Title: Bill Hionas Explains the Fascination of Precious Metals
1Bill Hionas Explains the Fascination of Precious
(1888PressRelease) Precious metals are highly
attractive to investors. MIAMI, FL - Bill Hionas
leads the brokerage team at Pan American Metals
of Miami. Bill has years of experience, not only
in the precious metals market, but also in the
businesses of real estate and boating. Pan
American Metals of Miami has a strong team of
traders and brokers available to assist clients
wishing to invest in precious metals. "Gold has
fascinated mankind for thousands of years," says
Bill Hionas. "It has been used by artisans since
the fourth millennium BC to craft beautiful and
intricate artifacts. Now it attracts demand not
only from craftsmen and jewelers but from
investors who are purchasing gold as a hedge
against inflation or currency devaluation." There
is considerable investment demand for gold from
those investors looking for wealth generation and
protection. Gold is durable and holds its value,
unlike paper currencies that are only as good as
the governments who issue them. Current concerns
over national and international debt are driving
investors towards gold and other precious metals
and away from cash investments. Silver is often
termed 'poor man's gold' as it provides a very
accessible entry point into the precious metals
market trading at approximately 1/40 the price
of gold. In times of economic crisis, silver can
outperform gold as a safe-haven investment in
fact, silver has tripled in value over the last
three years. Silver also sees extensive demand
from industry.
2Platinum and palladium both have rarity value
ore sources are limited and there is demand both
from the jewelry and the automotive industry,
where they are used in the manufacture of
catalytic converters. Due to its beauty and
rarity, platinum was declared by Louis XV to be
the 'only metal fit for a king'. About Bill
Hionas Bill Hionas is CEO of Pan American Metals
of Miami, LLC, a group of traders, investors and
brokers who combine many years of experience to
help clients invest in bullion. PAMM provides an
individual investment service and is based in
Miami, Florida for convenient access to both
North and South American investors. Website
http//www.billhionas.com http//www.panamericanm
etalsofmiami.com Press Contact Debbie
Bailey Executive Administrator Pan American
Metals of Miami, LLC Email dbailey ( _at_ )
investpanam dot com Website http//www.billhionas
.com http//www.panamericanmetalsofmiami.com Sou
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