Title: Harry Coumnas Is An Adventure Lover
1Harry Coumnas Is An Adventure Lover
2Harry Coumnas is a successful businessman based
in New York. He has keen interest in sports and
has participated in various sports events such as
wrestling, basketball etc. He has also won many
wrestling championships at college level. He has
played for Knicks basketball team in New York. He
is very sincere about his health and believes
that sports make him physically fit and healthy
all the time.
3He likes reading love stories, playing chess and
watching movies on HBO channel during his free
time. He is very fond of his 6 pets which include
3 dogs named Harry, Joe and Buckwheat and 3 cats
named Pussycat, tiger and Aimless. He loves to
play with them as it acts as a stress buster for
him. He is an optimistic person and believes in
working for the welfare of the society.
4He donates to a number of charitable causes and
community services to help the poor and
underprivileged children. Harry Coumnas is an
adventure lover. He always participates in
various adventurous activities including sky
diving, camping in the woods, riding in the
roller coaster and hitch hiking. Apart from this,
he also enjoys driving very fast cars and plans
to make a car like the one in the movie "Back to
the Future".
5Harry Coumnas is a family oriented person. He
possesses strong family values and likes spending
his quality time with his family members. He has
a large family of 100 family members residing in
different parts of the world including India,
Australia and Western Europe. He has many friends
and enjoys playing pool throughout the night with
his friends.
6His friends take alcohol but he doesn't indulge
himself in drinking and hates all types of
alcohol and drugs as he believes that drugs makes
an adverse effect on human's health and decreases
the ability of taking right decisions. He abides
by all the laws of society as he believes that
laws are made for the betterment of society and
make society secure to live in.