Title: Bill Hionas Advises On Purchasing Precious Metals Bullion
1(1888PressRelease) Investors may have questions
as to the best way to invest in precious
metals. MIAMI, FL - Given the recent volatility
in the precious metals market, many potential
investors may be asking themselves "Should I
still buy gold?" or "How should I invest in
precious metals?" Unlike stocks, bonds and other
commodities, precious metals have an intrinsic
value that cannot be eliminated, no matter what
may happen to the global economy, even a stock
market crash. Gold, in particular, therefore
serves as a safe haven for investors interested
in wealth protection. Gold and silver are
actually minted as coins and have served for
centuries as actual money. They are not just a
promise to pay, like a paper bill, but an actual
precious metal. As people are becoming
increasingly nervous about fiat currencies, which
rely on faith in the governments that issued
them, gold and silver represent
reassurance. There are many different ways to
buy precious metals but bullion is the preferred
method. Owning precious metals bullion is
comparable to owning real estate, arguably better
in fact. The value cannot be wiped out and it can
be traded easily, anywhere in the world and in
any major currency. Despite the recent volatility
in the market, gold has still performed extremely
well anyone who bought gold a few months ago is
showing a handsome profit, even at the current
price. "Precious metals bullion is a unique
financial instrument," says Bill Hionas. "Most
investors realize the value of gold as a hedge
against economic uncertainty but investment
demand is growing for the white metals
also." Bill Hionas runs Pan American Metals of
Miami, which trades in gold, silver, platinum and
palladium. PAMOM is located in Miami Beach where
it is at the financial hub of North and South
2About Bill Hionas Bill Hionas is CEO of Pan
American Metals of Miami, LLC, a group of
traders, investors and brokers who combine many
years of experience to help clients invest in
bullion. PAMM provides an individual investment
service and is based in Miami, Florida for
convenient access to both North and South
American investors. Website http//www.billhiona
s.com http//www.panamericanmetalsofmiami.com
Press Contact Debbie Bailey Executive
Administrator Pan American Metals of Miami,
LLC Email dbailey ( _at_ ) investpanam dot com
Website http//www.billhionas.com
http//www.panamericanmetalsofmiami.com Source h