The Catcher in the Rye - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Catcher in the Rye


– PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye
  • Pages 26-46

  • In chapter 3, Holden seems to like Stradlater
  • Holdens Descriptions of Stradlater in Chapters
    4, 5 6
  • Stradlater was more of a secret slob. (27)
  • The reason he fixed himself up to look good was
    because he was madly in love with himself. He
    thought he was the handsomest guy in the Western
    Hemisphere. (7)

  • He spent around half his life in front of the
    mirror. (33)
  • I kept thinking about Jane, and Stradlater
    having a date with her and all. It made me so
    nervous I nearly went crazy. I already told you
    what a sexy bastard Stradlater was. (34)
  • God, how I hated him. (42)
  • I didnt even answer him. God, how I hated him.

  • Ackleys Canadian Girlfriend
  • That guy had just about everything. Sinus
    trouble, pimples, lousy teeth, halitosis, crumby
    fingernails. You had to feel a little sorry for
    the crazy (39)

Jane Gallagher
  • Stradlaters date for the evening
  • Holden knows Jane
  • She practically lived right next door to me, the
    summer before last. (31)

Jane Gallagher
  • I used to play checkers with her all the
    timeShe wouldnt move any of her kings. What
    shed do, when shed get a king, she wouldnt
    move it. Shed just leave it in the back row.
    Shed get them all lined up in the back row. Then
    shed never use them. She just liked the way they
    looked when they were all in the back row.

Jane Gallagher
  • Why wouldnt Jane move her kings?
  • If she doesnt move them, she will not lose them.
  • If she doesnt take the risk, she will not be
  • Holden seems to admire this philosophy
  • At the same time, if she doesnt move her kings,
    she cannot win.

Jane Gallagher
  • Holden debates if he should say hello to her
  • I oughta go down and say hello to her or
    something. (31)
  • I oughta go down and at least say hello to her
  • I oughta go down and say hello to her, at
    least. (32)

Why Doesnt Holden Say Hello?
  • Im not in the mood right now, I said. I
    wasnt, either. You have to be in the mood for
    those things.(33)
  • Does not want to take the risk
  • She might not remember him?
  • She might not have the same feelings for him?
  • She might have changed from how he remembers her?

  • There were about three inches of snow on the
    ground, and it was still coming down like a
    madman. It looked pretty as hell, and we all
    started throwing snowballs and horsing around all
    over the place. It was very childish, but
    everybody was really enjoying themselves. (35)
  • The enjoyment comes from acting like a kid.

  • I went over to my window and opened it and
    packed a snowball with my bare hands. The snow
    was very good for packing. I didnt throw it at
    anything, though. I started to throw it. At a car
    that was parked across the street. But I changed
    my mind. The car looked so nice and white. Then I
    started to throw it at a hydrant, but that looked
    too nice and white, too. Finally I didnt throw
    it at anything. All I did was close the window
    and walk around the room with the snowball,
    packing it harder. (36)

  • Why doesnt Holden throw the snowball?
  • Does not want to destroy the innocence and purity
    of the setting.
  • Once it is touched, the innocence cannot be

  • Pages 38-39
  • Holden obviously loves and misses Allie
  • No sarcasm at all when discussing Allie
  • Everything is sincere

Allies Characteristics
  • Red Hair
  • Intelligent
  • Funny
  • Kind
  • Wrote poems in green ink on his baseball glove
  • Died of leukemia
  • Two years younger than Holden

Holdens Reaction to Allies Death
  • Broke all of the windows in the garage
  • Tried to break the windows in the station wagon
  • Could not do it because his hand was broken

Holdens Reaction to Allies Death
  • Holden is still affected by the broken hand
  • I cant make a real fist any morenot a tight
    one, I meanbut outside of that I dont care
    much. I mean Im not going to be a surgeon or a
    violinist or anything anyway. (39)
  • Sense of hopelessness

Holdens Reaction to the Date
  • I was getting sort of nervous, all of a sudden.
    Im quite a nervous guy. (34)
  • I kept thinking about Jane, and about Stradlater
    having a date with her and all. It made me so
    nervous I nearly went crazy. (34)

Holdens Reaction to the Date
  • I was so damn worried, thats why. When I really
    worry about something, I dont just fool around.
    I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry
    about something. Only, I dont go. Im too
    worried to go. If you knew Stradlater, youd have
    been worried, too. Id double-dated with that
    bastard a couple of times, and I know what Im
    talking about. He was unscrupulous. He really
    was. (40)

Holdens Reaction to the Date
  • I could hardly keep my voice from shaking all
    over the place. Boy, was I getting nervous. I
    just had a feeling something had gone funny.
  • My voice was shaking something awful. (43)

Holdens Reaction to the Date
  • Why is Holden so nervous?
  • Why is Holden so protective of Jane?
  • What is Holden protective of?
  • Janes sexuality?

Holdens Fight
  • Fights Stradlater when he returns from his date
    with Jane
  • I tried to sock him, with all my might, right
    smack in the toothbrush, so it would split
    histhroat open. (43)
  • Extreme behavior
  • Idve killed him. (43)
  • Extreme comment

Holdens Fight
  • I was almost bawling. I really was. (44)
  • I told him he thought he could give the time to
    anybody he felt like. I told him he didnt even
    care if a girl kept all her kings in the back row
    or not and the reason he didnt care was because
    he was a stupid moron. He hated it when you
    called him a moron. All morons hate it when you
    call them a moron. (44)

Holdens Fight
  • He probably was scared hed fractured my skull
    or something when I hit the floor. Its too bad I
    didnt. (45)
  • Why would Holden say this?

Holdens Immaturity
  • Get your dirty stinking moron knees off my
    chest. (44)
  • I told him to go wash his own moron facewhich
    was a pretty childish thing to say, but I was mad
    as hell. I told him to stop off on the way to the
    can and give Mrs. Schmidt the time. Mrs. Schmidt
    was the janitors wife. She was around
    sixty-five. (45)

Holdens Immaturity
  • Then I got up. I couldnt find my hunting hat
    anywhere. Finally I found it. It was under the
    bed. I put it on, and turned the old peak around
    to the back, the way I liked it (45)

Holdens Immaturity
  • Why does Holden immediately go for his hunting
  • Symbolic Value of the Hat?
  • Security Blanket
  • Like a child
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