Title: Emerging Information Technologies
1Emerging Information Technologies
What? and So What?
ASCUE 2008
steve_at_steveknode.com drknode_at_gmail.com
2RFID Chips
Knowledge Management
Collaborative Computing
Expert Systems
Ambient Intelligence
Wearable Computers
Neural Networks
Second Life
Genetic Algorithms
Ubiquitous Computing
Social Networking
Virtual Reality
Fuzzy Logic
Semantic Web
Advanced Simulation
Web 2.0
Virtual Leader
Speech Recognition
Data Mining
Virtual Teams
Natural Language Processing
Artificial Life
embedded sensors
Distance Learning
Cloud Computing
Broad Bandwidth
Speech Synthesis
3Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now,
bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head,behind
Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows,the
only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he
feels that there really is another way, if only
he could stop bumping for a moment and think of
it. --A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh
4The Situation (What?)
- Mega Trends in Technology
- Information Overload
- 8-20 Billion Webpages (perhaps 500 billion!)
- Growing Rapidly, global contributors
- Accelerating Change
- Exponential, not linear
- More progress in the first 15 years of this
century than in the entire previous century! - Pervasive Computing
- Chips, sensors everywhere
- Wireless, networked to share information
- Computers evolving to assistants
5The Situation (What?)
- Trends in Technology (web 2.0)
- Everybody creates video/mashups
- Personal content
- Some informative, some entertainment
- Combinations of text, video, audio
- Collaboration technologies on the rise
- Easy to use, free
- Edit group documents, hold meetings, collaborate
- Social networks the norm
- Penetration of broadband
- Ubiquitous internet access
- Always connected
6WEB 2.0 --- The WhatThe Connected Web
- Videocasts
- Wikis
- Blogs
- Podcasts
- Social Networking
- Expertise location and sharing
- Mashups
- Virtual Worlds
- Instant mobile updates (e.g., Twitter)
7Contributing Factors
- Broadband internet access more common
- Up 300 percent since 2002, according to a new
analysis from Scarborough Research. - Collaboration becomes a necessity
- Everything complex, team approach needed
- Constant connectivity the norm
- Always on, always interacting
- Everybody is an author
- Mashups easier to do, more common
8Describing the Net Gen Student
- Never known life without the internet
- Google babies
- Information is found online, not in libraries
- First source is Wikipedia
- Anywhere, anytime
- Seemlessly move between real and virtual
- Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, 2nd life
- Sometimes the same person, sometimes a different
personna - Constant contact/feedback
- Twitter, blogs, social networks, blogs
- Collaboration/create the norm
- Wikis, videos, podcasts
9Describing the Net Gen Student
The Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
recently published report highlighted college
students perceptions of libraries and
information resources. Among student
respondents 72 percent of college students
ranked search engines as their first choice for
finding information 2 percent use library Web
sites as the starting point for an information
search 67 percent learn about electronic
information resources from friends (when
excluding search engines) 53 percent believe
information from search engines is as trustworthy
as library information 36 percent use
librarians to cross-reference information for
validation and 80 percent use other Web sites
with similar information as a validation tool,
slightly more than those who use instructors for
validation (78 percent).
Source How Choice, Co-creation, and Culture are
Changing What it Means to be Net Savvy,
Downloaded from http//connect.educause.edu/Libr
10The Implications (So What?)
- Significant impacts on teaching
- New modes and models of research and scholarship
necessary - More collaboration, alternate modes of
collaboration - New delivery requirements for courses
- Available at any time and place, any device
- Alternate forms of interaction
- Collaborative efforts in virtual environments
- Simulations, games, immersive environments
11Shifting Educational Landscape
- From To
- periodic continuous
- individual group
- theory practice
- content context
- text multimedia
- consumer co-producer
- unimodal multi-modal
- observation immersion
12The Solution (?) Proactive approach, not Reactive
- Keep Up
- Search, sift, synthesize, spread information
- Automate finding information (e.g., Google
alerts, RSS, specialized search engines) - Encourage experimentation collaboration
- Web 2.0 technologies (e.g., social networks,
wikis, podcasts, webinars) - Foster Innovation
- Maintain early adopter attitude
13Whats coming (?)
- Web 1.0 The Web
- Connects Information
- Web 2.0 The Social Web
- Connects People
- Web 3.0 The Semantic Web
- Connects Knowledge
- Web 4.0 The Ubiquitous Web
- Connects Intelligence
Source Semantic Wave 2008, downloaded from
14Some Examples
- Virtual Eve A virtual teacher that can pick up
body language and facial expressions like a
real teacher to interact and to ensure they are
holding the attention of students. Virtual tutor
can tell if the child is frustrated, angry or
confused by the on-screen teaching session and
can adapt the tutoring. - Bettys Instructional Technology Blog Sharing
ideas about instructional technology via a blog - Top Health 2.0 Apps A site which explains
several uses of social networks to provide health
15Some Examples
- Visual Elements Periodic Table arts and science
collaborative project from the RSCÂ which explores
the diversity of elements in a unique and
innovative manner. - Virtual Leader simulation simulation program
which teaches leadership using artificial
intelligence, virtual reality interface. - Wiki Replaces Textbook Boston College professor
uses wiki to develop, with student collaboration,
his own inclass materials and exa - Chacha A site designed to provide answers to
any question for free
16What are the roadblocks?
- Requires a change in culture
- change in thinking
- change in methods
- change in leaders(?)
- Requires new learning
- familiarization with technology
- experimentation/trials
- finding key killer applications/examples
? Steve Knode, PhD
- Rapidly changing world due to information
overload, exponential pace of change, and Web
2.0 technologies - New teaching paradigms needed
- Proactive approach recommended
- Roadblocks are to be overcome
? Steve Knode, PhD
19Backup and supplementary vugraphs
20New Report!
21Information Overload
- A weekday edition of the New York Times contains
more information than the average person was
likely to come across in a lifetime in
seventeenth-century England.
--R.S. Wurman, Information Anxiety
22Exponential Growth
Source http//www.kurzweilai.net/meme/frame.html?
23Miniscule RFID Chips
Source http//www.hitachi.com/New/cnews/030902.ht
September 2, 2003
24Even Smaller RFID Chips!
Source http//www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science-Fict
Feb 2007
25Must Read
- The Diverse and Exploding Digital Universe
- Emerging Technologies for Learning
- Disruptive Civil Technologies
- Being Human Human-Computer Interaction in the
Year 2020 - Are You Ready for the Semantic Wave?
- Horizon Report 2008
26Must Watch
- Visions of the Future The Intelligence
Revolution - Visions of the Future The Biotech Revolution
- Visions of the Future The Quantum Revolution
27Must Hear
- Leading Ahead of the Curves
- Here Comes Everybody
- The Impact of Wikipedia
28Must Visit
- Ray Kurzweils site
- Whats Next
- ReadWrite Web
29Must Try
- Twine Semantic web application that builds
your ball of twine for you - Powerset Answers questions in the manner they
were asked, not just weblinks - ChaCha Gives answers to almost any query via
phone or text - 20 Questions Using the old game of 20 questions,
a neural network guesses your object
30Links Summary 1
- Twine http//www.twine.com/about
- Powerset http//www.powerset.com/
- Emerging Technologies for Learning
rid13768 - The Intelligence Revolution http//video.google.c
om/videoplay?docid80785608139596344 - Chacha https//www.chacha.com/
- 20 Questions http//www.20q.net/
- Piggy Bank http//simile.mit.edu/wiki/Piggy_Bank
- How Choice, Co-creation, and Culture are Changing
What It Means to be Net Savvy - http//connect.educause.edu/Library/EDUCAUSEQuar
- Exploding Digital Universe http//www.emc.com/col
universe.pdf - Disruptive Civil Technologies http//www.dni.gov/
nic/confreports_disruptive_tech.html - Are You Ready for the Semantic Wave
http//project10x.com/index.php - Horizon Report 2008
- http//www.nmc.org/pdf/2008-Horizon-Report.pdf
- Emerging Technologies for learning, Vol 3 (2008)
rid13768 - Semantic Wave 2008 Report
- http//www.project10x.com/
31Links Summary 2
- Modern Man (George Carlin)
- http//vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseactionvids
.individualVideoID3477370 - Whats Next http//www.nowandnext.com/
- Kurzweils site http//www.kurzweilai.net/
- Visions of the Future The Intelligence
Revolution http//video.google.com/videoplay?docid
80785608139596344 -
- Visions of the Future The Intelligence
Revolution http//video.google.com/videoplay?docid
-5040988246744133463 - Visions of the Future The Intelligence
Revolution http//video.google.com/videoplay?docid
1640775900931232990 -
- Here Comes Everybody http//itc.conversationsnetw
ork.org/shows/detail3596.html -
- The Impact of Wikipedia http//itc.conversationsn
etwork.org/shows/detail1644.html - IbreadCrumbs http//www.ibreadcrumbs.com/
- Shift Happens http//www.youtube.com/watch?vP7J_
ereCiTofeaturerelated - ReadWrite Web http//www.readwriteweb.com/
32News and Events
Source http//www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/1
33News and Events
Source http//www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/
34News and Events
Source http//dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/01/18/s
35News and Events
Source http//www.itnews.com.au/News/72039,swarm
36News and Events
Source http//www.readwriteweb.com/archives/good
37News and Events
Source http//www.computerworld.com/action/artic
38News and Events
Source http//itc.conversationsnetwork.org/shows
39What next Web 3.0