Title: Order Process: Purchase Card PCard Model WalkThrough
1Order Process Purchase Card (PCard)Model
- SITG/OO_edi Demonstration Project
- October 1999
- Context
- Use Case
- Sequence Diagram
- Activity - Buyer
- Activity - Seller
3Context - Purpose
- What is the purpose of this model?
- Develop a description of the business process
called Order Process Purchasing Card (PCard) so
common business objects can be identified,
documented, built and tested. The scope of this
business process encompasses order request
through order confirmation.
- Basic Questions
- What are the goals of this system?
- What is the data required to achieve the goals of
the system that is passing between system
interfaces? - Who or what provides the data that is passing
between system interfaces? (Sources?) - What are the key activities being performed to
achieve the goal of the system? - Who and/or what are the key players in the
system? - What are the constraints, controls and rules by
which the system is to operate?
4Context - Scope
- Business Domain Order Process Purchasing Card
(PCcard) - Definition The scope of this model is the
receipt of the request and the creation,
placement and confirmation of an order using the
Order Process Purchasing Card (PCcard)
5Context - System Boundaries
- External Activities to the System under study
- PCard set-up / Management / Administration of
PCard within the Company / Corporation - Management of the application process for a PCard
- PCard issuing to employees
- PCard return to corporation
- Disputes
- Adjustments
- Reconciliation
- Auditing
- Regulatory
- IT View / Network provider
- Treasury
- Authorization of Supplier
- Commodity Authorization
- PCard Processor
- Settlement
- Post confirmation PCard authorization
6Context - System BoundariesContinued
- Roles Internal Activities External Activities
- Requestor
- Identifies need
- Submits Requests
- Receives Goods and Services
- Buyer (PCard Holder)
- Orders Goods and Services (enhanced for PCard)
- Acknowledges to Requestor the status of the
order - Supplier
- Receives enhanced Order
- Send Request for Authorization
- Receives Authorization and codes
- Bills card issuer
- Satisfies Order
- Acknowledgement to PCard order regarding
status of order - PCard Issuer
- Issues PCard
- Receive authorization request
- Acknowledgement of authorization
status_with code
7USE CASEOrder Process Purchase Card (PCard).
- Description of how a system can be used (from an
external actors point of view). - Use cases show the functionality of a system, and
are described in terms of external actors, use
cases, and the system being modeled.
8USE CASEActor - Buyer
- Buyer
- A buyer is the requestor of goods and services.
In this context, the buyer places the order and
receives the confirmation. The Buyer has a
PCard. - Attributes of the Buyer
- --Authority to create order
- --Authority to buy product or service
- --Issued a PCard
- The role is performed by various actors -- buyer,
administrative support, managers, procurement
officers, replenishment system, etc.
Create Order
Authorizing Agent
Accept Order
Order Confirmation
9USE CASEActor - Supplier
- Supplier
- A supplier is the provider of goods and services.
In this context, the supplier accepts and
confirms the order. - The role is performed by various actors -- retail
clerk, internet provider, order fulfillment and
manager, etc.
10USE CASEActor - Authorizing Agent
- Authorizing Agent
- The authorizing agent receives the request for
authorization and returns a response. The role
is performed by a credit card company. - The authorization process is outside the scope of
this model.
11USE CASEUse Case Name - Create Order
- Create Order
- Definition The buyer receives a request for the
purchase of goods or services determines if
there is a supplier that can fill the request and
accepts a purchasing card (PCard) compile the
order and sends the order. - Sub Activities
- --Receive request
- --Validate request
- --Select supplier
- --Deny purchase
- --Compile order
- --Send order
12USE CASEUse Case Name - Create Order
- Initiators
- A request to purchase specific service(s) or
good(s). - Terminators
- Communicate order.
- Deny request.
- Withdraw request.
- Unacceptable supplier.
- Controlling Factors
- --Ability to determine valid P-card enabled
supplier. - --Access to information required to validate
supplier. - Exceptions to PCard Process
- --Continuous Replenishmjent Program (CRP)
- --Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
- Pre Condition
- Request for product or service to be ordered
exists. - Post Condition
- Completed order sent to supplier.
- Desired Output
- Successfully sent order to supplier.
- Input Required to Act
- -Request.
- Output From This Action
- Completed order sent to supplier.
13USE CASEUse Case Name - Accept Order
- Accept Order
- Definition The supplier receives the order from
the buyer validates the order, and obtains
authorization for the purchase. - Sub Activities
- --Receive order
- --Validate buyer
- --Validate product
- --Check product availability
- --Price order
- --Buyer credit check (BCC) required ?
- --BCC
- --Required PCard authorization before ship
- --Conduct authorization
- --Release order
14USE CASEUse Case Name - Accept Order
- Initiators Receipt of order from buyer
- Terminators
- --Release of order --Unrecognized buyer
- --Unrecognized product --Product not available
- --Credit not approved --Authorization declined
- Controlling Factors
- --Access to PCard authorization data
- --Access to internal data
- --Business rules
- a. Buyer identification
- b. Product identifiication
- c. Product availability
- d. Internal credit check
- e. External authorization
- Exceptions to normal PCard process None
- Pre Conditions Order is available
- PostConditions Sent order
- Desired Output Accepted order
- Input required to Act Order
- Output from this Action
- --Processed order
- --Pick list
- --Order status
15USE CASEUse Case Name - Order Confirmation
- Order Confirmation
- Definition The supplier explicitly conveys
confirmation or the buyer assumes confirmation
that the order placed has been accepted.
16USE CASEUse Case Name - Order Confirmation
- Initiator --Release of the order
- Terminators --Completion of confirmation
- Controlling Factors
- --Access to required data.
- --Ability to communicate between buyer/seller
- --Business rule(s)
- a. Confirmation
- Exceptions --Provisional confirmation given to
buyer because order can not be confirmed.
- Pre Condition --Released order
- Post Condition --Communicated order status
- Desired Output --Explicit or implied
confirmation of order. - Input Required To Act --Order status
- Output from action --Confirmed order
17Sequence Diagram
- Describes how objects interact with each other.
- Sequence diagrams focus on time, meaning they
display when messages are sent and received
18Activity - Buyer
- Shows interactions, focusing on the work
performed. - The activity diagram displays a sequence of
actions including alternative execution and
objects involved in performing the work.
19Activity - BuyerReceive Request
- 1. Defined --Communication of a requirement for
P-card purchase to p-card holder - 2. Sub activities -None
- 3. Initiators --Initiated by request.
- 4. Terminators - Request is received by p-card
holder. - 5. Controlling factors -- Policies, limits,
authorization, and communications. - 6. Exceptions - none
- 7. Pre condition -- P-card holder not aware of
request. - 8. Post condition --P-card holder aware of
request. - 9. Desired output -- Request adequately
communicated to p-card holder. - 10. Input required to act -- order request
- 11. Output -- received request
20Activity - Buyer Valid Request
- 1. Define--Ensure the requester and request is
valid, i.e. is it an authorized purchase, p-card
holder, product (given the p-card limits for that
purchase.) - 2. Sub activities
- -- Check p-card limits/contraints system/reports
- -- Check employee records or P-card set up
- 3. Initiators--Received order request
- 4. Terminators--Decision on validation
- 5. Controlling factors -- Availability of P-card
system, reports, management staff. - 6 Exceptions -- None
- 7. Precondition --Invalidated request
- 8. Post condition-- valid request or invalid
request - 9. Desired output -- Correct validation.
- 10. Input required to act -- request
- 11. Output -- decision
21Activity - Buyer Select Supplier
- 1. Definition Determine if supplier has ability
to deliver products or services per requirements - 2 Sub activity Check catalog, Check database,
check historic orders - 3 Initiators Valid order request
- 4 Terminator Determination of product/supplier
availability - 5 Controlling factors Availability of catalogs,
databases - 6 Exceptions Partial availability of products
or substitutions. - 7 Pre condition A validated request
- 8. Post condition Supplier selected
- 9. Desired output Correct decision
- 10. Input validated request
- 11. Output Selected supplier or no supplier
22Activity - Buyer Compile Order
- 1. Definition Assemble required information to
send order to specific supplier. - 2. Sub activity none
- 3. Initiators Valid request and selected
supplier - 4. Terminator compiled order
- 5. Controlling factors Have all information,
access to information - 6. Exceptions None
- 7. Precondition Validated request with selected
supplier - 8 Post conditions compiled order
- 9. Desired output properly compiled order
- 10 Input required to act validated request
- 11. Output order
23Activity - Buyer Send Order
- 1. Define -- Send the completed order to the
selected supplier - 2. Sub activity none
- 3. Initiators Compiled Order
- 4. Terminators Order is sent
- 5. Controlling Factors Communication available,
policies and procedures - 6. Exception none
- 7. Precondition compiled order
- 8 Post Condition sent order
- 9 Desired output sent order
- 10 Input compiled order
- 11 Output sent order
24Activity - Supplier
- Shows interactions, focusing on the work
performed. - The activity diagram displays a sequence of
actions including alternative execution and
objects involved in performing the work.
25Activity - Supplier Receive Order
- 1 Definition Receipt by supplier of an order.
- 2 Sub Activities
- -- Monitor for order (check to see if order
present) - -- Check completeness of order
- 3 Initiators Buyer sends order
- 4 Terminators Order received
- 5 Controlling Factors
- -- Manual - during business hours (buyer
Service Representative/ Human Resources
Available) - -- Automated - System available
- 6 Exception none
- 7 Precondition Waiting for order
- 8 Post condition Order received
- 9 Desired output Received order
- 10 Input required to act Order sent from buyer
- 11 Output
- -- Complete order
- -- Incomplete order
26Activity - Supplier Indentify Buyer
- 1 Definition Establish identity of buyer
- 2 Sub Activities
- - Check internal database
- - Record identifier information provided by
buyer and verify - - Check outside sources
- 3 Initiators Receipt of order
- 4 Terminators Completion of data gathering on
buyer - 5 Controlling Factors Availability of systems,
resources - 6 Exceptions none
- 7 Pre Conditions Buyer not identified
- 8 Post Conditions
- --Buyer identified
- --Buyer not identified
- 9 Desired Output Correctly Identify buyer
- 10 Input required to act Buyer information from
order - 11 Output
- --Order with an identified buyer
- --Order with an unidentified buyer
27Activity - Supplier Identify Product(s)
- 1 Definition Identify the product(s)
- 2 Sub Activities
- --Check product catalog
- --Validate status of product
- --Reformat or convert to an acceptable format,
etc. - 3 Initiators Receipt of order
- 4 Terminators
- --Invalid product code
- --Valid product code
- 5 Controlling Factors Order processing business
rules - 6 Exceptions none
- 7 Pre conditions Product not identified
- 8 Post conditions
- -- Order with all products identified
- -- Order with all products unidentified
- -- Order with some products unidentified
- 9 Desired Output Correctly identify the product
- 10 Input required to act Product information
from order - 11 Output
28Activity - Supplier Check Availability
- Definition Determine if product can be provided
per buyer's request. - 2 Subactivities Verify buyer is authorized to
order product. - 3 Initiators Order with identified products.
- 4 Terminators Determination of product
availability. - 5 Controlling factors
- -- Business policies and procedures.
- -- System availability
- 6 Exceptions None
- 7 Pre condition Inventory status unknown.
- 8 Post condition Inventory status known.
- 9 Desired Output Availability of ordered
products. -
- 10 Input required to act Order with identified
products. - 11 Output Order with product availability status.
29Activity - Supplier Split order
- 1 Definition Decision to process an order when
some of the products are unidentified. - 2 Subactivities None
- 3 Initiators Order with some products
unidentified - 4 Terminators Decision made
- 5 Controlling factors Business rules
- 6 Exceptions None
- 7 Pre condition Some products unidentified
- 8 Post condition Decision made
- 9 Desired Output Correctly applying business
rules - 10 Input required to act Order with some
products unidentified - 11 Output Decision
30Activity - Supplier Execute Split
- 1 Definition Split order into identified and
unidentified products. - 2 Subactivities None
- 3 Initiators Order with some unidentified
products. - 4 Terminators Creation of order with identified
products and order with unidentified products. - 5 Controlling factors Business rules regarding
split orders. - 6 Exceptions None
- 7 Pre condition Existence of order with some
unidentified products. - 8 Post condition
- -- Order with identified products.
- -- Order with unidentified products.
- 9 Desired Output Split order
- 10 Input required to act Identified and
unidentified products. - 11 Output
- -- Order with identified products.
- -- Order with unidentified products.
31Activity - Supplier Price Order
- 1 Definition Assign monetary value to available
products. - 2 Subactivities
- -- Identify contract price / Currency
- -- Calculate shipping handling, tax
- -- Special pricing/Volume pricing
- --Terms Conditions
- 3 Initiators Identified buyer, identified
product, and available product. - 4 Terminators Order priced
- 5 Controlling factors
- -- Access to contract database
- -- Access to list price catalog
- -- Shipping, handling, and tax rules
- 6 Exceptions None
- 7 Pre condition Unpriced order
- 8 Post condition Priced order
- 9 Desired Output Correctly priced order
- 10 Input required to act Unpriced order
- 11 Output Priced order.
32Activity - Supplier Is Buyer Credit Check (BCC)
- 1 Definition Determine if business rule requires
internal credit check of buyer once the order has
been priced. - 2 Subactivities None
- 3 Initiators Priced order
- 4 Terminators Final decision on BCC required Y/N
- 5 Controlling factors None
- 6 Exceptions None
- 7 Pre condition Unknown if internal BCC is
required. - 8 Post condition BCC requirement is known.
- 9 Desired Output Correct decision
- 10 Input required to act Priced order
- 11 Output
- -- Priced order with BCC required.
- -- Priced order BCC not required.
33Activity - Supplier Buyer Credit Check (BCC)
- 1 Definition Determine credit worthiness of the
buyer. - 2 Subactivities None
- 3 Initiators Priced order with BCC requirement.
- 4 Terminators Credit worthiness determined.
- 5 Controlling factors
- -- Access to database
- -- Business Rules
- -- Availability of credit checking staff
- 6 Exceptions None
- 7 Pre condition Priced order requiring a BCC.
- 8 Post condition Priced order with BCC
completed. - 9 Desired Output Priced order with a correct
credit status. - 10 Input required to act Priced order with BCC
requirement. - 11 Output Credit status for buyer
34Activity - Supplier Is PCard Authorization
required before shipping?
- 1 Definition Determine if PCard authorization
is required before shipping. - 2 Subactivities None
- 3 Initiators
- -- Priced order with BCC approved
- -- Priced order with BCC not required.
- 4 Terminators Decision
- 5 Controlling factors Business rules and
procedures - 6 Exceptions None
- 7 Pre condition Priced order with either an
approved BCC or BCC not required. - 8 Post condition Knowledge about the PCard
authorization requirement before shipment. - 9 Desired Output Correct decision to accomplish
PCard authorization. - 10 Input required to act Priced order with
either an approved BCC or BCC not required. - 11 Output
- -- Priced order with authorization required
before shipping. - -- Priced order not requiring authorization
before shipping.
35Activity - Supplier Conduct Authorization
- 1 Definition Request and receive authorization
data for PCard purchase from authorizing agent.
Note Authorization includes approval or denial.
- 2 Subactivities
- -- Compile level 1, 2, or 3 data.
- -- Communicate authorization data.
- 3 Initiators Priced order requiring PCard
authorization before shipment. - 4 Terminators Return of authorization data.
- 5 Controlling factors Availability of P-card
authorization systems. - 6 Exceptions None
- 7 Pre condition PCard authorization required
before shipment. - 8 Post condition Authorization data received.
- 9 Desired Output Authorization data.
- 10 Input required to act Priced order requiring
PCard authorization before shipment. - 11 Output Authorization data -- approved or
36Activity - Supplier Release Order
- 1 Definition Forward order data to warehouse for
fulfillment. - 2 Subactivities None
- 3 Initiators
- -- PCard authorized order.
- -- Order not requiring PCard authorization.
- 4 Terminators Order released.
- 5 Controlling factors Availability of supplier
order fulfillment system. - 6 Exceptions None
- 7 Pre condition Order is awaiting release.
- 8 Post condition Order has been released.
- 9 Desired Output Released order that fulfills
buyer requirements. - 10 Input required to act Order waiting release.
- 11 Output Released order