Geography- Political Maps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Geography- Political Maps


This a power point that goes over political maps, the elections, and vocabulary. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Geography- Political Maps

Political Maps
  • Portfolio Project
  • Green4Good
  • Geography and Society

Created by, Green4Good
The Purpose of this Project
  • The purpose of this project is to teach you the
    different parts of our government. Including how
    elected officials get voted into office and how
    their jobs work! You will also learn about how
    political maps play a great role in our

The purpose of political maps
The purpose of a political map is to show
territories such as countries, states, or
counties. It can also show us the different
districts in our state! Districts are areas
divided in the state to show who the senator, or
representatives are for each area. Find a
political map of your state, find your city, and
then lookup your district number and see who your
elected officials are!
Example of a political map
Popular Vote
Definition A popular vote is the vote for a
U.S presidential candidate made by qualified
voters. Interesting Facts To be a qualified
voter you must be over the age of 18 and a U.S
citizen! When you vote, you mark off which
presidential candidate you are voting for on
ballots. These ballots are then counted by
officials. The candidate who has the most votes
from the people are elected as the next president
of the United States.
Electoral Vote
Definition A vote cast by the Electoral College
of the U.S, by the representatives of each state
in a presidential election. Interesting
Facts The number of representatives in each
state are based on the population. New York and
Texas are very populous states. New York has 29
representatives and Texas has 30.
Democratic Party
The Democratic party in the United States is one
of two major political parties, the other being
the Republican Party (See next slide for
information on the Republican Party). It tends
to favor greater government intervention in the
economy and less intervention in the private,
noneconomic affairs of U.S citizens.
Interesting Facts Our president, Barack
Obama, is a Democrat. The Donkey is the symbol
for the Democratic Party.
Republican Party
The Republican party is the other major political
party in the United States. It was founded by
anti- slavery activists in 1854. They are known
for less government regulation and wanting to
lower taxes. Interesting Facts Abraham
Lincoln was the first Republican president. The
Elephant is the Republican Partys symbol
Presidential Elections
Our Current President is Mr. Barack Obama, the
44th president of the United States. He was
elected president November 8, 2008 and stepped
into office on January 20th, 2010. His term will
end January 20th, 2013 after the 45th president
will be elected in November of 2012.
Presidential Elections
  • There are quite a few different roles the
    president has to be apart of! Here are some of
  • Chief of State- The president acts as an
    inspiring figure for the American people.
  • Chief Executive- The President chooses officials
    to help run the Executive branch.
  • Chief Diplomat- The President tells American
    Diplomats and Ambassadors what they should say to
    foreign governments.
  • Commander-in-Chief- The President decides where
    troops in the army will be stationed and how
    weapons will be used. The military takes orders
    from our president.
  • Chief Legislator- The president influences
    Congress in its law making since the president
    cant make the laws himself.
  • Chief of Party- In this role the president acts
    as a campaign manager for members who have
    supported his policies so they might get elected
    into office as well.
  • Chief Guardian of the Economy- Here the
    president manages things like unemployment,
    business, taxes, and anything money related that
    he can help to make the economy better

Congessional Elections
  • Congressmen/women are publicly elected officials
    of the United States government. They are
    responsible for laws that affect everyone in the
    states they represent.
  • The congressman for my district is Joe

Senatorial Elections
A senators job is to review bills or laws. They
serve on committees that focus on different
topics such as budget, health care, education,
transportation, and more! If a bill is passed
then the senators are responsible for voting on
it. Not only does the senate have the power to
vote on bills but they can also choose to impeach
the president! They spend part of the year
working in Washington D.C and another part of the
year working in their home state/state they
represent. The senator for my
district is Chris Harris.
Now you see how our government works when it
comes down to voting for our government officials
and what their jobs are. You also learned how
maps arent just to show where places are, but
they also help us when we are voting for things
like government officials that have our districts
needs in mind! Geography and Government go hand
in hand in many ways! Im sure we will learn
about more of those ways later!
Bibliography of Pictures
Thanks to several different sites I was able to
obtain my information and pictures! Here are the
helpful sites!
Mr. Bookworm. Photobucket.2011. 3
November 2011 http//
stopsign.Photobucket.2011. 3 November
2011 http//
n/powerexec/stop-sign.png?o32 next button
Photobucket.2011 3 November
2011 http//
ton/kaljukass/next.png?o6 Blue Arrow
Photobucket.2011. 4 November
2011 http//
ton/123ert678io0/next.gif?o11 Electoral Votes
World Atlas.2000. 3 November
2011 http//
america/usstates/electorl.htm Republican
Elephant.factMonster.2008.Pearson Education.
2 November 2011 http//
a/A0881985.html Democrat Donkey.Solid
Principles Blog.2010.Blog. 2 November 2011
ty-donkey/ Chris Harris. Santa Anna News. 2007.
News 3 November 2011 http//www.santaannan ChrisHarrisSenator
Facebook. 2011.facebook 4 November 2011

Bibliography of Pictures Cont.
Thanks to several different sites I was able to
obtain my information and pictures! Here are the
helpful sites!
Joe Barton Calvin Ayre.2011. Calvin Ayre.
4 November 2011 http//
tee/ Joe Barton news Events.2007.TCUniversity
4 November 2011 http//
799.asp Change we can believe in Renovo Media.
2009. Renovo. 3 November 2011
ng-drop-in-50-years/ Obama Speech News at
spread it. 2010.News 3 November 2011
l-it-help-his-approval-rating/ Inaugural Walk
Time.2009. Time Magazine 3 November 2011
2698,00.html President Obama Whitehouse. 2011.
Government 3 November 2011
2698,00.html Ballot Box Rage and Love 78.
2011. Blogspot 3 November 2011
r-alternative.html Political Map of Texas
OU.2004. education. 2 November 2011
Bibliography of information
Thanks to several different sites I was able to
obtain my information and pictures! Here are the
helpful sites! "Democratic Party." Encyclopedia
Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 2011. Web. 4 Nov.
2011. http//
57244/Democratic-Party President Obama White
house. 2011. Government.Web. 4 Nov.
2011 http//
ident-obama/ Roles of a President
Scholastic. 2011. Scholastic inc.Web 3 Nov.
2011 http//
ven-roles-one-president Congressman eHow.
2011. eHow.Web 3 Nov. 2011 http//
Find your Elected Representatives Government
Tracker. 2011.Web 2 Nov. 2011 http//www.govtrack.
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I hope you learned something new!
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