Title: Welcome to Reception Class
1Welcome to Reception Class
- Come and see what we can do
2This is the photographer
3We like jigsaws
4We play on the whiteboard
5Look at my picture
6We make fantastic models
7Or come to the Travel Agents
Where do you want to go?
8This is our outdoor photographer
9We take lots of pictures of our favourite friends
10We ride on the bikes
11We play in the cafe
Can you see my bike in the car park?
12We can climb up high
Were not scared. Honest!!
13We like to play trains
Look at my zoo train
14And dont forget hopscotch
15We even make up our own games
Throw a stone into a hoop.
Then throw the beanbags into the hoop.
Then hop into the hoop and start again.
16Come and have fun in Reception