Title: Diversity
1Diversity From Why To HowWorkshop 2
- Steps needed to create a diverse workforce
- Create environment accommodating difference
- Maintain a culture of mutual respect
- Assess impending law impacting on diversity
3Warning About Content
- Aim is to reflect reality
- Workshop contains hard-hitting examples
- 'Colourful' language
- Parts of the body described graphically
- All examples are real they've happened
- No intention to offend anyone present
4Managing Change
5Developing A Strategy
- Why develop a strategy?
- Core process
- Where are we now?
- Where do we want to be?
- How do we get there? the plan
- How do we know when we have arrived?
6Core Components Of A Strategy
- An audit
- Establishing a business case
- Setting out the strategy
- Policy review and development
- Communication and training
- Monitoring and maintenance
7The Audit Part 1
- Policies and procedures
- Company image
- Training programmes
- Integration into business
- Line managers knowledge
8The Audit Part 2
- Effectiveness of communication
- Testing the climate
- Workforce/client profile
- Monitoring mechanisms
- Benchmarking against best practice
9Business Case
- Establishing the case
- Reputation/Perception
- Relationships with People
- Results/Performance
- Leadership and ownership
- Integrating into mainstream business
10Developing A Strategy
- Mission
- Objectives to be achieved
- Critical success factors
- Action plan
- Key HR/business impact areas
- Core areas - tasks, deliverables, timescales
11Policy Development
- Purpose, principles and procedures
- Communication
- Policies required audit driven
- Minimum policy framework for diversity
- Beyond employees
- Communication is critical
- Explain the business case
- Values and vision
- What's in it for me?
- Definition of diversity explain the process
- Maintain open communications
13Training Core Principles
- Your values
- Your policies
- Your procedures
- Understanding and complying with the law
- Acceptable behaviour respect for people
- Why diversity is important to the organisation
14Training The Process - Part 1
- Critical in achieving understanding
- Based on training needs analysis
- Types of programme required by population
- Clear aim and learning objectives
- Business based
15Training The Process - Part 2
- Pilot before roll-out
- Validate the learning short and long term
- Incorporate into induction
- Incorporate into core skills set
- You need to measure to manage
- Statistical data
- Diversity audit staff attitude surveys
- Customer satisfaction surveys
- Act on the results don't sit on them
- Communication of progress
17Key Points
- Diversity is a continuous process
- It takes time to achieve results
- You will make mistakes learn - don't blame
- Make diversity a core part of the business
- "Walk the talk"
18Accommodating Religious Practices
19Proof Of Religion Or Belief
- No requirement for proof of religion
- Potential for exploitation
- Core or sect beliefs?
- Refer to definition in the RB Regs
- Use guidance from court judgments to date
20Cultural Awareness
- Analyse the workforce
- Analyse your work catchment area
- Internet 2001 Census figures
- Religion and ethnic breakdown
21Top 5 London East Area
22Reasonable Accommodation
- Problems stem from lack of knowledge
- Awareness of culture and practices needed
- Reasonable accommodation is the key
- Indirect discrimination is a danger
- Accommodation - where to the draw the line
- Objective justification proportionate to need
23Key Accommodation Issues
- Dress codes
- Religious observance
- Religious leave
- Recruitment and job applications
- Social interaction, e.g. events
24Dress Cultural Issues
- Khalsa Sikhs - the 5 K's
- Islam - Qur'an - code of modesty
- Hindu - the Tilaka - vermilion
- Rastafarians - "dreadlocks" - Lion of Judah
25Dress - Accommodation
- Modified clothing/equipment
- Adapting dress codes
- Providing beard bags or snoods
- Specially designed corporate outfits saris
- Conflict with HS requirements adaptation?
26Religious Observance
- Muslims - Salat - prayer ritual
- Congregational Salat on Fridays
- Jewish Sabbath no work
- Hindu - bereavement - 13 day mourning period
- Muslim - bereavement - burial ASAP
27Observance Accommodation
- Adjusting working hours
- Work lunch time leave early
- Allowing time off to be made up
- Swapping of hours
- Providing a prayer or quiet room
- Adjusting bereavement policies
28Religious Leave
- Numerous religious holidays, e.g. Eid Islam
- Use part of annual leave
- Swap days off or make time up
- Work public holidays
- Clear procedures discuss each year
- Flexibility and compromise is the key
- Do not make enquiries as to
- religious affiliation, worship or customs
- Be flexible over interview dates/times
- Some may not shake hands
- Some may not make eye contact
- Dress may be different to expectations
30Social Interaction - Issues
- Muslims regard pork as unholy .
- Muslims other meat must be 'Halal'
- Ramadan - abstain between dawn and sunset
- Jews - pork - unclean under Mosaic Law
- Hinduism - the cow sacred - do not eat beef
- Muslims and Sikhs - no alcohol
31Social - Accommodation
- Asking about dietary requirements
- Arranging for kosher or Halal food
- Food packs for Muslims during Ramadan
- Considering no alcohol at events
- Non- alcohol kept away from alcohol
32Social Interaction Other Issues
- Modesty lowering the gaze
- Being alone with the opposite sex
- Private sanitary/changing facilities
- The caste system
- Â
33What Would You Do?
- A devout Catholic works in a shop opposite an
abortion clinic. She tells her manager she has
taken a special vow to protect the unborn foetus.
She wants to wear a badge at work which has a
picture of a foetus with the words "Protect the
unborn at all costs". The shop's dress code
states "The only badge that may be worn is the
employee's name badge".
34What Would You Do?
- A training course consists entirely of team
tasks that sometimes involve physical contact
between males and females. The new course is a
compulsory part of junior management assessment
to test 'leadership' skills. Without 'passing'
this course there is no path to senior
management. A successful female Muslim manager
states that she cannot attend as her religion
does not permit such physical contact.
35What Would You Do?
- An employer provides all employees with an
entitlement to a day's paid holiday on each of
the nationally recognised public holidays, which
includes Christmas Day. If non-Christian
employees want time off for a religious festival,
they can take time out of their additional annual
holiday entitlement. A Muslim raises a grievance
on the basis that it is unfair that Christian
employees can observe their religious festivals
without having to use their holiday entitlement.
36Implementing A Diversity Model
37Diversity Model
- Culture of inclusion difference welcomed
- Valuing positive benefits of individuality
- Mutual respect
- Eradicating discrimination
- Work life balance provided for
- Including employees in decision making
38Making It Happen
- Top level commitment - walk the talk
- Communicate values
- Install a code of conduct
- Range of relevant policies in place
- Zero tolerance to discrimination
39Making It Happen
- Try to accommodate unique needs
- Train regularly
- Evaluate performance against diversity model
- Make diversity a performance measure
- Weave diversity throughout the organisation
41Harassment Most Cases
- SDA, RRA, DDA, SO / RB Regs have definition
- Unwanted conduct
- Purpose or effect
- Violating dignity
- Hostile, intimidating, humiliating environment
- Reasonableness test where no intent
42Other Definitions
- Rejection of or submission to harassment
- Sex-based harassment
- unwelcome conduct purely related to the sex of
the victim - Sexual harassment
- unwanted conduct which is sexual in nature, i.e.
verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of sexual
43Married, Civil Partners Colour Nationality
- No definition of harassment in SDA or RRA
- Nevertheless, regarded as direct discrimination
- Less favourable treatment
- Resulting in a 'detriment'
- 'Detriment' means placed at a disadvantage
- Detriment includes injury to feelings
44Harassment Direct Discrimination
- Case law definition
- Unwanted and unwelcome conduct
- Resulting in
- Intimidating, hostile or humiliating environment
- Detriment could be failure to appoint
- Detriment could also be offensive remark
45Further Guidance All Cases
- Has to be imposed "didn't want it or ask for
it" - One incident is enough
- Individual test applies
- But 'reasonable' person test in some cases
- Silence is not acceptance
46A New Challenge
- Death of common courtesy?
- Political correctness
- Multi-cultural society
- Changing roles
- Litigious society
- Risk management
47Types Of Harassment
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- Marital or family status
- Gender reassignment
- Race, colour, nationality, ethnic/national origin
- Religion or belief
48Types Of Harassment
- Disability
- Age
- Union membership
- Employment status
49Types Of Harassment
- Criminal record
- Health
- Physical characteristics
- Anyone perceived as different at risk
50Verbal Written Forms
- Crude language
- Offensive jokes
- Suggestive remarks
- Innuendoes - double meaning
- Lewd comments
- Wolf-whistles
51Verbal Written contd.
- Gossip
- Offensive letters
- E-mails
- Text messages
- Songs
52Physical Contact
- Touching
- Patting
- Pinching
- Brushing against body
- Assault
- Physical coercion
- Sexually explicit posters/calendars
- Racial posters
- Pornographic material
- Obscene gestures
- Graffiti
- Offensive objects
54Coercion Intrusion
- Pressure for sexual favours
- Pressure to join groups, e.g. political,
religious - Following
- Pestering
- Spying
- Anonymous phone calls
- Voice mails
55Electronic/mobile communications
- Email,texting,digital photos used to harass
- All capable of being unlawful
- Dangers of remote 'messaging'
- Easy to send to unwanted recipients
- Managers role in monitoring communications
- Downloading and distributing pornography
56Examples From Cases
- Insitu Cleaning Co Ltd v Heads
- Bull Information Systems Ltd v Stedman
- Woare v Wincanton Ltd
- HM Prison Service v Salmon
- Thomas and anor v Robinson
- Doshoki v Draeger Ltd
57Examples From Cases
- Derby Specialist Fabrication Ltd v Burton
- Smith v Gardner Merchant Ltd
- Cox v Rentokil
- Noor v Telewest Communications
- Kent Police v Kufeji
- Chessington World Of Adventures Ltd v Reed
58Why Do People Harass?
- Its just banter
- A laugh and a joke
- Rightful treatment to be meted out
- Intrinsic set of sexist/racist values
- Pressure from others
- Dont want to be seen as different
59One person's banter ..
- Banter is the most common excuse
- Can mean jesting, joking or kidding
- Can also mean ridiculing, taunting, mocking
- One person's banter may be another's ridicule
- Brain should be in gear with your mouth
- If likely to offend don't say it!
60Policy Procedures
- Must be followed to the letter
- Prevention rather than cure
- Examples of unacceptable behaviour
- Disciplinary offence if committed
- Methods of resolving problems
- Allegations treated seriously
- Malicious complaints not tolerated
61Line managers role
- Policy observed at all times
- Ensure workplace is harassment-free
- Alert to staff reluctance to take action
- Intervene if unacceptable behaviour observed
- Ensure no offensive material is displayed
- Treat complaints seriously
- Investigate complaints promptly
62Advice The principles
- Providing advice is key part of any policy
- Provides independent and objective help
- All managers have duty to advise
- Must be treated seriously
- Set the scene - purpose, role and confidentiality
- Remain neutral - listen carefully
- Ask open-ended questions
63Advice the practice
- Help individual consider situation objectively
- Draw attention to solutions
- Help weigh up the alternatives
- Help develop an action plan
- Assist where possible
- Arrange a follow-up meeting
- Make a record!!!
- Decision rests with individual
- Informal approach personal
- Informal approach accompanied
- Informal approach in writing
- Formal complaint in writing
- Independent investigation
- False claims not tolerated
65Group Discussion
- What type of behaviour do you think
- is acceptable in today's workplace?
66What Do You Think?
- Jesus Christ, in God's name, what a balls up!
- You don't fit in - black sheep of the family
- Telling a gay "Just going out to light up a
fag" - Accusing a Muslim of telling 'porky pies'
- Saying to a black person "You're about as much
use as a chocolate teapot"
67What Do You Think?
- Saying to a devout Christian "You really are the
devil in disguise" - Saying to a Hindu woman "I bet when you were
growing up you were right little cow" - "She displays the usual traits associated with
women who are undergoing the change of life. You
have to be so careful with them, otherwise they
are off to tribunal"
68How Would You Deal With This?
69Act 1 - Issues
- Definition of sexual orientation
- Definition of a transsexual
- Definition of a transvestite
- Who does the law protect?
- Where does Danny fit in?
- Can Danny make a claim?
70Act 2 - Issues
- Can John present a claim?
- Victimisation
- Post-employment discrimination
71Act 3 - Issues
- Jane's sex discrimination claim
- Jane's sexual orientation discrimination claim
- Jane citing Nitin in the discrimination claims
- Nitin's religious discrimination claim
- Nitin's human rights claim
72Act 4 - Issues
- Can Billy Jones present a claim?
- Can Robert Smith present a claim?
- Can Mary Wells present a claim?
- Can Sarah justify not offering Matthew the job?
73Code Of Behaviour
74Code Of Behaviour
- Understand we are all different
- Welcome difference - it's a benefit not a threat
- Understand beliefs and traditions of others
- Respect the convictions of others
- Avoid imposing ourselves and own views
- Don't tolerate illegal or immoral acts/views
75Code Of Behaviour
- Recognise we all 'fall short' of ideals at times
- Work to prevent disagreement/conflict
- Don't belittle/misrepresent other's beliefs
- Correct misunderstandings
- Eliminate prejudice from our minds at work
- Respect different views on work/life balance
76Amending Disability Legislation
77Amending Legislation
- Two new pieces of legislation
- Came into force on 1 October 2004
- Disability Amendments Regulations
- Pension Regulations
- Both stem from EU Directive
78Disability Amendments Regs
- Ending most existing exclusions
- Direct discrimination and justification
- Harassment specifically included
- Indirect discrimination
- Extending list or reasonable adjustments
- Extending the meaning of dismissal
79Disability Amendments Regs
- Instructions and pressure to discriminate
- Post-employment discrimination
- Discriminatory advertisements
- Response to questionnaire 8 weeks
- Burden of proof
80Pension Regs
- Insert a non-discrimination rule
- Trustees/managers of pension schemes
- Must not discriminate or harass
- Members or prospective members
- Imposes duty to make reasonable adjustments
81Age Legislation Proposals
82Five Unlawful Acts
- Five different types of act will be unlawful
- Direct discrimination
- Indirect discrimination
- Victimisation
- Harassment
- An instruction to discriminate
83Direct Discrimination
- Direct discrimination will occur
- where a person is treated less favourably on
grounds of his or her age or apparent age - than another person was treated, or would have
been treated, in like-for-like circumstances - Apparent age means assumed or perceived age,
even if the assumption or perception is wrong - An employer can seek to justify direct
discrimination - Must be able to show that the discriminatory
treatment was a proportionate means of achieving
a legitimate aim
84Indirect Discrimination
- Indirect discrimination will occur
- where an employer applies a provision, criterion
or practice to everyone, - which puts, or would put, people in A's
particular 'age group' at a particular
disadvantage, - when compared to other people who are not in A's
particular 'age group, - and which the employer cannot show to be a
proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim - Age group means a group defined by a particular
age or range of ages
85Examples Of Justification
- Regs set out examples of treatment which may be a
proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim - Example the fixing of a minimum age to qualify
for certain advantages linked to employment or
occupation in order to recruit or retain older
people - Purely examples - each case assessed on its own
merits - Employer will need to show
- why that treatment was necessary
- that it was in proportion to the business need
- business benefits outweighed discriminatory
- Victimisation occurs where a person is treated
less favourably because of a protected act i.e. - has alleged that discrimination has taken place
- has presented a claim to an employment tribunal
- has acted as a witness in a discrimination case
- The difference in treatment is by comparison with
another person, actual or hypothetical, who has
not committed a protected act
- Harassment will occur where a person
- is subjected to unwanted conduct on grounds of
age - which has the purpose or effect
- of violating that persons dignity
- or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading,
humiliating or offensive working environment - Where no intent to offend is established,
harassment will only have occurred if that would
be a reasonable conclusion to make in all the
circumstances particularly taking into account
the perception of the claimant
88Instructions To Discriminate
- It will be unlawful for an employer to
discriminate against an individual by treating
him or her less favourably because - the individual has not carried out an instruction
to discriminate, or - having been given an instruction to commit an
unlawful act of age discrimination, that
individual raises a complaint about it to the
employer or someone else
89Categories Of Worker Protected
- Applicants for employment (excluding age 65 and
over) - in determining who gets offered employment
- in the terms that are offered
- by refusing, or deliberately omitting, to offer
employment - harassment
- Employment
- in the terms on which they are employed
- opportunities for promotion, transfer, training,
benefits - dismissal or subjecting to any other detriment
- harassment
90Categories Of Worker Protected
- Contract workers
- in the terms on which workers are allowed do that
work - not allowing workers to do work or continue to do
work - access to benefits, facilities and services
- by subjecting workers to any other detriment
- harassment
- Post-working relationship
- by subjecting a person to a detriment, or
harassment, after the working relationship has
come to an end, where the discrimination or
harassment arises out of and is closely connected
to that working relationship - e.g. an act of retaliation by not providing a
91Exceptions For Retirement
- Compulsory retirement will constitute direct age
discrimination - Equal Treatment Directive allows age
discrimination if it can be objectively justified
- This enables the Government to set a national
default retirement age - Under national default provisions, it will not be
unlawful to dismiss an employee at or over the
age of 65 where the reason is retirement - A national default retirement age is not an
obligatory retirement age. It allows employers to
set a retirement age at or above the level of the
national default retirement age if they want to - If employers want a retirement date below the
national default retirement age, then this is
possible if there is objective justification - In 2011, the Government intends to review the
default retirement age
92Impact On Unfair Dismissal
- As a retirement will constitute a dismissal, the
rules on unfair dismissal will apply and amended
to include retirement as a potentially fair
reason to dismiss - The amended legislation will distinguish between
a planned and a non-planned retirement
dismissal - Where planned retirement is concerned, it will
be assumed from the outset that the reason for
dismissal was retirement unless the employee
shows otherwise - In non-planned retirement situations it will be
presumed that the reason for dismissal was not
retirement unless the employer shows that
retirement was in fact the real reason - The 3 step statutory dismissal procedure will not
apply to genuine retirement dismissals
93Planned Retirement Dismissal
- A planned retirement dismissal will normally be
regarded as fair if - it is genuinely on grounds of retirement and
- it is a planned retirement, i.e. (a) the
dismissal takes place at or after the national
default retirement age of 65, or a lower
retirement age which has been set and objectively
justified by the employer (b) the employer has
informed the employee of the planned retirement
date at least six months in advance and, - the employer has complied with the statutory duty
to consider a request made by the employee to
work beyond the planned retirement date
94Planned Retirement Dismissal
- Notification an employer who intends to dismiss
an employee due to retirement must notify the
employee in writing, not more than one year and
not less than six months before dismissal, of - the employee's right to request that the employer
consider allowing him or her to work beyond
retirement and - the date on which the employer intends the
employee to retire - If an employee does make a request, the employer
will have to consider it seriously and follow the
strict procedural guidelines and time limits set
out in Schedule 7, otherwise a tribunal may award
up to 8 weeks statutorily capped pay
95Planned Retirement Dismissal
- Duty to consider procedure requires
- The employer to hold a meeting with the employee
to discuss the request and notify in writing of
the outcome within 14 days - If the request is rejected, the employee must be
allowed the right of appeal - The appeal must be held within 14 days of the
appeal being lodged - The employee must be informed of the outcome in
writing within 14 days of the appeal meeting - In a case of a planned retirement dismissal, it
will be presumed that the only reason is a
retirement, unless the employee can show that
retirement was not the real reason
96Automatically Unfair Dismissal
- Even though an employer has been able to show
that the dismissal was due to the retirement of
the employee, a dismissal will nevertheless be
automatically unfair if - Prior to planning to retire the employee, the
employer has not informed the employee of the
right to request to continue working and of the
intended retirement date, or the employee was
informed less than 2 weeks before the retirement
date - The dismissal takes effect while a duty to
consider procedure is still underway and the
employer has not yet held the meeting with the
employee or informed the employee of the decision - Once a duty-to-consider procedure has started,
the employer fails to comply with it properly
97Non-planned Retirements
- If an employer contends that a dismissal is due
to retirement, but - the dismissal does not constitute a planned
retirement and - retirement is shown to be the only potentially
fair reason for the dismissal - The employer will have failed to show a fair
reason for dismissal - In non-planned retirement cases it will be
presumed from the outset that a reason other than
retirement was the real reason for dismissal
unless the employer proves otherwise
98Exception For Service Related Benefits
- Many existing pay and benefit schemes require a
certain length of service before pay, or a
benefit is given or increased - This could amount to indirect age discrimination
because some age groups are more likely to have
completed the required length of service than
others - The Equal Treatment Directive allows for
seniority in service for access to certain
employment advantages to constitute justified
discrimination - EEA Regs contain a general provision exception
and four specific exemptions on pay and
employment benefits
99General Exemption Provision
- General provision makes the use of length of
service for all types of employment benefits
lawful in respect of workers (applicants,
employees and office holders) if - it is reasonable for an employer to believe that
there will be an advantage by rewarding the
loyalty, encouraging the motivation or
recognising the experience of workers by awarding
benefits on the basis of length of service and - the benefit is awarded to all of the employer's
workers who meet the length of service criterion
and whose circumstances are the same or hardly
any different
100Specific Exceptions
- Five year exemption length-of-service
requirement of five years or less will be
exempted as long as it is awarded to all of the
employer's workers who meet the length of service
criterion and whose circumstances are not
otherwise materially different - Statutory benefits exemption Where an employer
provides a contractual benefit that mirrors a
statutory benefit, it will not constitute age
discrimination if the employer - applies the same length-of-service criteria used
in the statutory benefit - applies a shorter length-of-service criteria than
that used in the statutory benefit - provides a more generous statutory benefit than
that which would apply for a person meeting the
statutory length-of-service criteria
101Exceptions To Unlawful Acts
- Statutory authority to comply with a statutory
provision - National security for the purpose of
safeguarding national security - Work-related invalidity benefit schemes not
unlawful to - fix an age for admission to a work-related
invalidity benefit scheme - fix an age for entitlement to invalidity benefits
under such a scheme - use age criteria in actuarial calculations in
benefit scheme - National Minimum Wage it will not be unlawful
for employers to pay - employees aged 22 and over more than those under
22 even where they are doing the same job, where
those under 22 are paid less than the adult rate
of 4.85 - employees aged between 18 and 21 more than those
under 18 even where they are doing the same job,
where those under 18 are paid less than the adult
rate of 4.85
102Genuine Occupational Requirements
- The GOR provisions will allow employers to
- directly or indirectly discriminate
- where they can show that having regard to the
nature of the employment or the context in which
it is carried out - possessing a characteristic related to age
- is a genuine and determining occupational
requirement and, - it is proportionate to apply that requirement
and, - the person to whom the requirement is applied
does not meet it
103Positive Action
- Two forms of positive action
- Positive action training to help people fit a
particular job - Positive action encouragement to apply for jobs
- Permitted circumstances are where
- it reasonably appears to the employer
- that positive action prevents or compensates for
disadvantages linked to age suffered by persons
of that age or age group - doing that work or likely to take up that work