Title: Garmin Nuvi 265W
1Garmin Nuvi 265W
2Garmin Nuvi 265W is perhaps one of the highest
low-end models of Garmin GPS products. It is
marked by the Bluetooth feature it has although
it is sold with a very affordable price compared
to the other models which has this feature.
3Other than the Bluetooth this is actually a
pretty basic unit it has no MP3 player, voice
recognition and also no FM transmitter or any
lineout that you can connect it to your cars
4However, there is another feature that set this
unit apart from other budget models, that is the
Traffic updates.
5Garmin Nuvi 265W is pretty good as navigation
assistant, it does its main function well, that
is to get your from point A to point B.
6The HotFix feature might work a little slow in
locking the satellites at the first time you take
the unit out of its box, but after the satellites
are locked, it will stay there that the next time
you turn it on.
7You should experience no more waiting because
your unit can find them more quickly.
- Read full article
- http//vehiclegpsunitsinfo.com/garmin-nuvi-265w/