Title: Survey of Russian Literature
1Survey of Russian Literature
- From Modernism to the Present
- Web Page http//russian.arizona.edu/rsss405
- Listserv
- News Andrei Voznesenskii
3Note on Transliteration
- Check out PDF of Shaws book
- Library of Congress system http//polyglot.lss.wi
4Note on Versification
- Binary meters iambic, trochai
- Ternary meters dactylic, amphibrachic, anapestic
5Films this week
- Pudovkins Mother (1926)
- Based on Maksim Gorkys novel
6Maxim Gorky 1868-1936
- Aleksei Peshkov (real name)
- Political activist, short story writer, novelist,
playwright - Short stories about tramps
- Novel, The Mother
- Adviser to Stalin Socialist Realism
7Vsevolod Pudovkin 1893-1953
8The Mother
- The other film about 1905 Gorkys novel
- Zarkhi, Golovnya, Doller, and MAT
- Mass scenes ice-breaking on the Volga technical
virtuosity - Montage, emotion, the personal, symbols
9Cultural Periods
- Realism 1850s-90s
- Neo-Realism and Modernism 1890s-1920s
- Socialist Realism 1930s-1980s
10Pudovkins The Mother
- Film qualities
- Socialist Realism
- Ordinary workers and peasants
- Accessibility
- Guiding hand of the CP
- Collective (not individual)
- Optimism
- Reality in its revolutionary development
- Narodnost, partiinost, ideinost, klassovost
11Neo-Realists Pushkin-Tolstoy Tradition
12Realism (and Neo-Realism)
- Details of everyday life
- Emphasis on ordinary
- Political edge
- Stylistic directness
13Style Continuum
- Sentence simplicity vs. complexity
- Denotative vs connotative
- One meaning vs. many (ambiguity)
- Subtle vs obvious devices
- Ordinary vs. extraordinary/unusual events,
psychologies, dialogues - Descriptive vs. ornamental (images, metaphors)
14More on style
- Less familiar, but easily understandable, lexicon
calls attention to itself - Bizarre images, names, words (neologisms) stand
out - Musicality also an ornamental feature
15Who is who?
- Pushkin simple, direct language
- Gogol convoluted, bizarre
16Modernists Gogol-Dostoevsky Tradition
- Prose and poetry
- Sologub
- Merezhkovsky
- Belyi
17Modernist poets
- Many of interest
- Our focus
- Blok
- Akhmatova
- Mandelshtam
- Pasternak
- Esenin
- Mayakovsky
18Alexander Blok (1880-1921)
19Akhmatova (1889-1966)
20Modernism 1890s-1920s
- Experimentation symbolism
- All the arts synthesism
- Neo-Romantic individualism
- Dualisms (transcendentalism, Manicheanism,
dream-reality issues) - Art as religion
- Cosmopolitanism
21Modernism examples
- World of Art Diaghilev
- Dance Ballets russes, Nijinsky, Pavlova
22Examples in Music and Painting
- Stravinsky
- Painting Malevich, Goncharova, Kandinsky,
Chagall - Literature Blok, Akhmatova, Mayakovsky
23Sologub 1863-1927
- Poetry, short stories, novels
- Decadence-Symbolism
- Pessimism
24Bunin 1870-1953
- First Russian to win Nobel prize for literature
- Light breathing
- Emigration to Europe
25Alexander III 1881-1894
- conservative
- Pobedonostsev
- Trans-Siberian railroad
- Industrial development
- Famine and disease in 1890s
- Succession of Nicholas II
26Nicholas II 1894-1917
- Tutored by Pobednostsev
- Conservative, family man limited education
- Unpopular wife (German) Alexandra
- Unprepared for leadership
28Events (I)
- Coronation
- Economic problems agriculture and industry
- Political activity
- Liberals and conservatives
- Radical parties Social Democrats and Socialist
29Social Democrats
- Party of Lenin
- Marxism Economics
- Materialism, Determinism
- Importance of proletariat
- Split in 1903 Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
30Socialist Revolutionaries
- Populist heritage
- Importance of peasants
31Other Forces
- Liberal Parties
- Black One Hundred
32Events (II)
- War with Japan 1904-05
- Revolution of 1905
- Strikes, demonstrations, mutinies
- Resolved violence, concessions (Duma, censorship)
33Final years of Nicholas II
- Social unrest assassinations, strikes
- World War I (1914-1918)
- Rasputin
- First revolution of 1917 (February)
- Provisional government-Kerensky
- October Revolution
34Vladimir Lenin (Ulyanov, 1870-1924)
- Social Democrat Led Bolsheviks
- Led coup in October (November) 1917
- Hero of Soviet State body in Mausoleum on Red
35Visiting the Mausoleum
36Getting Rid of Filth
37Leon Trotsky (1879-1940)
- Theoretician
- Commissar for War 1918-25
- Ousted by Stalin
- Assassinated in Mexico
38Periods of Soviet History
- War Communism, 1917-21
- NEP, 1921-28
- Building Socialism (Five-Year Plans), 1928-41
- World War II and Zhdanovism, 1941-53
- Thaws, 1953-64
- Stagnation, 1964-85
- Glasnost and Perestroika, 1985-91
- Lenin ( Trotsky)
- Stalin
- Khrushchev
- Brezhnev
- Andropov
- Chernenko
- Gorbachev
40War Communism (1917-21)
- Civil War Whites and Reds War with Poland
- Literature and culture
- Blok Babel
- Modernism continues
- Solzhenitsyn, Sholokhov, Pasternak
- Red Wheel, Quiet Flows the Don, Dr. Zhivago
41War Communism (1917-21)
- Civil War Whites and Reds War with Poland
- Literature and culture
- Blok Babel
- Modernism continues
- Depictions of the period
- Solzhenitsyn, Red Wheel,
- Sholokhov, Quiet Flows the Don
- Pasternak Dr. Zhivago
42Post-Revolution Developments
- Socialist Revolutionaries opposition eliminated
- Shift of capital from Petrograd to Moscow
- Formation of Soviet Union, December 1922
43NEP 1921-28
- New Economic Policy limited capitalism
- The New State and the Arts Hands Off!
- Fellow-Travelers (Trotskys term)
- Babel, Zamyatin, Zoshchenko and numerous others
modernism continues
44NEP 1921-28
- New Economic Policy limited capitalism
- The New State and the Arts Hands Off!
- Fellow-Travelers (Trotskys term)
- Babel, Zamyatin, Zoshchenko and numerous others
modernism continues
45Babel (1894-1941) First Goose, First Fee,
Odessa stories
46Zamyatin (1884-1937) The Cave
47Zoshchenko (1895-1958) Bees and People
48End of NEP, Beginning of Stalinism
- First Five-Year Plan, 1928-32
- No more tolerance of Poputchiki (Fellow-Travelers)
49Lenin to Stalin
- Death in 1924
- Succession of Stalin
- theology student
- Dzhugashvili (Georgian)
- years of political activity, arrests, exile
- Beginnings of new policies elimination of rivals
- First Five-year Plan (1928)