Title: Fats, Oil and Grease Beautiful Downtown Burbank
1Fats, Oil and GreaseBeautiful Downtown Burbank
- Presenters Juan Gonzalez, and Stacey Christian
- Support Randy Mark
2Fats, Oil GreaseCollection System POTW
- Impacts
- Environment
- Fats, Oil, and Grease, also called FOG in the
wastewater business can have negative impacts on
wastewater collection and treatment systems.
Wastewater Treatment Plant
4 What is FOG?
- Comes from food sources animal and plant
- Compound fatty acids and glycerol
- Large OG molecules are 150 microns (when free
- Hydrophobic insoluble in water
- Hardens and accumulates in sewers Results in
5Processes that generate FOG
- Food Preparation
- Cooking
- Baking
- Frying with Oil
- Cleaning Utensils, Dishes, Pots Pans
- Cleaning of Floors
- Blockages Result in
- Sewer spills
- Manhole overflow
- Sewage back-ups in homes or businesses
7Sewer Spills, Overflows and Back-Ups
- Sewage spills, overflows, and back ups occur when
wastewater being transported through underground
pipes overflows through a manhole, cleanout, or
broken pipes. Sewage spills can potentially cause
health hazards, cause damage to homes and
businesses, and threaten the environment, local
waterways, and beaches.
8Beautiful Downtown Burbank
9City Crew Report-Areas of Heavy Medium Grease
10Inspection of Grease Trap
11Inspection of Grease Interceptors
12Grease Interceptor Overflow
13Investigation Findings
- Improperly sized interceptors
- Nonfunctional Interceptors
- Poor Operation and Maintenance
- Lack of Service
- Adding Enzymes
- Lack of Interceptor
- Lack of Understanding
14Enforcement Cite
- 40 CFR 403.5
- Solid or viscous pollutants in amounts which
will cause obstruction to the flow in the POTW
resulting in interference
- BMC 25-107
- clarifiers.shall be maintained in good
operating condition and in conformity with
applicable law by the owner of the property
- Train Inspectors
- Implement Grease Interceptor Maintenance Plan
- Include Interceptor Maintenance in Control
- Outreach
- BMPs
16Solutions-Performance Standard
- Inspect Grease Interceptor
17Interceptor Maintenance Plan
- Location of Interceptor
- Interceptor Maintenance
- Frequency
- Person Responsible
- Rendering Company
- Past History
- Compliance Criteria
- Problem Notification
- Log
18Evaluation How do we know its working?