Title: Life Cycle of Rice
Life Cycle of Rice Plant Dr. Md. Harunur
Rashid CSP, IRRI
7 June 2011, IRRI Office, Dhaka
2Phases and stages of rice plant
3 3 Phases1. Vegetative phase2. Reproductive
phase3. Ripening phase
4Ripening phase- 30 days,Reproductive phase 30
daysRest part vegetative phase
5Growth phases of rice plant (Varietals
6Impact of temperature on growth phases
(BR 3)
Vegetative Phase 110 days
Reproductive 30 days
Ripening 30 days
Boro (170 days)
Vegetative Phase 70 days
Reproductive 30 days
Ripening 30 days
Aus (130 days)
Vegetative Phase 85 days
Reproductive 30 days
Ripening 30 days
T. Aman (145 days)
7Vegetative phase
- Basic vegetative phase
- Lag vegetative/ photosensitive phase
- Period of this stage Generally 35-65 days.
However, some varieties it takes 20 days and some
other takes 85 days
8Photoperiod sensitive rice
- PI depends on day length
- Takes more time after completing of basic
vegetative phase
9Example of photosensitivity
- Photo insensitive
- Veg. Rep. Ripen.
13 hrs day - Veg. Rep. Ripen
11 hrs day - Photo insensitive/ photosensitive
- Veg. Rep Ripen. 13 hrs
day -
- Veg. Rep. Ripen.
11 hrs day
10Stages of Rice1. Germination stage
11Coleorhiza starts before coleoptile
12But coleoptile comes out earlier than coleorhiza
13Soaking for 24-48 hrs and incubation for 24-72
hrs germinattion occurs
14Seedling stage
15Seedling stage germination to 5 leaf stage
16Leaf number and tiller relationship
- X leaf -3
- (L-3)
- 1-3 -2 (no tiller)
- 2-3 -1 (no tiller)
- 3-3 0 (no tiller)
- 4-3 1 (no probability for tillering as leaf 1
is not fully expanded) - 5-3 2 (Tiller from 2 node)
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19In 200 c, 5 days/leaf In 250 c, 4 days/leaf
20Transplanting stage
- Transplanting to establishment
- In T. Aus and T. Aman 5-7 days
- In Boro 10-15 days
- 0 day in DSR
21Tillering stage
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25Stem elongation stage
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28Not visible up to 9 days1.0 t0 1.5 mm after 10
29Panicle development
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35Female organs
36Male organs
38Flowering at different parts of panicle
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45 4690-100 paddy hard and yellow colouy
47Leaf died
48Intercultural operations at different stages of
rice life cycle
- Weeding
- Fertilizer
- Irrigation
- Yield is the function of number of panicle,
filled spikelet and mean individual grain weight
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