Title: Can you answer the following questions
1Can you answer the following questions?
2Which mountain chain separates France from Spain?
3Three of the four main rivers in Russia flow in
which direction?
4What problems do the Russians face because the
rivers flow in the direction named in the
previous question?
There are no ice-free ports flowing north
5The highest mountains in the world are on which
6The highest mountain range in the world is
7Name the deepest lake in the world.
Lake Baikal
8The deepest lake in the world is in which country?
9Name the largest river in the world (volume).
10Name the longest river in the world (length).
11Name the mountain range that borders the west
coast of South America and the longest chain in
the world.
12Name the largest desert in the world
Sahara in Africa
13What is a major issue facing the states in the
southwestern USA?
Water shortages due to the population increase in
the region.
14Name the river that is sacred to the Hindus.
Ganges in India
15Where is the largest tropical rain forest?
In the Amazon Basin in South America
16Name the largest river system in North America.
The Mississippi
17Name the largest mountain chain in North America.
The Rockies
18Most people in the world make a living by____.
19What is subsistence farming?
Raising enough food for your family
20What is commercial farming?
Large scale plantations such as coffee, bananas,
rubber. These are owned by corporations
21What is slash and burn.
Destructive means of clearing the rain forest to
allow for farming or mining.
22What is clear cutting.
Cutting forest in the USA to sell timber or
create urban areas.
23What is clear cutting?
Destructive means of clearing land by harvesting
all the trees. This is seen in our region
24What is a developed nation?
A country that is industrialized and enjoys a
high standard of living.
25What is a cash crop?
Agricultural products that are sold for cash such
as cotton, tobacco, tea, rubber.
26What is a food crop?
Agricultural products that can be consumed such
as corn, wheat, rice.
27What determines orientation on a map?
Compass rose