Title: Bill Hionas Leads Precious Metals Brokerage
1Bill Hionas Leads Precious Metals Brokerage
(1888PressRelease) Bill Hionas heads the team at
Pan American Metals of Miami. MIAMI, FL Bill
Hionas is CEO of Pan American Metals of Miami, a
precious metals brokerage based in Miami,
Florida. The precious metals market is attracting
considerable interest among investors at the
moment as people rush to find a safe-haven
investment in light of debt fears in Europe and
concerns over the eleventh hour debt compromise
that emerged from Washington earlier this
week. Precious metals have a unique attraction
for investors the beautiful metals have an
intrinsic value making them desirable in their
own right and ensuring that they maintain their
value, even when currencies around the world may
be struggling. The precious metals market is also
based, as all markets, on supply and demand and
supplies of ore are scarce while demand generally
remains high. Gold demand is dominated by
investment interest and the jewelry industry
whereas the other three metals all see
considerable industrial demand. This means that
they are more greatly affected by the strength or
weakness of the industrial sector. "Prudent
investors are diversifying their portfolios to
include precious metals bullion," says Bill
Hionas. "Precious metals bullion is a unique
financial instrument investors are purchasing a
true physical holding in a precious metal."
Gold is the first choice for most buyers seeking
long-term growth and wealth protection however,
silver, platinum and palladium all have
attractions for investors. Silver also attracts
safe-haven buying and, like gold, may be seen as
almost the same as actual money. Platinum and
palladium rely more on the health of the
automotive industry where they are largely used
in the manufacture of catalytic converters.
2Pan American Metals of Miami has a team of
brokers, led by Bill Hionas, to assist clients
with their investment needs. About Bill
Hionas Bill Hionas is CEO of Pan American Metals
of Miami, LLC, a group of traders, investors and
brokers who combine many years of experience to
help clients invest in bullion. PAMM provides an
individual investment service and is based in
Miami, Florida for convenient access to both
North and South American investors. Website
http//www.billhionas.info http//www.panamerican
metalsofmiami.com Press Contact Debbie
Bailey Executive Administrator Pan American
Metals of Miami, LLC Email dbailey ( _at_ )
investpanam dot com Website http//www.billhionas
.info http//www.panamericanmetalsofmiami.com So
urce http//www.1888pressrelease.com/bill-hionas-