History Timeline
- 1965-Department of Housing and Urban Act of 1965
created HUD as a Cabinet level agency. - 1966-Robert C. Weaver 1st HUD Sec. 1st Black
American Secretary HUD - 1968-Civil Rights Act of 1968 prohibits housing
discrimination, gives HUD enforcement
responsibility, also -Riots occur after
assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
20HUD History Timeline
- 1968-Housing Act of 1968 establishes Government
National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) to
increase availability of mortgage funds for
moderate income people using government
guaranteed mortgage-backed securities. - 1969-President Richard M. Nixon appoints George
C. Romney to be 3rd HUD Sec. - 1973-HUD lowpoint Nixon moratorium
21HUD History Timeline
- 1973-Nixon moratorium, Sec. Romney announced an
indefinite suspension on federally subsidized
housing, rural housing, demonstrating disregard
and neglect toward the nations poor, and near
poor who rely on subsidized housing for a place
to live. All low income housing efforts were shut
down. NHI
22HUD History Timeline
- 1974- Housing and Community Development Act
creates the Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) program - 1975-President Gerald Ford appoints Carla Hills,
5th HUD Secretary 1st woman secretary - 1977-President James Carter appoints Patricia R.
Harris,6th HUD Secretary 2nd Black American
23HUD History Timeline
- 1979-Inflation hits 19, hurts homebuyers home
mortgage lenders - 1980-1990 HUD-symbol of government scandal
- 1981-Interest rates for FHA mortgages peak at
15.17 up from 7 in 1972 - 1981-President Ronald Reagan appoints Samuel R.
Pierce Jr., 8th HUD Sec. 3rd Black Amer.
24Timeline The 1980s HUD Government Scandal
Although he was never charged with a crime or
found guilty of any wrongdoing, former HUD
Secretary Samuel R. Pierce could not escape being
associated with the HUD Section 8 low-income
public housing corruption scandal, which ended in
1989. The congressional and independent counsel
investigation into HUDs low-income housing
programs, which began after Pierce left office in
1989, resulted in prison terms for several HUD
officials and outside consultants who were
convicted of paying or receiving money in return
for favoring clients of Republican
consultants. While HUD Secretary Pierce kept a
low profile and was known as Silent Sam. At a
White House reception for big-city mayors late in
the Regan administration, Pierce shook hands with
the president only to be greeted with Hello, Mr.
Mayor. Its nice to see you. Pierce told a
suddenly embarrassed Reagan, Im a member of
your Cabinet, Mr. President.
Samuel R. Pierce HUD Secretary 1980-1989 Link to
HUD department of public housing web site Link
to Michael Liu, Assistant Sec. Public Housing
25HUD History Timeline
- 1988-Indian Housing Act gives HUD new
responsibilities for housing Native Americans and
Alaskan Indian. - 1990 Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable
Housing Act created the HOME Investment
Partnership, Housing Opportunities for Persons
with AIDS, and other programs to help the most
need own homes obtain shelter
26HUD History Timeline
- 1990-Mortgage rates drop to single digit 9.6
- 1992-Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety
and Soundness Act creates HUD Office of Federal
Housing Enterprise Oversight to provide public
review oversight of Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corp.Freddie and the Federal National Mortgage
Association Fannie - 1992-Lead Based Paint Hazard Reducation Act
passed, Mortgage rates continue to decline- 8.25
27HUD History Timeline
- 1993-Henry G. Cisneros named 10th HUD Sec. by
President William J. Clinton, mortgage rates at
6.95 in July 1st Hispanic American Secretary - 1995-Blueprint for Reinvention of HUD proposes
sweeping changes to housing reform, consolidates
many programs into grants, mortgage rates at 7.5
in July - 1996- Native American Housing Assistance and Self
Determination Act, for block grants loans, - Homeownership totals 66.3 million American
households, the largest ever, mortgage rates at
7.55 in December
28HUD History Timeline
- 1997- December, mortgage rates at 7.3
- 1998-HUD opens Enforcement Center to take legal
action against HUD fund recipients who violate
laws and regulations, Congress approves Public
Housing Reforms to reduce segregation by race and
income, encourage and reward work, bring more
families into public housing, and increase the
availability of subsidized housing for very poor
29HUD History Timeline
- 1998- Mortgage rates at 6.7 in October
- 1998-Quality Housing Work Responsibility, Public
Housing Reform Act instituted mixed income
communities, more needy housing vouchers - 1999- 21st Century Senior Citizen Affordable
Housing Act elderly demographic housing options
30HUD History Timeline
- 1999-2000 VA-HUD Appropriations Act 110,000 new
housing vouchers for needy, homeless families - 2000- American Homeownership Economic Opportunity
Act Expanded homeownership for low income, the
disabled, senior citizens and Native Americans
31HUD History Timeline
- 2000- Community Renewal and New Markets
Initiative Increased economic development in
moderate to low income rural urban communities,
increased supply of Low Income Housing Tax
Credits and Private Activity Bonds
32HUD History Timeline
- 2000- Americas homeownership rate reaches a new
record high of 67.7!!! A total of 71.6 million
American families own their own home! More than
at any time in American history - 2001-President George W. Bush names Mel Martinez
to be 12th Secretary of HUD 2nd Cuban Hispanic
American Secretary
33Richard Syron, the new Chairman and CEO of
Freddie Mac Link Freddie Mac site
HUD History Timeline, the Freddie Mac 5 Billion
Dollar Scandal, 2003
2003 To close the books on its broad
accounting scandal, Freddie Mac, the Federal Home
Mortgage Corporation agreed to pay 125 million
to settle charges that it manipulated earnings
over the past three years. HUDs Office of
Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, which
oversees Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae-the Federal
National Mortgage Administration, said Freddie
ignored accounting rules and made transactions
solely for the purpose of masking earnings
volatility. Weaknesses existed in every aspect of
Freddie Macs accounting process. Richard Syron
became the new CEO of Freddie when former CEO
Leland Brendsel, and two other top executives
were forced to resign in June of 2003. Freddie
Mac President David W. Glenn was fired.
34HUD History Timeline
- 2004-President George W. Bush names Alphonso
Jackson to be 13th HUD Secretary - 2004- November Seattle mortgage rates from 4.75
on ARM up to 5.8 for 30yr, fixed (mortgage
rates) - 2004- 3rd QTR homeownership rate is 69, up fro
67.7 in 2000! 74 million HO
35About HUD Secretaries
13th HUD Secretary Alphonso P. Jackson
36HUD Photo Gallery 1st HUD Secretary 1966
Robert Clifton Weaver, the great-grandson of a
slave, and the first Secretary of HUD. In 1966
President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed him to head
HUD. He received his B.S.-1929, M.A.-1931, and
Ph.D.-1934 from Harvard University
37HUD Photo Gallery 5th HUD Secretary 1975
Carla Hills, the daughter of a millionaire grew
up in Beverly Hills. Received her B.S. from
Stanford, a juris doctorate Law degree from Yale.
Appointed to be the 5th HUD Secretary by
President Richard Nixon in 1975.
38HUD Annual Budget
- Fiscal Year 2004 50 of HUDs 32 billion
budget goes to fund Section 8 Housing subsidies.
39Local HUD Activity (1)
- Seattle 37.5 million HOPE VI HUD grant funding
for the construction of a 21st century national
model of low income housing- High Point. - HOPE VI grants are a HUD program to provide
public housing that weaves existing into existing
communities, rather than building separate,
stigma inducing pockets.
40Local HUD Activity (1)
- The High Point complex is a new prototype. It
will be Built Green environmentally sustainable
housing, designed to decrease the risk factors
that cause asthma among low-income children. - Will be a 120 acre housing development, with 366
low-income units, and 100 senior low-income
units. - Will be built on a barren lot in West Seattle as
a replacement for World War II public housing
that was demolished several years ago. The
groundbreaking ceremony was June 30,2004.
41Local HUD Activity (1)
- High Point is an excellent example of how HUD
provides grants to communities to meet locally
defined needs for housing, economic development,
infrastructure, and jobs. - SvR Design Company, is the Seattle based civil
engineering design company that provided the
collaborative landscape, irrigation, civil
engineering design and planning services for High
42Local HUD Activity (1)
- High Point will have a landscaped pond, catch
basins for storm runoff, cypress, pine, and maple
trees, pocket parks, porous sidewalks and streets
to help control runoff and pollutants. - Porches on homes will face the streets, fences
will be low to encourage neighborliness, library,
medical/dental clinics, schools and shop within
walking distance. - For families with incomes at or below 30 of the
Seattle median income level, which is 23,350
43Local HUD Activity (1)
- High Point web site
- Other Seattle HOPE VI Housing Projects are
- New Holly web site 50 million HUD 255 million
private partner dollar - Rainier Vista web site 35 million HUD
- Westwood Heights web site 17 million HUD
44Local HUD Activity (2)
- HUD federal auditors are investigating fraudulent
spending and mismanagement of millions of
dollars in federal housing grants by the Tualip
Tribal Housing Board. - Because of long-standing problems dating back to
1997 HUD audits, anomalies which created the
potential for waste, fraud, and abuse, HUD
intends to impose remedies against the Tualip
Housing Authority that could include cutting the
tribe off from future grants.
45Local HUD Activity (2)
- HUD audits reavealed that the Tualip Housing
Authority - Misused and abused a 2.5 million grant for
low-income housing by favoring wealthier
applicants, their friends and family members. - Built 8 homes with HUD grants for family members
who exceeded income guidelines.
46Local HUD Activity (2)
- Tualip tribe housing commissioners
inappropriately spent 1.2 million in grant money
for travel to resorts in Washington Nevada, and
on fleece vests, personal organizers, a whale
watching cruise, other illegal expenditures. - They ignored HUDs order to repay the money.
47Local HUD Activity (2)
- In August 2004, the Tualip Council fired all 7
council tribal housing commissioners of the
Tualip Housing Authority, all financial records
have been seized secured, are under
investigation by HUD. - On October 29, 2004, Dale Michael Jones, the
former chairman of the Tualip Tribal Housing
Board of commissioners from 1993 to 2002 pleaded
guilty in the U.S. District Court of Seattle to
embezzlement of HUD funds.
48Local HUD Activity (2)
- Mr. Jones faces 10 years in prison, a 250,000
fine, repayment of 23,500. - HUD sanctions against the Tualip Housing Board
may include blocking future housing grants to the
tribe, freezing existing grants and requiring the
tribe to repay 12.4 million awarded by HUD since
1998. - Tualip Tribe Embezzlement web site
49Local HUD Activity (3)
- The HUD Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)
program helps almost 2 million American families
find affordable housing on the private market.
HCV program is highly successful and has been
called the linchpin of public housing for the
poor. Section 8 is 50 of HUDs budget. - Unfortunately in 2004 due to Congress decreasing
HUDs budget, HUD was forced to reconfigure its
methods for funding HCV which has resulted in
Section 8 voucher cuts that will total approx.
93 million, cutting housing aid to 250,000
families nationally by eoy.
50Local HUD Activity (3)
- Most of the families who receive HCV subsidies
live at or below the poverty level. They pay 30
of income to rent, HCV supply the remainder for
housing. - For Washington State this means 2, 846 Section 8
families will probably not receive HCV vouchers,
which will cause landlords to tell them to vacant
the premises, thus increase homelessness.
51Local HUD Activity (3)
- Over 300 people protested the HUD HCV cuts
proposed by the Bush Administration outside of
the Seattle Federal bldg. on 8/4/04, per The
Seattle Post-Intelligencer - First baby due Dec. 2nd, Homeless Jan.1st, read
one sign held by a couple whose housing is
52Local HUD Activity (3)
- HUD Section 8 HCV cuts impact Tacoma. A Tacoma
Housing Authority commissioner told a crowd of
hundreds who attended a public meeting recently
that 400 families might soon become homeless.
531968 Civil Rights Fair Housing Act, Enforced by
HUD link to HUDs Office of Fair Housing and
Equal Opportunity
- Prohibits discrimination in housing because of
race or color, national origin, religion, sex,
familial status, an handicap disabilities. - Prohibits blockbusting which is persuasion of
owners to sell or rent for profit, falsely
denying that housing is available for inspection,
sale or rental.
541968 Civil Rights Fair Housing Act, Enforced by
- Prohibits on the basis of race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, familial status, or
handicap disability refusal to rent or sell
housing - Refusing to negotiate for housing
- Denying a dwelling
- Setting different terms, conditions, or
privileges for sale or rental of dwellings - Denying anyone access to or membership in a
facility or service related to the sale or rental
of housing
55HUD Housing Discrimination Enforcement
- If you feel you believe you are being
discriminated against while seeking to rent or
purchase housing, file your complaint online at
http//www.hud.gov/complaints/housediscrim.cfm - Or telephone toll-free 1-800-669-9777
56HUD Contacts in Washington
- Seattle Regional Office
- Seattle Federal Office Building909 First Avenue,
Suite 200Seattle, WA 98104-1000 - Phone (206) 220-5101Toll-free 1 (877)
741-3281Fax (206) 220-5108TTY (206)
220-5254Â Jurisdiction Western
Washington John Meyers, Regional
DirectorContact the Regional Director's
Office Office Hours 800 a.m. to 500
p.m.,Monday through Friday
57HUD Contacts in Washington
- Tacoma Housing Authority
- 902 S. L St.
- Tacoma, WA, 98405
- Telephone (253)207-4400
58Bibliography (1of)
- Mortgage rates- http//www.hsh.com/indices/nmcr90s
.html - http//biz.yahoo.com/b/r/mm014.html
- HUD History http//www.hud.gov/library/bookshelf1
8/hudhistory.cfm - http//www.yale.edu/opa/v31.n11/story5.html Carla
Hill photo - http//search.eb.com/blackhistory/micro/633/70.htm
l Robert C. Weaver photo - http//www.hud.gov/local/la/library/archives/2003-
06-23.cfm Alphonso P. Jackson, Sharrell Fisher
- HUD Section 8 Housing Cuts- http//www.nahro.org/p
ressroom/2004/200410renewalstudy.pdf - High Point- http//www.sea-pha.org/Development/hig
hpoint/highpoint.html - New Holly- http//www.sea-pha.org/Development/rai
niervista/rainiervista.html - Ranier Vista- http//www.sea-pha.org/Development/r
ainiervista/rainiervista.html - Westwood Heights http//www.sea-pha.org/Developmen
60- Tualip HUD Embezzlement Scandal-
http//www.indianz.com/News/2004/005081.asp - HUD Section 8 HCV Cuts- http//web.lexis-nexis.com
a792af4c70197c4013333d - http//images.google.com/imgres?imgurlhttp//www.
r2Bpierce26hl3Den26lr3D Samuel Pierce,
1980 HUD Housing Scandal