Title: PINDERFUL - Pinterest clone script
1PINDERFUL Pinterest Clone script
- Launched by Cogzidel Technologies
2About Pinterest
- What is Pinterest?
- People are more impressed when they view images
and videos in a website compared to the text
content within it. Pinterest has been developed
to ease the task of posting and sharing images. - Pinterest is the amazing social photo sharing
script where personals can post or share images
of their interest with other users. - Loaded with amazing design and unique features,
pinterest has created massive awareness in the
midst of different personals. - Pinterest drives more traffic to websites
3Why Pinterest Clone?
- Due to the influence this virtual online pinboard
has attained right from the day of its launch,
loads of companies have cloned this script. - The reason for companies opting to clone this
social photo sharing application is due to its
valiant features within it. - Few of its features includes
- Pins Pin is an picture or video
posted by a user - Boards The images / videos uploaded can
be organized by topic known - as boards
- Following Allows the user to follow anyone
on another user board similar to - Twitter
- Sharing Allows the user to share users
pins on social networks such as - Facebook, Twitter
and much more - Repins Allows you to share the image
pinned by others who you follow - to your own board
4How to Pick the Right Pinterest Clone Script?
- We can see that there are loads of companies
offering pinterest clone script with rich design
and significant sense of color within it. - Users looking to avail them will need to review
the following - Review the features present in the clone script
- Check if the price of the script is worth its
cause - The support offered after sales by the company
- The real-time updates that have been offered by
the concerned company in the past and much more
5PINDERFUL An Overview
- We would like to share our thoughts on this
latest product Pinderful, pinterest clone script - Pinderful is the latest product which is nothing
but a pinterest clone software developed by
Cogzidel Technologies. - With its professionals expertise in developing
clone scripts, this social image tagging
application has been developed with keen
attention given to all parts of the script
starting from professional design to the dazzling
and creative layout within it.
6Pinderful Demo
7Features of Pinderful
- The features which this pinterest clone carries
do mark its significance in the midst of other
pinterest clones available in the market. Few of
its features includes - Image tagging
- Pin board
- Category
- Profile and much more
- With more features such as FB Connect, Twitter
Connect, Invite Friends, Find Friends, iPhone /
iPad app and much more to be included in the next
version of this social photo sharing script, it
will be an ideal choice for users looking for the
ultimate pinterest clone.
8Pinterest Clone Development Company
- Cogzidel Technologies, a custom web development
and mobile application development company has
been providing loads of amazing clone scripts to
users which are creative and appealing. - As the clone scripts are crafted by its talented
professionals, they are offering the scripts of
high quality with unique and latest design at an
affordable price. - Hence users have been availing the scripts such
as Groupon clone, Yipit clone, Airbnb clone,
Pinterest clone and much more without much
concern about the price they will be spending for
it as they are aware of fact that it will always
be low.
9Interested to buy this Pinterest Clone Script?
- Pinterest clone script is ready for sale now
- Till date, 50 scripts have been sold after the
launch of PINDERFUL - Hope you all will love to avail this social image
bookmarking software - Would you like to know more about this amazing
clone script? Please feel free to contact our
online support team or email to
10Contact Us
- Address for communication
- Cogzidel Technologies Private Limited,
- 184, North Veli Street,
- Madurai 625 001.
- Phone 91-452-4282000
- Fax 91-452-4376756
- Website http//www.cogzidel.com/