Title: Palm Beach Lawyer for accident victims
1Fetterman AssociatesThe Law Team
- Personal Injury Lawyers in Palm Beach
2The personal injury law team of Fetterman
Associates has been helping injury victims for
more than 30 years.
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3The Law Team handles motor vehicle accidents,
large truck accidents, serious accidents and
catastrophic injuries. The Law Teams accident
attorneys also represent nursing home abuse and
wrongful death in Palm Beach, St. Lucie, and
Martin counties.
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4An accident attorney or a personal injury lawyer
in from our offices in Palm Beach or Port St.
Lucie will discuss your rights as an injured
accident victim, without using legal jargon that
is difficult to understand.
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5As a client of Fetterman Associates, you will
be able to speak directly with an experienced
Florida accident attorney, not just a paralegal
or assistant. We take the time to consider your
problems and determine the best option for your
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6Our personal injury attorneys based in Palm Beach
have the skills and resources to reach a
favorable solution, whether its through
resolution or going to battle with insurance
companies and large corporations.
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7Our accident attorneys in Port St Lucie will
focus on solving your problems without causing
you additional stress and anxiety. Plus, we will
explain your rights without using hard to
understand legal jargon.
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8At Fetterman Associates, we fight powerful
insurance companies every day and see firsthand
the unfair and unscrupulous tactics they use to
delay and deny legitimate injury claims.
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9Contact us today at 1-866-865-1244 for a free
legal consultation with a Palm Beach accident
attorney regarding your injury case.
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10Fetterman AssociatesThe Law Team