1Centre for Astroparticle Physics and Space
Sciences A National Facility at Bose
Institute (A project under IRHPA
Scheme) Sibaji Raha Bose Institute Kolkata
2 Acharya J.C. Bose (1858 1937)
3Thus the lines of physics, of physiology and
psychology converge and meet. And here will
assemble those who would seek oneness amidst the
manifold Acharya J.C.Bose
4Genesis Mission
- Drawn by Nationalist zeal,
- Missionary vision,
- Faith in the ability of
Indians - Not merely a laboratory but a temple
- 1896 visit to Royal Institution, London
- Took firm roots of the Idea
- 1915 Retirement from Education Service
- 1917 Bose Institute was Founded
5And in this country through millenniums, there
always have been some who, beyond the immediate
and absorbing prize of the hour, sought for the
realization of the highest ideal of life not
through passive renunciation, but through active
6The advancement of science is the principal
object of the Institute, and also the diffusion
of knowledge
7 In this institutethe claim of art has not been
forgotten, for the artist has been working with
us, from foundation to pinnacle and from floor to
ceiling of this very hall.
8And beyond the arch, the laboratory merges
imperceptibly into the garden which is true
laboratory for the study of life. There the
creepers, the plants and trees are played upon by
natural environment, sunlight and wind and where
they will be subjected to chromatic action of
different lights, to invisible rays, to
electrified ground or thunder-charged atmosphere.
9India is drawn into the vortex of international
competition. She has to become efficient in every
way through spread of education, through
performance of civic duties and responsibilities,
through activities both industrial and
commercial. Neglect of these essentials of
national duty will imperil her very existence.
Acharya J.C.Bose
10- Origin
- In-house expertise Need for consolidation
- Darjeeling Campus Location Opportunities
- (a) Cosmic Ray
- (b) Atmospheric Chemistry
- (c) Radiometric studies
11- Four major programmes
- 1. Cosmic ray studies at high altitude
- 2. Changing airspace environment in Eastern
Himalayas - 3. Childrens science resource centre
- 4. Manpower development training programmes
12Cosmic Ray studies
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14Electrons electric cherge - EM force
Photon Quarks - Colour Charge - Strong force
15Quark three colours - Red , Blue , Green
Gluons eight - red anti-blue and other
combinations Mesons quarkantiquark
colouranticolour WHITE Baryons three quarks
redbluegreen - WHITE
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18- H- matter ? P.T. ? Q matter
- SQM ? Ground state of matter
- First idea Bodmer (1971)
- Resurrected Witten (1984)
- Stable SQM Conflict with
- experience ????
- 2-flavour energy gt 3-flavour
- Lowering due to extra Fermi well
- Stable QM ? 3-flavour matter
- Stable SQM ? significant amount
- s quarks
- For nuclei ? high order of weak
- interaction to convert u d to s
19- SQM Strangelet Search
- Early universe quark-hadron phase transition
- Quark nugget ? MACHO
- 2. Compact stars (Core of Neutron Stars or Quark
Stars) - Strangelets
- Heavy Ion Collision
- Short time
- Much smaller size A 10-20
- Stability Problem at high temperature
- 2. Cosmic Ray events
- Collision of Strange stars or other
strange objects Shower
20Detection of strangelets ? Propagation mechanism
of strangelets ? How far can it travel through
atmosphere ? How does it interact with atmosphere
? Important observations ? Stability of strange
matter ? Small positive charge ? massive s
quark ? Z/A ?? 1
21- Remarks
- ? Detection of strangelets Passive
detectors - ? Active detectors Air shower studies in
22Study of Changing airspace environment in
Eastern Himalayas
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24- Indo-Gangetic plane
- ? Agricultural as well as Industrial
activity - ? Source of atmospheric pollutants
- ? Vulnerable place from changing
environment - Himalaya is subject to
- (a) emissions from IGP regions
- (b) pollutants transported from long
distances - Himalaya Unique place to monitor airspace
- environment
25- Eastern Himalaya wet with rich forest cover
and - lesser
population - Western Himalaya dry, scanty forest cover and
- high
population - Monitoring stations
- Mostly in western Himalaya
26Eastern Himalaya Monitoring stations
Pyramid Station 5034 meters
Sandakphu 4200 meters
Kathmandu ICIMOD-UCSD Station
Darjeeling 2500 meters
North Bengal University, Siliguri
27Physical Environment
Chemical Environment
Monitoring of trans-boundary pollutants
H2O mm waves O3, CO, NOx, SO2 Trace
Species Aerosols Scattering/ Absorbing
Met Data
3-D Trajectories
Eastern Himalayas
23.8 GHz (Water Vapour) 31.4 GHz (Liquid
Water) Distrometers (DSD)
Radio Environment
Emission Inventories
Air Pollutant Dispersal 3-D Chemical Modeling
Chemical, Physical, and Radio Mapping of the
28- Project II-AI (IITM)
- Atmospheric Chemistry-Aerosol-Climate Interaction
- Objectives To monitor physical, chemical and
optical characteristics of aerosols under
different air mass situations  To
investigate the role of radiative forcing of
aerosols in the climate system using experimental
observations and model computations To assess
the influence of terrain / meteorological
conditions on aerosol parameters
29- Project II-AII (NPL)
- Chemical behaviour of aerosols, greenhouse gases,
trajectory analysis and impact of particulate
matter loading on human health - Objectives To monitor greenhouse gases and
pollutants for understanding trans-boundary flow
 To investigate the chemical characteristics
of aerosols and back trajectory analysis for
source apportionment To assess the impacts of
particulate matter loading on human health
30- Expected outcome
- Mass-size distribution of aerosols
- Monthly, seasonal and diurnal variation of
aerosol, trace and green house gas, partulate
matter concentrations - Influence of meteorological parameters on air
pollutants - Chemical composition of precipitation and
aerosols - Impacts of aerosol loading on atmospheric
radiative forcing - Trans-boundary flow of pollutants
- Impact of pollutants on regional climate
- Relation between atmospheric pollution loading
and human health hazards
31- Various measurements, as mentioned below, will be
undertaken. Continuous monitoring will take place
at the Darjeeling site and measurements at
Siliguri and Sandakphu will be made in campaign
mode. These measurements at varying altitudes
will provide some information about height
profiles. - Atmospheric surface ozone
- Columnar ozone (indirect)
- Radiation measurements including UV radiation
- Trace and Green House gases (NO2, SO2, NOx, SOx,
CO, CO2, CH4 and N2O) - Physical and chemical characteristics of Aerosols
(Scattering/absorbing) including carbonaceous
aerosols - Precipitation chemistry
- Biogenic organic particulate matter
- Meteorological Parameters
32Project II-B
33- IWV and LWP with a dual-frequency radiometer
operating at 23.8 and 31.4 GHz. - Rain attenuation over earth-space paths by
receiving satellite signals at Ku/Ka bands. - Rain rate with an optical rain-gauge
- Rain drop size distribution with a Disdrometer.
- The following studies are proposed with the
above-mentioned experimental measurements - Variation of atmospheric water vapour, cloud
liquid water content with time season, season,
and their relationship with surface weather
parameters, such as, temperature, relative
humidity etc. - Modelling of cloud liquid water content and
comparison of the derived model with the
available global models. - To indicate the inter-relationship between IWP
and LWP - To relate the rain attenuation over earth-space
paths with the rain rate at the receiving site of
satellite signal that will give an integrated
picture of rain rate over the satellite path. - To relate rain DSD with radiometric observations
during rain. Also, rain DSD will provide liquid
water content in rain, which may be related with
IWV and LWP. These integrated measurements will
be used to study the interrelation among cloud
liquid water, water vapour and rain at Darjeeling
34- Childrens Science Resource Centre
35- 1. Formation of science clubs in schools
- 2. Train them to record local meteorological
data - 3. Once in a month meeting, recording of data
taken - by students in the central data base
- 4. Train some of the interested students for
cosmic ray - experiments
- 5. Introductory level lectures by scientists
36Manpower development
37- Workshops and summer schools on various
- aspects of the
- cosmic ray physics
- Instrumentation
- Environmental science
- Weather modeling studies
- Numerical simulation
- with hands-on training
- Aimed at Masters level and beginning doctoral
- students
38Thank You
39- Cosmic rays
- Cosmic rays are high energy charged particles,
originating in outer space, that travel at nearly
the speed of light and strike the Earth from all
directions. - Cosmic ray ions at the top of the energy
range produce in the atmosphere showers of many
millions of fragments, covering many acres, and
their more energetic fragments register even in
deep mines, a mile underground. back
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