Title: Dave Silipigno - Saratoga Springs
1Dave Silipigno Is A Versatile Businessman From
Saratoga County
2Based in Saratoga Springs, Dave Silipigno is a
versatile businessman who has implemented his
knowledge and experience in many different
business areas. National Finance Corp. (NFC) was
the first business project that Dave worked on.
It was a call center dealings based company that
created vast job opportunities for the people of
Saratoga County.
3His business skills and knowledge helped him to
succeed on the business front. He was the founder
and/or lead consultant to five area businesses
including First Guarantee Mortgage, Industry
Partners Title, Saratoga Studios, Saratoga
Venture Capital and The Principal Commercial. He
co-produced a movie named 'The Skeptic' under the
banner of Saratoga Studios.
4This movie was written and directed by Tennyson
Bardwell. 'The Skeptic' was widely acclaimed by
everyone as it had the correct combination of
thrill and horror. For the past 18 years, Dave
has been teaching mortgage business to thousands
of people as he believes in sharing his success
and experience with others so that it can help
the aspiring businesspersons across the world.
5Along with being a skilled entrepreneur, Dave
Silipigno is also a social worker. His generous
nature reflects in his philanthropic deeds. He
started the 'David B. Silipigno Foundation', an
organization that is committed to provide
emotional, social and financial support to the at
risk children of Saratoga County and the outlying
6The foundation creates a positive environment for
these children. David B. Silipigno Foundation is
associated to a number of charitable trusts
welfare organizations and supports them
financially. The organizations linked with David
B. Silipigno Foundation are Arthritis
Foundation, Saratoga Center for Family, Catholic
Charities, Mental Health Foundation, YMCA of
Saratoga and many others.
7About Dave Silipigno Dave Silipigno is a
entrepreneur and lifelong humanitarian based in
Saratoga Springs. He is also the founder of David
B. Silipigno Foundation, an organization for the
upliftment of underprivileged children. Dave has
been teaching mortgage since past 18 years and
was the founder and/or lead consultant to five
area businesses including First Guarantee Mortgage
8Industry Partners Title, Saratoga Studios,
Saratoga Venture Capital and The Principal
Commercial. His first business venture was
National Finance Corp. (NFC) that created many
employment opportunities for the youth of
Saratoga County. To find more about him, please
log on to http//www.davidbsilipignofoundation.com