2Welcome to Ecuador and to Colegio Menor San
Francisco de Quito. My name is Nena Gabela
Communications Image Coordinator.
3Part of travelling abroad may be dealing with
Culture Shock. It affects everyone in different
ways. It may last for a while or may be brief,
for a short period of time.
4Culture Shock means basically dealing with
change, in a different country and culture than
yours. You need to relearn many basic things,
like how to greet people (we kiss when we say
hi), what to say to them, how to purchase things,
how to tip, how to ride a bus, etc
5This relearning will affect you and you may
experience discomfort, irritability,
homesickness, etc.. Even though you know that
you are coming to a different culture you may
expect things to be like they are at home but
they are not.
6So we suggest the following
- -- Expect change and difference
- Remind your self to always keep an open mind
- Avoid overreacting to things that may be
different - Understand that tasks that may be simple at home,
will make you feel frustrated sometimes in this
new country
- Learn from these experiences
- Keep your sense of humor at all times
- Be aware of your health, eat properly and safe
- You will have good and bad days like at home
7Remember that you will not learn Spanish and
Ecuadorian Culture in a couple of weeks, it may
take a while. Take advantage of the
opportunity that Colegio Menor gives foreign
teachers to take Spanish classes after school.
Please talk to Rubén Armijos about this.
8Try not to spend all your time with your group
(Americans) you need to get involved with our
culture, its peoples and life. Relate with
your Ecuadorian co-workers, go out with them,
socialize, listen to our music, eat our food.
9Break out of the mold leave your gringo
environment as much as possible. Remind yourself
of the reasons you come to Ecuador, work
opportunity, experience, learning, change,
travelling, new friends, new language, etc
10Be patient. You will understand how things work
with time. Try not to compare Ecuador with
your home country, it may lead to a negative
comparison and in reality we are just different
not better or worse.
11Ecuador is basically Catholic you will find
churches all around the city. Nevertheless,
other religions are respected and can be
worshiped as you please. You will find churches
and temples from different beliefs around the
12Colegio Menor is a private school, you will be
working in a high social class community your
students come from wealthy families, well known
families, respectable community members.
13Health Your health is very important. You need
to take care of it in a responsible manner. The
first months take care of what you eat always
cooked fresh meals, boiled and bottled water,
fruits and vegetables that have been disinfected
previously, do not eat food that is sold in the
streets, go to restaurants. Remember tap water
in Ecuador is not considered safe.
14Please talk to our nurses LucÃa Relaño and
Victoria Taco for advice, always carry their
cellular numbers with you and if you feel sick
please feel free to visit the schools infirmary
at any time.
- Ecuador has a population of 13.000.000 Located
in the Andes Cordillera, bounded by Colombia at
the north, Peru at the south east, Pacific
Ocean at the west. - Latitude 0 middle of the world.
- Ecuador is divided into four geographic regions
the coast, sierra or central highlands, orient or
eastern jungle and the Galápagos Islands.
16Capital Quito Provinces 24 Language Official
Spanish and Quichua spoken basically by Indians
17Quito is a cosmopolitan city with a population of
1.500.000. Our population is a mixture of white,
mestizos, Indians (40), and afro Ecuadorians.
Its a longitudinal city of 45 kilometers from
north to south. Surrounded by high mountains and
snowcapped volcanoes like Pichincha, Cotopaxi,
Antizana, Cayambe.
18Ecuador has the highest active volcano Cotopaxi
- located in the province with the same name.
The highest snowcapped mountain of the world
measured from the center of the earth
Chimborazo - located in the province with the
same name. We also have the Tungurahua volcano
which is in permanent activity since a few years
ago. You may see ash fall and smoke constantly.
Located in the province with the same name.
19Climate Although Ecuador lies on the equator,
the country has a wide range of climates because
of the varying elevations. Quito has a spring
weather all year long, with temperatures from 50
to 77 degrees Fahrenheit or 8 -25 degrees
20Our climate changes during the day, its cold
early in the morning (9 degrees C), spring time
along the morning (18 degrees C), summer at
midday (22 degrees C) and winter at night (7-8
degrees C). Thats way everybody says that Quito
has 4 seasons during the day.
21Our coast is generally hot and humid (26 degrees
C / 78 F). The orient is warmer and more humid
than the coast and rains very much.
22Earthquakes or tremors are frequent but we have
not had a disastrous one in many years.
23Elections Sunday, April 26th, 2009.
Ecuadorians are going to vote for president, vice
president, members of parliament, mayors, city
councilors and coucelors. This means that you
will probably see or experience campaigns and
concentrations around the city. They are usually
not violent but always be aware. Its against the
law to drink for 48 hours before elections, this
means that night activities, bars, discotheques,
will not sell alcohol starting Friday, April 24th
noon to Monday, April 27th at noon.
24Security We still live in a safe community,
with nice people around, but as any big city
Quito is subject to insecurities of any sort.
You need to take precautions and be aware at all
times. Please take note of the following
25- Do not walk by yourself at night. Go out at
night in groups. - Be careful when you cross the street,
pedestrian crossings and bus stops are not well
defined. - When you go partying take a taxi to and from the
bar o disco. Do not walk in the streets looking
for one. Carry with you a cell number of a
friendly taxi driver that can help you at any
time or ask the manager of the place were you are
at, to call one for you.
26- When you travel to other cities or provinces
please plan your trip accordingly, use travel
agencies, with safe transportation, hotel
reservations, tour guides, travel with people you
know. If possible do not travel at night. - Always check by email the Warning Massages sent
by the American Embassy - Carry with you at all times cellular numbers of
Luis Granda, CMSFQ Security Chief 099016069.
27- Do not receive drinks or objects from people you
do not know - When you travel by bus take good care of your
belongings - Always carry with you a color copy of your
documents (passport, censo, school ID) Leave the
originals in a safe place at home.
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