Title: Online Legal Training
1Legal Studies Course
2CPD Interactive is a company run by Natalie
Wieland, Samantha Lawry and Danielle Segal.
3Natalie Wieland is a lawyer with a graduate
diploma in Management Information Systems. She
has 12 years of experience training legal and
other professionals, particularly in online
training, and a large network within the legal
services industry.
4She runs her own business, Bliss Consulting
(visit Bliss), which provides tailor-made
training to a range of individuals and
organizations, primarily in legal research, and
has built a significant amount of goodwill.
5Samantha Lawry holds Honours in Law, with nine
years of legal experience, and a Diploma of Arts
in Professional Writing and Editing from RMIT.
She works as a writer/editor, in communications
and community legal education, as well as
6Danielle Segal, Business Manager, joined CPD
Interactive in August 2008. Danielle has worked
in a variety of marketing and sales roles for a
period of 25 years at Hewlett-Packard.
7Liz Kollias, Manager Sydney office.
Liz graduated from Monash Uni Arts Law in 2003
and practiced law for 15 years including 7 years
as a partner of a small firm practicing in
commercial, property and wills and probate.
Recently she relocated from Melbourne to Sydney
to set up the CPD Interactive office there.
8Contact us to find out how we can help you find a
solution to meet your professional development
9Keep an eye out for our News, read our Blog or
follow us on Twitter.
10Thank You