Title: The North Carolina Obstetrical and Gynecological Society
1The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians their patients
in North Carolina
2The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
- Who we are
- What we do
- Where you come in
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
3The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
Who we are..
The North Carolina Obstetrical and Gynecological
Society (NCOGS) is a statewide, dues-supported
membership organization dedicated to the
advancement of women's health through advocacy,
education and public relations. The NCOGS is
committed to representing the best interests of
Ob/Gyn physicians and their patients.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
4The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
- Who we are Organizationally
- Leadership
- ? Executive Committee
- ? Legislative Liaison
- ? ACOG / NC Section Liaison
- Management
- ? Executive
- ? Administrative / Clerical
- ? Legislative / Legal
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
5The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
Who we are Organizationally
2008-2009 NCOGS Executive Committee PRESIDENT
Edward R. Newton, MD /
Greenville PRESIDENT-ELECT John Allbert,
Stevenson, MD / Elizabeth City IMMEDIATE PAST
PRESIDENT Ellen C. Wells, MD / Chapel
Hill PAST PRESIDENT William E. Brown, MD
/ Greenville MEETING PROGRAM CHAIR Haywood
Paige Fisher, MD / Greenville MEMBER AT
LARGE Keith Nelson, MD /
Pollard, MD / Winston-Salem ACOG SECTION CHAIR
Frank N. H. Harrison, Jr., MD / Charlotte
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
6The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
Who we are Operationally The NC Ob/Gyn Society
is managed through an arrangement with the North
Carolina Medical Society. Services provided
- Financial Management
- Meeting Management
- Legislative Guidance / Lobbyist Coordination
- Managed Care Resources
- Regulatory Interaction
- Membership Management
- Organizational Interaction / Professional
Relations - Communications Management
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
7The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
Who we are Organizationally and Operationally
What differentiates the NC Ob/Gyn
Society from the NC Section of ACOG
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
8The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
ACOG works primarily in four areas
- Serving as a strong advocate for quality health
care - for women.
- Maintaining the highest standards of clinical
- practice and continuing education for its
members. -
- Promoting patient education and stimulating
patient - understanding of and involvement in medical
care. - Increasing awareness among its members and the
- public of the changing issues facing women's
health - care.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
9The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do
- Legislative Political Advocacy at the State
Level - Interaction with Womens Health Agencies in
N.C. - Collaboration to Broaden Influence
- Attention to Managed Care Reimbursement
Issues - Continuing Medical Education
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
10The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do
- Advocacy
- Legislative
- Regulatory
_______________ The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
11The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
Advocacy The Balance
Political Advocacy Legislative Advocacy
_______________ The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
12The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
Advocacy The Balance
Political Advocacy Legislative Advocacy
_______________ The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
13The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Political Advocacy
- Relationships
- Relationships
- Relationships
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their patients in North Carolina
14The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Direct Access Legislation - 1995 The bill
required health benefit plans issued, renewed or
amended on or after that date to allow each
female plan participant or beneficiary age 13 or
older to have direct access within the health
benefit plan, without prior referral, to an
obstetrician-gynecologist practicing within the
health benefit plan for most healthcare services.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
15The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Post-partum Care Legislation - 1995 Requires
that a health benefit plan providing maternity
coverage must provide inpatient care for mother
and baby for a minimum of 48 hours after vaginal
delivery and a minimum of 96 hours after delivery
by caesarian section .
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
16The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Tort Reform Legislation - 1995 Created minimum
qualifications for experts testifying in medical
malpractice lawsuits and established a stringent
pre-screening procedure for malpractice
complaints. The bill also capped punitive
damages at 250,000 or three times compensatory
damages, whichever is greater. Punitive damages
can be awarded only if the patient can prove that
the defendant is liable for compensatory damages.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
17The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Tort Reform / Expert Witness
Legislation - 1995 Allowed up to ten written
interrogatories to review the identity and/or
qualifications of an expert.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
18The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Contraceptive Coverage Legislation -
1999 Mandates that insurance companies and
others who provide coverage of prescription drugs
and devices to also include coverage of
prescription contraceptive drugs and devices, and
for outpatient contraceptive services.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
19The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Bone Mass/Osteoporosis Legislation -
1999 Requires health plan and insurance coverage
for bone mass measurement and evaluation of
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
20The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Prompt Pay Legislation - 2000 Requires payment
or full disclosure as to claim problems within 30
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
21The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Lay Midwifery Legislation - 2001 Bill to certify
professional midwives was defeated .
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
22The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Patients Bill of Rights - 2001 The bill sets up
independent external review of a HMOs denials if
a patient disagrees, allows patients to sue HMOs
after review of the health plan and an external
independent council, allows patients to receive
necessary prescriptions even if the drug is not
on the companys approved list, and allows people
with serious, chronic diseases to choose
specialists as their primary care physician .
______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
23The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Medicaid Budget - 2001 Medicaid reimbursement at
95 of Medicare secured.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
24The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Medicaid Budget - 2003 Medicaid reimbursement at
95 of Medicare secured.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
25The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
State Budget - 2003 300,000 appropriation the
State Folic Acid Campaign.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
26The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
State Budget - 2003 100,000 appropriation in
2003 for the continuation of activities performed
by the Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
27The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Medicaid Budget - 2005 Medicaid reimbursement at
95 of Medicare secured.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
28The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Billing for Pathology Services - 2005 Requires
disclosure of any mark-up in lab charges.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
29The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Medical Liability Reform - 2007 Establishes
arbitration as an option.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
30The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Medicaid Budget - 2007 Medicaid reimbursement at
95 of Medicare secured.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
31The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Medicaid Budget - 2008 Medicaid reimbursement at
95 of Medicare secured.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
32The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Legislative Advocacy
Medical Liability Reform
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
33The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
Legislative Outlook - 2009
- Factors
- New Administration
- New Faces in the Legislature
- Issues
- Licensure of Certified Professional
- Midwives
- State Budget Medicaid
- Reimbursement
- Retail Medicine
- Physician Profiling by Medical Board
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
34The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Regulatory Advocacy
- NC Medical Board
- NC Dept of Health
- Human Services
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
35The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Regulatory Advocacy
NC Medical Board Physician Profiling Rules -
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
36The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Regulatory Advocacy
NC Dept of Health Human Services Rules
for Testing Pregnant Women for STDs - 2008
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
37The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Advocacy
Advocacy is not a spectator sport. Get in the
game. Become a Key Contact, support GOPAC, become
locally active.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
38The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do ? Advocacy
- Opportunities to get involved
- Legislative Key Contact
- White Coat Wednesday (Feb. 18, 2009)
- Doctor of the Day
- Local Meetings w/ Legislators
- At a minimum Be a member
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
39The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do Practice Support
Managed Care and Health Plan Relations through
the resources of the North Carolina Medical
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
40The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do
- 2009 NCOGS
- Annual Meeting
- April 24-26
- Grove Park Inn / Asheville
Mark your calendar !
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
41The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do
- Communications /
- Public Relations
- Newsletter
- Legislative Alerts
- Media Relations / Press Releases
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
42The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do
- Professional Relations
- Collaboration with
- North Carolina Medical Society
- State Specialty Societies
- Womens Health Agencies
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
43The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
What we do
Take initiative !
- Expert Witness Review Panel
- Womens Health Advisory Panel
- Womens Health Report Card
- Midwifery Collaborative Project
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
44The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
Where you come in . . .
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
45The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
The NCOGS needs every Ob/Gyn physician in North
Carolina as a member.
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
46The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
- Including
- Private Practice
- Academia
- Retired
- Residents
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
47The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
As our membership grows, our voice grows!
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
48The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
As our voice grows our chances of success grow!
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
49The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
Not a member? Join today!
Already a member? Be sure to renew!
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina
50The North Carolina Obstetricaland Gynecological
Questions? Contact the NC Ob/Gyn
Society ncobgyn_at_ncmedsoc.org
_______________The voice of Ob/Gyn physicians
their patients in North Carolina