Title: DJ Ownbey Reviews
1 DJ Ownbey Psychic - An Ohio Resident With
Offices in New York CIty and Independence, Ohio
2Is an experienced Love Psychic Relationship
Coach who is regularly consulted by stockbrokers,
celebrities and socialites from all four corners
of the world. He has been reading client's
futures in love, health and money for past 21
years and presently can be heard on
3He is a writer for Article Base, Ezine and
Examiner, DJ Ownbey is the former host of DJ's
Advice and Star Talk (WERE Cleveland Ohio). He
is featured on the Best Psychic Directory of
Detective Bob Olson's Directory
4A Resident of Cleveland, DJ Ownbey Psychic has
demonstrated powers of healing for sick animals
since his childhood. He facilitates a puppy
rescue where he helps very young puppies that
don't have a mother, and unwanted abandoned
puppies. He also rescues puppies that are
suffering from Parvo, which is a viral disease
that impacts dogs, especially puppies.
5Aside from traditional veterinary care, he
utilizes Reiki and various Pranic Healing
Techniques that have produced amazing results. In
addition, he has donated his time to raise money
for M.A.D.D. and Lupus Foundation of America
Multiple Sclerosis Society.
6DJ Ownbey is a 4th generation psychic and uses
his abilities to help clients understand what
they are facing in the present and what lies
ahead in the future. He also serves as a life
coach and helps his clients move beyond the
problem they are facing to their solution.