Title: A Beginners Guide to the Heart
1A Beginners Guide to the Heart
Enter Here
2What would you like to review today?
Blood Flow
Or would you like to skip to the quiz?
3Anatomy of the Heart
This review only includes the basic anatomy
components of the heart. The veins and arteries
that are included are the major arteries and
veins needed for circulation. Please review as
many times as needed because the blood flow can
not be understood until the anatomy is learned.
Remember not to stress out and have fun!
Look carefully at the parts of the heart, then
study the name next to it. If you want to try and
name them by yourself click on the link to the
empty heart. In the empty heart you can click on
the question mark and it will identify the
correct name, only click on the question mark
after you have identified it yourself. Press the
Empty Heart button and NOT the next arrow to
continue reviewing!!!! When you feel comfortable
with the anatomy you can click the link to the
Blood Flow to continue your review.
Note Disregard the arrows on the heart they will
come in handy during the blood flow portion of
the review.
6Review all the parts at once
Review the parts one by one
7(No Transcript)
8Empty Heart
Choices Left Ventricle Right Ventricle Left Atr
ium Right Atrium Aorta Pulmonary Arteries Pul
monary Veins Tricuspid Valve Aortic Valve Pulmo
nary Valve Mitral Valve Superior Vena Cava Infe
rior Vena Cava
9Empty Heart
You have chosen the Right Atrium
Right Atrium
Empty Heart
10Empty Heart
You have chosen the Left Atrium
Left Atrium
Empty Heart
11Empty Heart
You have chosen the Right Ventricle
Right Ventricle
Empty Heart
12Empty Heart
You have chosen the Left Ventricle
Left Ventricle
Empty Heart
13Empty Heart
You have chosen the Pulmonary Arteries
Pulmonary Arteries
Empty Heart
14Empty Heart
You have chosen the Aorta
Empty Heart
15Empty Heart
You have chosen the Pulmonary Veins
Pulmonary Veins
Empty Heart
16Empty Heart
You have chosen the Tricuspid Valve
Tricuspid Valve
Empty Heart
17Empty Heart
You have chosen the Aortic Valve
Aortic Valve
Empty Heart
18Empty Heart
You have chosen the Pulmonary Valve
Pulmonary Valve
Empty Heart
19Empty Heart
You have chosen the Mitral Valve
Mitral Valve
Empty Heart
20Empty Heart
You have chosen the Superior Vena Cava
Superior Vena Cava
Empty Heart
21Empty Heart
You have chosen the Inferior Vena Cava
Empty Heart
Inferior Vena Cava
22Blood Flow
One important thing that you must keep in mind is
that understanding blood flow of the heart is
very complicated, even if this review only covers
the basics, it can still get complicated.
Dont Stress Out, just review until you feel
Carefully review each part and how it relates to
blood flow. Trace the arrows as you read through
the steps. After reviewing each part and tracing
the blood flow, recite in chronological order how
the blood flows. When you feel comfortable with t
he information, click on the link to the quiz.
25Blood coming from the different parts of the body
may enter the heart either through the Superior
or Inferior Vena Cava. This is the path that it
takes Superior/inferior vena cava Right Atrium
Tricuspid Valve Right Ventricle Pulmonary
Valve Pulmonary Arteries Out to the lungs
Blood coming from the lungs enter the heart
through the Pulmonary veins. This is the path
that it takes Pulmonary veins Left Atrium Mitr
al Valve Left Ventricle Aortic Valve Aorta Out
to the body
27Question 1
In the following picture which part of the heart
is the yellow arrow pointing to? Click on the
Left Ventricle
Pulmonary Artery
28Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
29Im sorry! Please try again!
30Question 2
If you were tracing the blood flow and you
started in the mitral valve and ended in the
tricuspid valve, which choice best describes the
steps you would take? Click on the answer you
think is right.
A. Mitral Valve ? R.Ventricle ? Aortic Valve ?
Aorta ? Body? Superior Vena Cava? R.Atrium ?
Tricuspid Valve
B. Mitral valve ? L.Ventricle ? Aortic Valve?
Aorta ? Body? Superior Vena Cava ? R. Atrium?
Tricuspid Valve
C. Mitral Valve ? L.Ventricle ? Pulmonary Valve ?
Aorta ? Body ? Superior Vena Cava ? R. Atrium ?
Tricuspid Valve
31Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
32Im sorry! Please try again!
33Question 3
Through what structure does the blood enter the
heart if it is coming from the lungs? Click on
correct answer.
A. Pulmonary Arteries
B. Pulmonary Veins
C. Superior/Inferior Vena Cava
34Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
35Im sorry! Please try again!
36Question 4
- What part of the heart is this arrow pointing to?
Click on the answer.
Left Ventricle
Mitral Valve
Right Ventricle
37Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
38Im sorry! Please try again!
39Question 5
After blood goes through the Aortic Valve where
does it immediately go next? Click on the correct
Pulmonary Arteries
Left Atrium
40Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
41Im sorry! Please try again!
42Question 6
If you start from the Left Atrium and want the
blood to go out to the body, which of the
following paths would best describe the path the
blood would take? Click on the correct answer.
A) L. Atrium ? L. Ventricle ? Mitral Valve ?
Aorta ? Out to the body
B) L.Atrium ? Mitral Valve ? R. Ventricle ?
Aortic Valve ? Aorta ? Out to body
C) L. Atrium ? Mitral Valve ? L. Ventricle ?
Aortic Valve ? Aorta ? Out to body
43Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
44Im sorry! Please try again!
45Question 7
What part of the heart are the yellow arrows
pointing to? Click on the correct answer.
Pulmonary Arteries
Pulmonary Veins
46Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
47Im sorry! Please try again!
48Question 8
Blood that is leaving the heart on its way to
supply the body parts leaves through what part?
Click on the correct answer.
Superior/Inferior Vena Cava
Pulmonary Arteries
49Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
50Im sorry! Please try again!
51Question 9
What part of the heart is the yellow arrow
pointing to? Click on the right answer.
Pulmonary Veins
Superior/Inferior Vena Cava
Pulmonary Arteries
52Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
53Im sorry! Please try again!
54Question 10
What part of the heart is the yellow arrow
pointing to? Click on the correct answer.
R. Ventricle
Tricuspid Valve
R. Atrium
55Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
56Im sorry! Please try again!
57Question 11
What is the yellow arrow pointing to? Click on
the correct answer.
Tricuspid valve
Left Ventricle
Pulmonary Valve
58Correct! Good Going! Youre Awesome!
59Im sorry! Please try again!
60You have successfully completed the quiz! Good
The following two sources were used in the
preparation of this review
Tortora, G., Introduction to the Human Body The
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology. 3rd
Edition, Harper Collins 1994.
62The End!